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Created August 27, 2020 13:54
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CREATE TABLE public.comments
id VARCHAR(36) primary key,
asset CHARACTER varying,
body CHARACTER varying,
commentable VARCHAR(36),
commentabletype CHARACTER varying,
companyid VARCHAR(36),
createdat timestamp WITHOUT time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp with time zone,
notifcationsenabled boolean DEFAULT FALSE,
updatedat timestamp WITHOUT time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp with time zone,
userid varchar(36),
videoasset CHARACTER varying,
childrencount int,
clientid varchar(36),
parentcommentid varchar(36),
foreign key (companyid) references public.companies(id),
foreign key (userid) references public.users(id),
foreign key (clientid) references public.clients(id)
INTERLEAVED SORTKEY (clientid, companyid, userid, commentabletype, commentable, id);
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