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Created August 27, 2013 01:54
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Save mgold/6348835 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An infinite grid of black and white pixels in your browser. Try the t, b, w, and c keys after clicking and dragging on this page:
-- Bitmap Draw by Max Goldstein
-- Change the cursor mode with the keyboard:
-- t Toggle (default)
-- b Black
-- w White
-- c Clear (automatically resets to Toggle afterwards)
import Mouse
import Keyboard
import Char
import Window
import Dict (Dict, empty, toList, insert, remove, findWithDefault)
-- Pixels are locations, Bits are the values stored there
type Pixel = (Int, Int)
data Bit = White | Black
toggle : Bit -> Bit
toggle bit = case bit of
Black -> White
White -> Black
-- An update requires both the mouse location and the editing mode
data Mode = Toggle | Write Bit | Clear
type Update = (Pixel, Mode)
-- We use a rather unconventional representation of a grid: a dict.
-- Therefore we do not care about the dimensions of the grid.
type Grid = Dict Pixel Bit
-- Instead, we hard-code the side length of a pixel. We make it a signal
-- so that it's easier to modify to accept user input, e.g. from a slider.
-- In this version, the side length is fixed. The user can get more grid space
-- simply by enlarging the browser window.
sidelen : Signal Int
sidelen = constant 32
-- But to show that it's dynamic, try something really crazy!
-- sidelen = truncate . (\x -> 16*(x+1.5)) . sin . inSeconds <~ foldp (+) 0 (fps 30)
-- These functions convert between screen pixels and our drawing's pixels.
pixelize : (Int,Int) -> Int -> Pixel
pixelize (x,y) s = (div x s, div y s)
depixelize : Pixel -> Int -> (Float,Float)
depixelize (i,j) s = (toFloat (s*i), toFloat (s* -j))
-- Filter and transform the mouse position to a signal of pixels.
pixel : Signal Pixel
pixel = pixelize <~ Mouse.position ~ sidelen
|> dropRepeats
|> keepWhen Mouse.isDown (0,0)
-- Simple helper function
isPressed : Char -> Signal Bool
isPressed letter = Keyboard.isDown (Char.toCode letter)
-- Not-so-simple helper function
-- Takes a signal and two possible values. In the resulting signal, the first
-- will always be immediately followed by the second.
follow : a -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a
follow leader follower sig = let
leadersig = keepIf ((==) leader) leader sig
followsig = delay millisecond (sampleOn leadersig (constant follower))
in merge followsig sig
-- Keep track of the editing mode from keypresses
mode : Signal Mode
mode = let
keystrokes : Signal (Maybe Mode)
keystrokes = let
helper : Bool->Bool->Bool->Bool-> Maybe Mode
helper t b w c =
if t then Just Toggle
else if b then Just (Write Black)
else if w then Just (Write White)
else if c then Just Clear
else Nothing
in helper <~ isPressed 'T' ~ isPressed 'B' ~ isPressed 'W' ~ isPressed 'C'
in keepIf (\aMaybe -> isJust aMaybe) (Just Toggle) keystrokes
|> lift (\(Just a) -> a)
|> follow Clear Toggle
-- Combine pixel and mode into update, but only on mousemove or clear
update : Signal Update
update = let
toUnit _ = ()
enable = merge (toUnit <~ pixel) (toUnit <~ keepIf ((==) Clear) Toggle mode)
in (,) <~ pixel ~ (sampleOn enable mode)
-- This is the cool part: a signal of grid dictionaries! Using the mode it
-- determines how to modify the old grid - or discard it entirely.
grid : Signal Grid
grid = let stepFun : Update -> Grid -> Grid
stepFun (k,m) d = case m of
Toggle -> insert k (toggle (findWithDefault White k d)) d
Write pix -> insert k pix d
Clear -> empty
in foldp stepFun empty update
-- Draws a single pixel of a given side length
displayPixel : Int -> (Pixel, Bit) -> Form
displayPixel s ((i,j), b) =
let offset = depixelize (i,j) s
fillcolor = if b == Black then black else white
in square (toFloat s) |> filled fillcolor |> move offset
-- main, concealing scene
main : Signal Element
main = let scene : (Int,Int) -> Int -> Grid -> Element
scene (w,h) s d =
let partial = displayPixel s
half n = toFloat n / 2
in collage w h [ group (map partial (toList d))
|> move (half (s-w), half (h-s)) ]
in scene <~ Window.dimensions ~ sidelen ~ grid
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