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Last active July 25, 2018 00:36
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* @param {Function} fn - Função a ser executada
* @param {Number} time - Tempo em milisegundos
function throttle (fn, time) {
var ctx
var args
var result
var timeout = null
var previous = 0
var later = function () {
previous = 0
timeout = null
result = fn.apply(ctx, args)
ctx = null
args = null
return function() {
var now =
if(!previous) {
previous = now
var remaining = time - (now - previous)
var context = this
var args = arguments
if(remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null
previous = now
result = fn.apply(ctx, args)
context = null
args = null
} else if(!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining)
return result
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