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Created May 9, 2014 17:31
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Viennese Maze
-- Viennese Maze Simulator, based on
import Keyboard
import Window
import Graphics.Input as Input
-- Helpers --
sqrt2 = sqrt 2
type Coord = (Float, Float)
applyCoord : (Float -> Float -> Float) -> Coord -> Coord -> Coord
applyCoord f (a,b) (x,y) = (f a x, f b y)
both : (a -> b) -> (a,a) -> (b,b)
both f (a1,a2) = (f a1, f a2)
bind : Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
bind ma f = case ma of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a -> f a
orTry : Maybe a -> (() -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a
orTry ma f = case ma of
Just x -> Just x
Nothing -> f ()
partialToMaybe : [a] -> Maybe a
partialToMaybe xs = case xs of
[] -> Nothing
[x] -> Just x
-- Graph Abstractions --
data LightColor = Green | Yellow | Red
cycle : Int -> LightColor -> LightColor
cycle n = case (n `mod` 3) of
0 -> id
1 -> \lc -> case lc of
Green -> Yellow
Yellow -> Red
Red -> Green
2 -> \lc -> case lc of
Green -> Red
Yellow -> Green
Red -> Yellow
data Angle = Horiz | Vert | Rising | Falling
is45 angle = case angle of
Rising -> True
Falling -> True
_ -> False
type Edge = { angle : Angle
, lc : LightColor
, coord : Coord
edge angle lc x y = Edge angle lc (x,y)
type Vertex = { label : String
, coord : Coord
vertex lbl x y = Vertex lbl (x,y)
-- State --
data Command = Mov {x:Int, y:Int} | Reset
commands = merge (always Reset <~ keepIf id True
(Mov <~ Keyboard.arrows)
state0 = (head vertices, 0, last vertices)
type State = (Vertex, Int, Vertex)
state : Signal State
state = foldp step state0 commands
step : Command -> State -> State
step com s = case com of
Reset -> state0
Mov mv -> case toMove mv `bind` pickEdge s of
Just edg -> moveOnEdge edg s
Nothing -> s
data Move = Up | Down | Left | Right
toMove : {x:Int, y:Int} -> Maybe Move
toMove {x,y} = case (x,y) of
(0,1) -> Just Up
(0,-1) -> Just Down
(-1,0) -> Just Left
(1,0) -> Just Right
_ -> Nothing
pickEdge : State -> Move -> Maybe Edge
pickEdge (v1, cyc, v0) mv = let
findEdge : Coord -> Maybe Edge
findEdge c = filter (\ed -> ed.coord == applyCoord (+) v1.coord c) edges |> partialToMaybe
edgesFor : Coord -> Coord -> Coord -> Maybe Edge
edgesFor c0 c1 c2 = findEdge c0 `orTry` always (findEdge c1) `orTry` always (findEdge c2)
in case mv of
Up -> edgesFor (0,0.5) (0.5,0.5) (-0.5,0.5)
Down -> edgesFor (0,-0.5) (0.5,-0.5) (-0.5,-0.5)
Left -> edgesFor (-0.5,0) (-0.5,-0.5)(-0.5,0.5)
Right -> edgesFor (0.5,0) (0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)
moveOnEdge : Edge -> State -> State
moveOnEdge edg (v1, cyc, v0) = let
delta = applyCoord (-) edg.coord v1.coord |> both ((*) 2)
pos = applyCoord (+) v1.coord delta
m_vNew : Maybe Vertex
m_vNew = filter (\c -> c.coord == pos) vertices |> partialToMaybe
in case m_vNew of
Nothing -> (v1, cyc, v0)
Just vNew -> if vNew == v0 || cycle cyc == Red then (v1, cyc, v0)
else (vNew, cyc+1, v1)
-- Draw Graph --
colorOf : LightColor -> Color
colorOf lc = case lc of
Red -> red
Yellow -> darkYellow
Green -> darkGreen
shapeOf : LightColor -> (Float -> Path, Float)
shapeOf lc = case lc of
Red -> (ngon 8, turns 1/16)
Yellow -> (\s -> square (sqrt2*s), degrees 45)
Green -> (\s -> circle(s/2), 0)
-- grid size, cycles, color blind mode
drawEdge : Float -> Int -> Bool -> Edge -> Form
drawEdge s c cb {angle, lc, coord} = let
len = if is45 angle then sqrt2 * s else s
theta = case angle of
Horiz -> degrees 0
Vert -> degrees 90
Rising -> degrees 45
Falling -> degrees -45
cur_lc = cycle c lc
(shape, rot) = shapeOf cur_lc
fill = colorOf cur_lc
[ rect len (s/12)
|> filled (greyscale 0.25)
|> rotate theta
, segment (-len/2, 0) (len/2, 0)
|> traced (dashed white)
|> rotate theta
, rect len (s/12)
|> filled fill
|> alpha 0.4
|> rotate theta
] ++ (if not cb then [] else
[ shape (s/10)
|> filled fill
|> rotate rot
|> group
|> move (both ((*) s) coord)
drawVertex : Float -> Vertex -> Form
drawVertex s {label, coord} = group
[ circle (s/10)
|> filled white
, circle (s/10)
|> outlined (solid black)
, toForm <| plainText label
|> move (both ((*) s) coord)
halo : LineStyle
halo = let sb = solid blue in { sb | width <- 6}
-- Scene and Main --
colorBlind = Input.input False
colorBlindBox = Input.checkbox colorBlind.handle id <~ colorBlind.signal
scene : (Int, Int) -> State -> (Element, Bool) -> Element
scene (w,h) (v,c,_) (cbb, cb) = let
s = min w h |> \x -> toFloat x / 5
game = collage w h <| map (drawEdge s c cb) edges ++
map (drawVertex s) vertices ++
[circle (s/10)
|> outlined halo
|> move (both ((*) s) v.coord)
flow outward <| [ spacer w h |> color grey
, game
, cbb `beside` (toText "Color blind mode" |> Text.height 12 |> leftAligned)
main = scene <~ Window.dimensions ~ state ~ lift2 (,) colorBlindBox colorBlind.signal
-- Defining the Graph --
edges = [ edge Rising Yellow -1.5 0.5
, edge Horiz Green -1.5 0
, edge Falling Red -1.5 -0.5
, edge Vert Green -1 0.5
, edge Vert Yellow -1 -0.5
, edge Rising Green -0.5 1.5
, edge Horiz Green -0.5 1
, edge Horiz Green -0.5 0
, edge Horiz Green -0.5 -1
, edge Falling Red -0.5 -1.5
, edge Vert Green 0 1.5
, edge Vert Green 0 0.5
, edge Vert Green 0 -0.5
, edge Vert Green 0 -1.5
, edge Falling Yellow 0.5 1.5
, edge Horiz Yellow 0.5 1
, edge Horiz Green 0.5 0
, edge Horiz Yellow 0.5 -1
, edge Rising Red 0.5 -1.5
, edge Vert Yellow 1 0.5
, edge Vert Yellow 1 -0.5
, edge Falling Red 1.5 0.5
, edge Horiz Yellow 1.5 0
, edge Rising Red 1.5 -0.5
vertices = [ vertex "a" -2 0
, vertex "b" -1 1
, vertex "c" -1 0
, vertex "d" -1 -1
, vertex "e" 0 -2
, vertex "f" 0 -1
, vertex "g" 0 0
, vertex "h" 0 1
, vertex "i" 0 2
, vertex "j" 1 1
, vertex "k" 1 0
, vertex "l" 1 -1
, vertex "m" 2 0
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