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Created March 22, 2016 17:56
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Very old script of mine implementing Vigenere's cipher encrypt/decrypt.
# Simple encoder/decoder of Vigenere cipher
from string import *
g_Tabula = []
g_Alls = []
def getindex( char):
for i in g_Tabula:
if i[0] == char:
return g_Tabula.index(i)
return -1
def encode(psk, txt):
enc = ''
i = 0
for a in txt:
i += 1
if a in g_Alls:
id = getindex(psk[i % len(psk)])
if id == -1:
enc += a
enc += g_Tabula[id][g_Alls.find(a)]
enc += a
return enc
def decode(psk, txt):
raw = ''
enc = ''
i = 0
for a in txt:
i += 1
if a in g_Alls:
id = getindex(psk[i % len(psk)])
if id == -1:
enc += a
raw += g_Alls[g_Tabula[id].find(txt[i-1])]
raw += a
return raw
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Generating Trithemius Tabula Recta
g_Alls = ascii_letters + digits
for i in range( len( g_Alls)):
g_Tabula.append( g_Alls[i:] + g_Alls[0:i] )
print '\n\t\tVigenere\'s cipher encoder/decoder'
print 'Used alphabet:\n' + g_Alls
opt = 0
while 1:
o = raw_input( '\nType:\t0 for encode\t1 for decode\t')
if o == '1':
opt = 1
elif o == '0':
psk = ''
while len(psk) == 0:
psk = raw_input( 'Input passphrase:\t')
txt = ''
file = ''
txt = raw_input('\nInput text to encode or "file" and filename' \
'to specify file:\n')
if 'file ' in lower(txt) :
file = txt[txt.find(' ')+1:]
f = open( file, 'r')
txt = ''
txt =
enc = ''
if opt == 1:
enc = decode(psk, txt)
enc = encode(psk, txt)
if len( file) > 0:
s = 'encoded'
if opt == 1: s = 'decoded'
f = open( file[:file.rfind('.')]+'_' + s + \
file[file.rfind('.'):] )
f.write( enc)
s = 'Encoded'
if opt == 1: s = 'Decoded'
print '\n%s:\t***********************\n' % s
print enc + '\n'
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