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Created April 19, 2021 02:06
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace exclusive
class Program
// ruleId, transactionIds that satisfied the rule
static Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> RulesSatisfied;
static void Main(string[] args)
var ruleIds = new HashSet<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
RulesSatisfied = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>(ruleIds.Count);
IEnumerable<int> transactions = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
// Loop through transactions one at a time
// For each transaction, see if it satisfies each of the rules.
// If it does, add it to the rulesSatisfied dictionary
foreach (int transaction in transactions)
foreach (int ruleId in ruleIds)
if (SatisfiesRule(ruleId, transaction))
_ = RulesSatisfied.TryAdd(ruleId, new HashSet<int>());
_ = RulesSatisfied[ruleId].Add(transaction);
// check if each rule is satisfied at least once. If not, there is no way we can match the ruleset.
if (RulesSatisfied.Count < ruleIds.Count)
// Loop through each transaction that has satisfied a rule thus far.
// Note: if RuleSatisfied was sorted, could this reduce complexity?
foreach ((int ruleId, HashSet<int> transactionIds) in RulesSatisfied)
foreach (int transactionId in transactionIds)
// Loop through all the other satisfied rules and try to find a combination where each rule is
// satisfied by a different transaction.
List<int> used = Solve(ruleId, transactionId);
if (used.Count == ruleIds.Count)
Console.WriteLine("Solution found:");
foreach (int u in used)
private static bool SatisfiesRule(int ruleId, int transactionId)
return ruleId switch
1 when transactionId is 1 or 4 or 6 => true,
2 when transactionId is 2 or 5 => true,
3 when transactionId is 4 or 5 or 6 => true,
_ => false
private static List<int> Solve(int currentRuleId, int currentTransactionId)
// 'burned' transactions, ie: already used to satisfy a rule and can't be used again.
var used = new List<int>
// Find the first unused transaction for each rule.
// Each time we find one, burn it and move to the next rule.
foreach ((int ruleId, HashSet<int> transactions) in RulesSatisfied.Where(x => x.Key != currentRuleId))
foreach (int item in transactions)
if (!used.Contains(item))
return used;
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