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Last active October 21, 2018 16:23
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simple `q` and `transact!` for postgres for people that know what they're doing and just want help with super simple CRUD
(defn q
"Queries a database by asking for a vector of namespaced keywords. Namespace = table, name = column. Snake/Kebab-cases where appropriate. Allows simple join maps, with the foreign key coming first. Allows :where, which is either a string, or a sql-vector for parameterized values [sql-expression val1 val2...], and :order-by which is a simple string, and :limit which takes an integer.
(q *db* [:customers/name :customers/address :invoice/id :invoice/date]
{:joins {:invoice/customerid :customers/id}
:where [\" like ? \" \"Max\"]
:order-by \" desc\"
:limit 2})
;;; Intermediate query
SELECT as customers$name,
customers.address as customers$address, as invoice$id, as invoice$date
FROM customers
JOIN invoice ON invoice.customerid =
WHERE like 'Max'
;;; Result
[{:customers/name \"Maximilian\"
:customers/address \"1234 Main Str\"
:invoice/id 3
:invoice/date #inst \"2018-12-12\"}
{:customers/name \"Maximilian\"
:customers/address \"1234 Main Str\"
:invoice/id 2
:invoice/date #inst \"2018-10-10\"}] "
([db select {:keys [where joins order-by limit debug?] :as opts}]
(let [kebab-case #(-> % name (clojure.string/replace #"_" "-"))
snake-case #(-> % name (clojure.string/replace #"-" "_"))
map-keys (fn [f m]
(into {} (map (fn [[key value]]
[(f key) value])
colify (fn colify*
([kw sep]
(str ((comp snake-case namespace) kw) sep ((comp snake-case name) kw)))
(colify* kw ".")))
tables (into #{} (map (comp snake-case namespace) select))
rename-table-key (fn [key]
(str (colify key ".") " as " (colify key "$")))
sql-keys (map rename-table-key select)
columns (str/join ",\n " sql-keys)
from-tables (first tables)
join-fn (fn [[join1 join2]]
(let [table (-> join1 namespace snake-case)]
(str "JOIN " table " ON " (colify join1) " = " (colify join2))))
join-clauses (str/join "\n" (map join-fn (seq joins)))
where-str (cond
(string? where) (str "\n WHERE " where) ; no parameterized values
(coll? where) (str "\nWHERE " (first where)) ; parameterized values
:else "")
where-vals (when (coll? where)
(rest where))
order-by-str (if order-by (str "\nORDER BY " order-by) "")
limit-str (if limit (str "\nLIMIT " limit) "")
sql-str (format "SELECT \n %s\n FROM %s\n%s %s %s %s;" columns from-tables join-clauses where-str order-by-str limit-str)
sql-vec (into [] (concat [sql-str] where-vals))
row-fn (fn [row] (map-keys (fn [key]
(let [[table kw] (str/split key #"\$")]
(keyword (kebab-case table) (kebab-case kw))))
(and debug? (println sql-str))
(let [result (jdbc/query db sql-vec {:row-fn row-fn :keywordize? false :return-keys [:id]})]
(case (count result)
0 nil
1 (first result)
([db select]
(q db select {})))
(def transact!
"Upserts (and plain updates where appropriate!) fields in a postgres DB.
(transact! *db* #:uses{:customer-id \"test\" :event \"hello world\" :appointment-id 5})
(let [unique-cols-cache (atom {})]
([db m {:keys [debug?] :as opts}]
(assert (every? qualified-keyword? (keys m)) "You must qualify all keys")
(let [kebab-case #(-> % name (clojure.string/replace #"_" "-"))
snake-case #(-> % name (clojure.string/replace #"-" "_"))
map-keys (fn [f m]
(into {} (map (fn [[key value]]
[(f key) value])
cols (map (fn [k] (-> k name snake-case)) (keys m))
cols-str (str/join ", " cols)
vals (vals m)
excluded-strs (str/join ",\n " (map (fn [c] (format "%s = excluded.%s" c c)) cols))
placeholders (str/join ", " (repeat (count vals) "?"))
tables (into #{} (map (comp snake-case namespace) (keys m)))
table (first tables)
conflict-cols-sql-vec ["SELECT DISTINCT a.attname AS unique_columns
FROM pg_class t,
pg_class i,
pg_index ix,
pg_attribute a
WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid
AND i.oid = ix.indexrelid
AND a.attrelid = t.oid
AND a.attnum = ANY ( ix.indkey )
AND t.relkind = 'r'
AND t.relname = ?;" table]
conflict-cols (if-let [res (get @unique-cols-cache table)]
(let [res (jdbc/query db conflict-cols-sql-vec {:row-fn :unique_columns})]
(swap! unique-cols-cache assoc table res)
conflict-cols-str (str/join ", " conflict-cols)
conflict-clause (when conflict-cols-str
(format "ON CONFLICT (%s) DO UPDATE \n SET \n %s" conflict-cols-str excluded-strs))
sql-str (format "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s) \n %s \n RETURNING *;" table cols-str placeholders conflict-clause)
sql-vec (into [] (concat [sql-str] vals))
row-fn (partial map-keys #(keyword (kebab-case table) (kebab-case %)))]
(assert (= 1 (count tables)) "You can only transact into one table at a time")
(and debug? (println (first sql-vec) "\n" (str (rest sql-vec))))
(first (jdbc/query db sql-vec {:row-fn row-fn}))
(catch org.postgresql.util.PSQLException e ; postgres will not upsert if non-null fields are missing, even if it's technically an update
(and debug? (println "Failed, updating instead: "))
(let [update-col (first conflict-cols)
update-col-kw (keyword (kebab-case table) (kebab-case update-col))
update-sets (str/join " ,\n" (map (fn [col ] (str col " = ?")) cols))
update-where (get m update-col-kw)
update-clause (format "UPDATE %s\n SET\n %s\n WHERE %s = ?\n RETURNING *;" table update-sets update-col update-where)
update-sql-vec (into [] (concat [update-clause] vals [update-where]))]
(and debug? (println update-clause "\n" (str(rest update-sql-vec))))
(let [res (first (jdbc/query db update-sql-vec))]
(if (nil? res)
(throw (ex-info (str "Could not upsert record. This happens if the unique fields don't yet exist, but not all NOT NULL constraints are satisfied!" )
{:transact-map m
:insert-sql-vector sql-vec
:update-sql-vector update-sql-vec
:unique-cols-cache @unique-cols-cache}))
([db m]
(transact! db m {})))))
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