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Created May 24, 2012 03:09
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Git, Simply.
# Create a new project
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
git init
echo '.DS_Store' >> .gitignore
echo '*.sw*' >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore && git commit -m 'First!'
git branch development
# Set up a development remote
git remote add devsite $
# Begin a new version
git checkout -b v0.1
git add CHANGELOG && git commit -m 'Preparing v0.1'
git push origin v0.1
# Work on a new feature
git checkout -b ticket-1234-some-bug
vim .
git add file1 file2
git commit --verbose
# Release an issue for testing
git checkout development
git merge --no-ff -e ticket-1234-some-bug
git push devsite +development:master
git push origin development
# When an issue is approved
git checkout v0.1
git merge --no-ff -e ticket-1234-some-bug
git tag v0.1-rc1
git push v0.1 origin
git push --tags origin
# Creating a release
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff -e v0.1
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