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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
# @author: Matt Gleeson <>
# @version: 0.01
# @lastmodified: 04/02/2015 - not finished yet
# @license: GPL2
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
exit # remove this when complete - safety catch to prevent possible inadvertent abuse of your pets, loved ones, and general catastrophe
# Allow only root execution
if [ `id|sed -e s/uid=//g -e s/\(.*//g` -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script requires root privileges"
exit 1
# todo: check for exist of mdl_conf? create and ensure root readable only? then include into this file, delete at end?
# or dump output of command into this file? Decisions...
# todo: do a getops thing to grab input for location of moodle install - use getops if more than one input neeted? or just use $1 $2? Decisions...
pathToMoodleConfig="${1}" # WHEREISMYMOODLEAT?
#todo: check for $1 empty
grep -P -o '(?<=^\$CFG->)(\w*)\s*=\s?(?:\x27)(\w*)(?:\x27)(?=\;)' ${pathToMoodleConfig}/config.php | sed 's/\s//g' | sed 's/\x27/"/g' >> ~/
#^ if using dump to a file for this and not dumping to tmp or root home or something, make sure to have script check for where it is so that is not in insecure location + chmod it to 700, owned by root of course
# the resulting from above can be imported into other scripts to do stuff with the moodle database, eg. backups etc
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