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Last active April 23, 2018 16:50
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define( function() {
"use strict";
// Regex visualized:
// /------------------------------\
// | |
// | /-----------\ |
// | | | |
// | | / top- \ | |
// | / margin- \ | | right- | | | / width \
// |-| border- |-+-| bottom- |-+-|-| |-\
// | \ padding- / \ left- / | \ height / |
// BEGIN -| | |- END
// | / min- \ | |
// |----------------| |-----/ |
// | \ max- / |
// | |
// |------------------ font-size -------------------|
// |--------------------- top ----------------------|
// |-------------------- right ---------------------|
// |-------------------- bottom --------------------|
// \-------------------- left --------------------/
return /(?:(?:(?:(?:margin-|border-|padding-)(?:top-|right-|bottom-|left-)?)|(?:min-|max-))?(?:width|height))|font-size|top|right|bottom|left/;
} );
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