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Calculate Institutional Ownership, Concentration, and Breadth Ratios
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/* ************** W R D S R E S E A R C H A P P L I C A T I O N S ************** */
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/* Summary : Calculate Institutional Ownership, Concentration, and Breadth Ratios */
/* Date : May 18, 2009 */
/* Author : Luis Palacios, Rabih Moussawi, and Denys Glushkov */
/* Variables : - INPUT : Thomson-Reuters 13F Data (TR-13F) S34TYPE3 Holdings data */
/* S34TYPE1 data for FDATE and RDATE variables */
/* - OUTPUT: IO_TimeSeries dataset with IO variables for common stocks */
/* ********************************************************************************* */
libname tfn "/wrds/tfn/sasdata/s34";
/* Step1. Specifying Options */
/* Select Date Ranges for CRSP and Thomson Data */
%let begdate = 01MAR1980;
%let enddate = 31DEC2010;
/* Create a CRSP Subsample with Monthly Stock and Event Variables */
/* Restriction on the type of shares (common stocks only) */
%let sfilter = (shrcd in (10,11));
/* Selected variables from the CRSP monthly data file (crsp.msf) */
%let msfvars = prc ret shrout cfacpr cfacshr;
/* Selected variables from the CRSP monthly event file (crsp.mse) */
%let msevars = ncusip exchcd shrcd ;
/* This procedure creates a Monthly CRSP dataset named "CRSP_M" */
/* Adjust Share and Price in Monthly Data */
/* and Since Thomson 13-F is Quarterly (FDATE & RDATE) */
/* Align CRSP month-end Dates and keep Quarter Ends */
data crsp_m; format QDATE date9.;
set crsp_m;
QDATE = INTNX('QTR',date,0,'E');
DATE = INTNX("MONTH",date,0,"E");
P = abs(prc)/cfacpr;
if TSO<=0 then TSO=.;
ME = P*TSO/1000000;
label P = "Price at Period End, Adjusted";
label TSO = "Total Shares Outstanding, Adjusted";
label ME = "Market Capitalization, x$1m";
drop ncusip prc cfacpr shrout exchcd shrcd ret;
format ret percentn8.4 ME P dollar12.3 TSO comma12.;
/* Keep Last Monthly Observation for Each quarter */
data crsp_m;
set crsp_m;
by permno qdate date;
if last.qdate;
drop date;
/* Step2. Merge TR-13f S34type1 and S34type3 Sets */
/* First, Keep First Vintage with Holdings Data for Each RDATE-MGRNO Combinations */
proc sql;
create table First_Vint
as select distinct rdate, fdate, mgrno, mgrname
from tfn.s34type1
group by mgrno, rdate
having fdate=min(fdate)
order by mgrno, rdate;
/* Marker for First and Last Quarters of Reporting & Reporting Gaps */
/* Exercise Helpful Mostly For Clean Time-Series Analysis */
data First_Vint;
set First_Vint;
by mgrno rdate;
length First_Report 3;
First_Report = (first.mgrno or intck("QTR",lag(rdate),rdate)>1);
/* Last Report by Institutional Manager, or Missing 13F Reports in the Next Quarter(s) */
proc sort data=First_Vint nodupkey; by mgrno descending rdate; run;
data First_Vint;
set First_Vint;
by mgrno descending rdate;
length Last_Report 3;
Last_Report = (first.mgrno or intck("QTR",rdate,lag(rdate))>1);
if ("&begdate"d <= rdate <="&enddate"d);
/* Add Total Number of 13F Filers During Each Quarter */
/* undo_policy=none is used to suppress the warning message */
proc sql undo_policy=none;
create table First_Vint
as select distinct *, count(mgrno) as NumInst
from First_Vint
group by rdate
order by fdate, mgrno;
/* Step3. Extract Holdings and Adjust Shares Held */
/* FDATE -Vintage Date- is used in Shares' Adjustment */
data Holdings_v1 / view=Holdings_v1;
merge First_Vint(in=a drop=mgrname)
tfn.s34type3(in=b drop=type sole shared no);
by fdate mgrno;
if a and b and shares>0;
/* Map TR-13F's Historical CUSIP to CRSP Unique Identifier PERMNO */
/* Keep Securities in CRSP Common Stock Universe */
proc sql;
create view Holdings_v2 as
select distinct a.rdate, a.fdate, a.mgrno, a.NumInst,
a.first_report, a.last_report, b.permno, a.shares
from Holdings_v1 as a,
(select distinct ncusip, permno from crsp.msenames
where not missing(ncusip)) as b
where a.cusip=b.ncusip;
/* Step4. Adjust Shares using CRSP Adjustment Factors aligned at Vintage Dates */
proc sql;
create table Holdings as
select distinct a.rdate, a.mgrno, a.NumInst, a.first_report, a.last_report,
a.permno, a.shares*b.cfacshr as shares_adj label = "Adjusted Shares Held"
from Holdings_v2 as a, crsp_m as b
where a.permno=b.permno and a.fdate = b.qdate;
/* Sanity Checks for Duplicates - Ultimately, Should be 0 Duplicates */
/* If No Errors, then Duplicates can be due to 2 historical CUSIPs */
/* (Separate Holdings by Same Manager) mapping to the same permno */
proc sort data=Holdings nodupkey; by permno rdate mgrno; run;
proc sort data=crsp_m nodupkey; by permno qdate; run;
/* Step5. Calculate Institutional Measures at the Security Level */
proc means data=Holdings noprint;
where shares_adj>0;
by permno rdate;
var shares_adj first_report;
output out=IO_Metrics (drop=_freq_ _type_)
n=NumOwners max(NumInst)=NumInst
sum(first_report)=NewInst sum(last_report)=OldInst
sum(shares_adj)=IO_TOTAL USS(shares_adj)=IO_SS;
/* Changes in Institutional Breadth: Lehavy and Sloan (2008) Calculation */
/* DBREADTH Condition: institutions should exist in Q(t) & Q(t-1) */
/* Objective: Mitigate Bias due to Universe Changes - $100M AUM Filing Threshold */
/* DBREADTH=((NumInst(t)-NewInst(t))-(Numinst(t-1)-OldInst(t-1)) divided by */
/* Total Number of 13F filers in quarter (t-1)) */
/* where, */
/* . NewInst(t): Number of 13F filers that reported in t, but did not report in (t-1) */
/* . OldInst(t): Number of 13F filers that reported in (t-1), but did not report in t */
/* . (NumOwners(t)-NewInst(t)): Number of 13F filers holding security in quarter t, */
/* that have reported in both quarters t and t-1 */
/* . (NumOwners(t-1)-OldInst(t-1)): number of 13F filers that held the security */
/* in quarter (t-1), and have reported in both quarters t and t-1 */
/* */
/* Calculate IO DBreadth and Concentration Metrics */
data IO_Metrics;
set IO_Metrics;
by permno rdate;
DBREADTH = ( (NumOwners - NewInst) - lag(NumOwners-OldInst) ) / lag(NumInst);
if first.permno then DBREADTH=.;
label NumOwners = "Breadth - # of 13-F Institutional Owners";
label IO_TOTAL = "Institutional Ownership, Total - Adjusted";
label IOC_HHI = "IO Concentration - Herfindahl- Hirschman Index";
label DBREADTH = "Change in IO Breadth, Percent";
drop NumInst IO_SS NewInst OldInst;
/* Step6. Add CRSP Market Data to Holdings at Calendar Quarter Ends */
/* Note: a Right Join is Necessary to Identify Common Stock with no 13F Data */
data IO_TimeSeries;
merge IO_Metrics(in=a) crsp_m (in=b rename=(qdate=rdate));
by permno rdate;
if b and TSO>0;
if missing(IOR) then IOR=0;
IO_MISSING = (not a);
IO_G1 = (IOR>1);
label IOR = "Institutional Ownership Ratio";
label IO_MISSING = "Missing (or NA) 13-F Data";
label IO_G1 = "IOR % > 1";
format IO_TOTAL NumOwners comma16. IOR DBREADTH IOC_HHI percentn8.2;
/* House Cleaning: Drop Intermediate Tables */
proc sql;
drop table crsp_m, first_vint, holdings, IO_Metrics;
drop view holdings_v1, holdings_v2;
/* Step7. Final Table for Presentation with Grand Total */
proc sort data=IO_TimeSeries nodupkey; by rdate permno; run;
proc means data=IO_TimeSeries noprint;
by rdate;
output out=IO_Stats (drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_)
n(IOR)=NCOMPS sum(IO_MISSING)=NCOMPS_NO13F sum(IO_G1)=IO_G1 median=;
/* IO Statistics */
data IO_Stats;
set IO_Stats;
format IOR IOC_HHI IO_G1 IO_MISSING percentn8.2 NCOMPS NCOMPS_NO13F comma.;
label NCOMPS = "# of Common Stock Securities in CRSP";
label NCOMPS_NO13F = "# of Stocks in CRSP with No 13F Data";
label IOC_HHI = "IO Concentration - HHI";
/* Plot Results */
axis1 label=none;
symbol interpol =join w = 4;
proc gplot data =IO_Stats;
Title 'Time Series of IO Statistics For US Common Stocks' ;
Title2 'Median Statistics in %';
plot (IOR IO_MISSING IOC_HHI IO_G1)*rdate / overlay legend vaxis=axis1;
format rdate year. IOR percent.;
run ;
/* Step8. IO Trends by Size Portfolios */
/* Rank Companies by Size into 10 Buckets, every quarter, using Market Cap */
/* Exclude Companies with Missing MKTCAP Information at Quarter End */
proc rank data=IO_TimeSeries (where= (not missing(ME)))
out=IO_Bucket groups=5;
by rdate;
var ME;
ranks Bucket;
/* Before Calculating Equally weighted Averages within Each Portfolio */
/* - Winsorize IOR to Ceiling of 1, to Reduce the Effects of Outliers */
/* - Rename Bucket Values to the 1 to 5 Range */
data IO_Bucket;
set IO_Bucket;
/* Calculate IO Mean by Size Bucket */
proc sort data=IO_Bucket; by RDATE BUCKET; run;
proc means data=IO_Bucket noprint;
by RDATE Bucket;
var IOR;
output out=IO_Bucket (drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) mean=;
/* Finalize Time Series by Transposing Bucket Average IO */
proc transpose data=IO_Bucket out=IO_Bucket_TS
( rename = (
_1 = IOR_1_Small
_2 = IOR_2
_3 = IOR_3
_4 = IOR_4
_5 = IOR_5_Large
) drop=_NAME_ _LABEL_);
var IOR;
by rdate;
id Bucket;
/* Plot Results */
axis1 label=none;
symbol interpol =join w = 4;
proc gplot data =IO_Bucket_TS;
Title 'Time Series of IO Ratio - by Size Buckets ' ;
Title2 'Mean Statistics in %';
plot (IOR_1_Small IOR_2 IOR_3 IOR_4 IOR_5_Large)*rdate
/ overlay legend vaxis=axis1;
format rdate year. IOR_: percent.;
/* End */
/* ********************************************************************************* */
/* ************* Material Copyright Wharton Research Data Services *************** */
/* ****************************** All Rights Reserved ****************************** */
/* ********************************************************************************* */
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Hi, do you know what the best way to link institutional holdings data to compustat fundamentals is? by cusip? or by CCMlinktable? thanks!

@jiapenghe1996 The firms in this output dataset are identified by permno so I think you can easily link it with compustat by ccm.ccmxpf_linktable. WRDS has a macro for adding permno to funda, like this

Thank you so much!

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Hi Could you upload the macro as well? crspmerge

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Hi Could you upload the macro as well? crspmerge

It's auto loaded on WRDS cloud. Check maybe

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Hi Could you upload the macro as well? crspmerge

It's auto loaded on WRDS cloud. Check maybe

Thank you very much !

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