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Created April 7, 2015 13:04
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[4/6/2015 8:51:27 AM] *** Anna added Lquid, Matias Otero ***
[4/6/2015 8:51:41 AM] Anna: ok so i felt i needed to invite the second in command of brave to the convo as well
[4/6/2015 8:51:49 AM] Matias Otero: no worries
[4/6/2015 8:52:09 AM] Anna: So basically this has almost never been accomplished in eve history
[4/6/2015 8:52:16 AM] Lquid: HEy
[4/6/2015 8:52:20 AM] Lquid: Im about to go to work
[4/6/2015 8:52:22 AM] Matias Otero: Hey hey
[4/6/2015 8:52:34 AM] Lquid: but Ill be happy to answer questions and concerns
[4/6/2015 8:52:37 AM] Lquid: once im there
[4/6/2015 8:52:47 AM] Lquid: basicly it went like this
[4/6/2015 8:53:06 AM] Lquid: there was general concern in th einner circle of lychton being too drunk too often to function
[4/6/2015 8:53:24 AM] Lquid: ccombined with what we heard happened at Iceland and how close he apparently was to getting arrested over there
[4/6/2015 8:53:30 AM] Matias Otero: Ah.
[4/6/2015 8:53:38 AM] Lquid: and upon a cursory talk with the other ceos
[4/6/2015 8:53:42 AM] Lquid: we wfound overwhelming support
[4/6/2015 8:53:49 AM] Lquid: and it kinda spiraled from there
[4/6/2015 8:54:12 AM] Matias Otero: Ok that makes sense. So what do you guys want to do now?
Redacted bit talking about isk that was being held in tlogi and possible outcoms for the sov we hold still in catch. Not posted here as that is still in heavy flux. Isk was withdrawln from tlogi in the sum of ~64b isk temporarlly to safeguard it against the impending next 48 hours
[4/6/2015 8:57:12 AM] Matias Otero: What can I do to help?
[4/6/2015 8:57:33 AM] Lquid: that shit is not cheap ^
[4/6/2015 8:57:35 AM] Lquid: so
[4/6/2015 8:57:48 AM] Lquid: it depends on how far you want to go to help
[4/6/2015 8:57:54 AM] Lquid: there are many things that would "help"
[4/6/2015 8:58:04 AM] Lquid: but yea, im not gonna ask you to dis lychton publicly or anything
[4/6/2015 8:58:09 AM] Lquid: diss*
[4/6/2015 8:58:10 AM] Lquid: but
[4/6/2015 8:58:15 AM] Lquid: I wanted to guage your support
[4/6/2015 8:58:20 AM] Lquid: as a last resort for BNI
[4/6/2015 8:58:24 AM] Lquid: you still own shares
[4/6/2015 8:58:35 AM] Lquid: and you can take control of ceo
[4/6/2015 8:58:40 AM] Lquid: or give them to me so I can take control
[4/6/2015 8:58:42 AM] Lquid: etc
[4/6/2015 8:58:43 AM] Matias Otero: I want to help the alliance I created in any way I can, but I want to stay clear of permanent leadership commitment.
[4/6/2015 8:58:52 AM] Lquid: if we cant convince lychton to hand it over
[4/6/2015 8:59:51 AM] Matias Otero: I don't own a majority I'm afraid. retained 10% but the rest is in Lychton's hand. I gauged that the risk of corp theft would be too great if he felt like he was permanentely on my leash.
[4/6/2015 8:59:56 AM] Lquid: that's fine
[4/6/2015 8:59:59 AM] Anna: you only need 5
[4/6/2015 9:00:00 AM] Lquid: votes in eve don't work like that
[4/6/2015 9:00:10 AM] Lquid: you own enough in BNI
[4/6/2015 9:00:17 AM] Lquid: to give them to someone who is a director
[4/6/2015 9:00:23 AM] Lquid: and that director can start a vote to change CEO
[4/6/2015 9:00:30 AM] Lquid: if lychton does not login to oppose
[4/6/2015 9:00:33 AM] Lquid: the vote goes through
[4/6/2015 9:00:47 AM] Matias Otero: Right but the majority vote still wins as soon as he logs in right?
[4/6/2015 9:00:52 AM] Lquid: yep
[4/6/2015 9:00:54 AM] Anna:
[4/6/2015 9:01:01 AM] Lquid: not much that can be done about that
[4/6/2015 9:01:02 AM] Lquid: but
[4/6/2015 9:01:16 AM] Lquid: again, its a last resort
[4/6/2015 9:01:32 AM] Lquid: plus it only sends an ingame notification
[4/6/2015 9:01:38 AM] Lquid: of which he gets hundreds a day
[4/6/2015 9:01:44 AM] Lquid: so it will be very har4d to see
[4/6/2015 9:01:46 AM] Matias Otero: I understand.
[4/6/2015 9:02:25 AM] Lquid: so yea, there is plenty of other stuff to do in the meantime
[4/6/2015 9:02:35 AM] Lquid: and I don't want to pull that without at least talking to him first
[4/6/2015 9:04:17 AM] Matias Otero: I agree. I want to wait for him to actually get to log on and get the chance to evaluate his position as a leader before trying to stick a dagger in his back. If there is overwhelming consent among a majority of alliance members that he should go on a break, I hope he realizes it's time to bow out.
[4/6/2015 9:04:40 AM] Lquid: yea, samew
[4/6/2015 9:04:50 AM] Anna: Writing is on the wall i hope he can read it
[4/6/2015 9:05:04 AM] Matias Otero: But I don't want to take a stance on that question because I haven't logged in enough to gauge said consent, I'm only seeing high-profile posts on reddit.
[4/6/2015 9:05:14 AM] Lquid: yea, no worries
[4/6/2015 9:05:22 AM] Lquid: another thing
[4/6/2015 9:05:24 AM] Lquid: in the meantime
[4/6/2015 9:05:32 AM] Lquid: gonna be a weird thing to ask
[4/6/2015 9:05:33 AM] Lquid: but
[4/6/2015 9:05:38 AM] Lquid: can you remove him as a subreddit admin
[4/6/2015 9:05:43 AM] Lquid: so he cant attempt to fuck it up
[4/6/2015 9:05:44 AM] Lquid: ?
[4/6/2015 9:05:49 AM] Lquid: you can always add him back
[4/6/2015 9:05:55 AM] Lquid: above everyone else, whenever you want
[4/6/2015 9:06:15 AM] Matias Otero: Wouldn't that be effectively stabbing the dagger though? What permanent damage could he do as an admin?
[4/6/2015 9:06:30 AM] Anna: delete the sub reddit
[4/6/2015 9:06:40 AM] Lquid: yea, he could delete a lot of shit
[4/6/2015 9:06:43 AM] Lquid: and make it annoying
[4/6/2015 9:06:56 AM] Lquid: and it might be seen as stabbing him in th eback
[4/6/2015 9:06:58 AM] Lquid: up to you
[4/6/2015 9:07:09 AM] Lquid: but either way, you can add him right back whenever you want if you decided to do it
[4/6/2015 9:07:15 AM] Matias Otero: I see your point.
[4/6/2015 9:08:37 AM] Matias Otero: Is the damage he could inflict permanent, is my question? things like sidebars, flairs and style are recoverable and an acceptable risk. More permanent changes might not be.
[4/6/2015 9:09:23 AM] Matias Otero: Could he actually delete the subreddit against my wishes?
[4/6/2015 9:09:40 AM] Lquid: as for perm damage, I don thtink there is much that can be done
[4/6/2015 9:09:55 AM] Lquid: we don't have backups of the flairs and subreddit styling, sidebars
[4/6/2015 9:09:58 AM] Lquid: he could remove all mods
[4/6/2015 9:10:00 AM] Anna: The damage would be social. Hurting the line members as well
[4/6/2015 9:10:10 AM] Lquid: could be
[4/6/2015 9:10:12 AM] Lquid: but yea
[4/6/2015 9:10:20 AM] Lquid: as for serious damage to the subreddit
[4/6/2015 9:10:26 AM] Lquid: I don't see anything that cant be reversed
[4/6/2015 9:10:42 AM] Lquid: just don't give up the top moderator spot
[4/6/2015 9:10:46 AM] Lquid: he cant remove you at least
[4/6/2015 9:10:52 AM] Lquid: if your on the top of the list
[4/6/2015 9:12:08 AM] Matias Otero: Good. Can you create backup capability for flairs and subreddit styling, as well as a list of approved mods? At the first sign malice I will remove him, but I won't undermine him pre-emptively for damage that is recoverable. We owe him that much, even if he seems to be struggling with drinking.
[4/6/2015 9:12:27 AM] Anna: I agree
[4/6/2015 9:12:33 AM] Anna: He did alot. Just not suitable now
[4/6/2015 9:13:38 AM] Matias Otero: Seems to be the consensus. Anything else I can do for you gentlemen?
[4/6/2015 9:14:16 AM] Lquid: I just made backups of everything I could except images
[4/6/2015 9:14:22 AM] Lquid: I realllly need to get on the way to work
[4/6/2015 9:14:23 AM] Lquid: so I gota
[4/6/2015 9:14:24 AM] Lquid: go
[4/6/2015 9:14:30 AM] Lquid: ill be back on in an hour
[4/6/2015 9:14:41 AM] Anna: 7o thanks for talking to us matias
[4/6/2015 9:15:25 AM] Matias Otero: 7o! Sometimes I wonder if i should have held on to the shares... haha. Oh well what's done is done.
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