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Created January 14, 2021 18:58
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Lists installed AntiVirus products and their details. Source:
function Get-AntiVirusProduct {
param (
[parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
#$AntivirusProducts = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $wmiQuery @psboundparameters # -ErrorVariable myError -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' # did not work
$AntiVirusProducts = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Class AntiVirusProduct -ComputerName $computername
$ret = @()
foreach($AntiVirusProduct in $AntiVirusProducts){
#Switch to determine the status of antivirus definitions and real-time protection.
#The values in this switch-statement are retrieved from the following website:
switch ($AntiVirusProduct.productState) {
"262144" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
"262160" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
"266240" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
"266256" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
"393216" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
"393232" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
"393488" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Disabled"}
"397312" {$defstatus = "Up to date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
"397328" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
"397584" {$defstatus = "Out of date" ;$rtstatus = "Enabled"}
default {$defstatus = "Unknown" ;$rtstatus = "Unknown"}
#Create hash-table for each computer
$ht = @{}
$ht.Computername = $computername
$ht.Name = $AntiVirusProduct.displayName
$ht.'Product GUID' = $AntiVirusProduct.instanceGuid
$ht.'Product Executable' = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedProductExe
$ht.'Reporting Exe' = $AntiVirusProduct.pathToSignedReportingExe
$ht.'Definition Status' = $defstatus
$ht.'Real-time Protection Status' = $rtstatus
#Create a new object for each computer
$ret += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $ht
Return $ret
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