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Last active November 4, 2021 04:53
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Django throttling class using cache
import time
from typing import List, NamedTuple
from django.core.cache import caches
class RateLimit(NamedTuple):
seconds: int
limit: int
class Throttle:
Determine if a subject has been throttled given a collection of rates.
Uses Django's default cache to store counts.
# 5 per second and 10 every 5 seconds
throttle = Throttle([RateLimit(1, 5), RateLimit(5, 10)])
def my_view(request):
retry_after = throttle.check('request_log')
if retry_after:
print('request was throttled')
response = HttpResponse(status=429)
response['retry-after'] = retry_after
return response
print('request was not throttled')
return HttpResponse()
__slots__ = ['rate_limits', 'cache']
def __init__(
rate_limits: List[RateLimit],
self.rate_limits = rate_limits
self.cache = caches['default'] if cache is None else cache
def check(self, key: str) -> int:
"""Check if key is throttled by any rate limits, and return retry after seconds."""
incr = self.cache.incr
add = self.cache.add
retry_after = 0
now = int(time.time())
for rate, limit in self.rate_limits:
time_chunk = now // rate
cache_key = f'throttle:{rate}:{time_chunk}:{key}'
while True:
count = incr(cache_key)
except ValueError:
count = 1
if add(cache_key, count, rate):
if count > limit:
next_time_chunk_start = (time_chunk + 1) * rate
retry_after = max(retry_after, next_time_chunk_start - now)
return retry_after
def reset(self, key: str):
now = int(time.time())
self.cache.delete_many(f'throttle:{now // rate}:{key}' for rate, _ in self.rate_limits)
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