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Created October 15, 2016 17:12
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! "Enabled modi" Set from: Default
! rofi.modi: window,run,ssh
! "Window opacity" Set from: Default
! rofi.opacity: 100
! "Window width" Set from: File
rofi.width: 20
! "Number of lines" Set from: Default
! rofi.lines: 15
! "Number of columns" Set from: Default
! rofi.columns: 1
! "Font to use" Set from: File
rofi.font: DejaVu Sans Mono 10
! "Color scheme for normal row" Set from: File
rofi.color-normal: argb:00000000, #888888, argb:00000000, #4c7899, #dedede
! "Color scheme for urgent row" Set from: File
rofi.color-urgent: argb:00000000, #F99157, argb:00000000, #F99157, #1B2B34
! "Color scheme for active row" Set from: File
rofi.color-active: argb:00000000, #6699CC, argb:00000000, #6699CC, #1B2B34
! "Color scheme window" Set from: File
rofi.color-window: argb:ee222222, #4c7899, #4c7899
! "Border width" Set from: File 0
! "Location on screen" Set from: File
rofi.location: 1
! "Padding" Set from: Default
! rofi.padding: 5
! "Y-offset relative to location" Set from: Default
! rofi.yoffset: 0
! "X-offset relative to location" Set from: Default
! rofi.xoffset: 0
! "Always show number of lines" Set from: Default
! rofi.fixed-num-lines: false
! "Terminal to use" Set from: File
rofi.terminal: st
! "Ssh client to use" Set from: Default
! rofi.ssh-client: ssh
! "Ssh command to execute" Set from: Default
! rofi.ssh-command: {terminal} -e {ssh-client} {host}
! "Run command to execute" Set from: Default
! {cmd}
! "Command to get extra run targets" Set from: Default
! "Run command to execute that runs in shell" Set from: File {terminal} -e zsh -c "{cmd}"
! "Command executed on accep-entry-custom for window modus" Set from: Default
! rofi.window-command: xkill -id {window}
! "Disable history in run/ssh" Set from: Default
! rofi.disable-history: false
! "Use levenshtein sorting" Set from: Default
! rofi.levenshtein-sort: false
! "Set case-sensitivity" Set from: Default
! false
! "Cycle through the results list" Set from: Default
! rofi.cycle: true
! "Enable sidebar-mode" Set from: Default
! rofi.sidebar-mode: false
! "Row height (in chars)" Set from: Default
! 1
! "Enable auto select mode" Set from: Default
! false
! "Parse hosts file for ssh mode" Set from: Default
! rofi.parse-hosts: false
! "Parse known_hosts file for ssh mode" Set from: Default
! rofi.parse-known-hosts: true
! "Set the modi to combine in combi mode" Set from: Default
! rofi.combi-modi: window,run
! "Use glob matching" Set from: Default
! rofi.glob: false
! "Use regex matching" Set from: Default
! rofi.regex: false
! "Tokenize input string" Set from: Default
! rofi.tokenize: true
! "Monitor id to show on" Set from: Default
! rofi.m: -1
! "Margin between rows" Set from: Default
! rofi.line-margin: 2
! "Pre-set filter" Set from: Default
! rofi.filter:
! "Separator style (none, dash, solid)" Set from: File
rofi.separator-style: solid
! "Hide scroll-bar" Set from: Default
! rofi.hide-scrollbar: false
! "Fullscreen" Set from: Default
! rofi.fullscreen: false
! "Fake transparency" Set from: Default
! rofi.fake-transparency: false
! "DPI" Set from: Default
! rofi.dpi: -1
! "Threads to use for string matching" Set from: Default
! rofi.threads: 1
! "Scrollbar width" Set from: Default
! rofi.scrollbar-width: 8
! "Scrolling method. (0: Page, 1: Centered)" Set from: Default
! rofi.scroll-method: 0
! "Background to use for fake transparency. (background or screenshot)" Set from: Default
! rofi.fake-background: screenshot
! "Window Format. w (desktop name), t (title), n (name), r (role), c (class)" Set from: Default
! rofi.window-format: {w} {c} {t}
! "Pidfile location" Set from: Default
! /run/user/1000/
! "Paste primary selection" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-primary-paste: Control+Shift+v,Shift+Insert
! "Paste clipboard" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-secondary-paste: Control+v,Insert
! "Clear input line" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-clear-line: Control+w
! "Beginning of line" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-front: Control+a
! "End of line" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-end: Control+e
! "Move back one word" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-word-back: Alt+b
! "Move forward one word" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-word-forward: Alt+f
! "Move back one char" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-char-back: Left,Control+b
! "Move forward one char" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-move-char-forward: Right,Control+f
! "Delete previous word" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-remove-word-back: Control+Alt+h,Control+Backspace
! "Delete next word" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-remove-word-forward: Control+Alt+d
! "Delete next char" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-remove-char-forward: Delete,Control+d
! "Delete previous char" Set from: File
rofi.kb-remove-char-back: BackSpace
! "Delete till the end of line" Set from: File
rofi.kb-remove-to-eol: Alt+k
! "Delete till the start of line" Set from: File
rofi.kb-remove-to-sol: Alt+u
! "Accept entry" Set from: File
rofi.kb-accept-entry: Control+m,Return,KP_Enter
! "Use entered text as command (in ssh/run modi)" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-accept-custom: Control+Return
! "Use alternate accept command." Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-accept-alt: Shift+Return
! "Delete entry from history" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-delete-entry: Shift+Delete
! "Switch to the next mode." Set from: File
rofi.kb-mode-next: Control+l
! "Switch to the previous mode." Set from: File
rofi.kb-mode-previous: Control+h
! "Go to the previous column" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-left: Control+Page_Up
! "Go to the next column" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-right: Control+Page_Down
! "Select previous entry" Set from: File
rofi.kb-row-up: Control+k
! "Select next entry" Set from: File
rofi.kb-row-down: Control+j
! "Go to next row, if one left, accept it, if no left next mode." Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-tab: Tab
! "Go to the previous page" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-page-prev: Page_Up
! "Go to the next page" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-page-next: Page_Down
! "Go to the first entry" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-first: Home,KP_Home
! "Go to the last entry" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-last: End,KP_End
! "Set selected item as input text" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-row-select: Control+space
! "Take a screenshot of the rofi window" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-screenshot: Alt+Shift+S
! "Toggle case sensitivity" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-toggle-case-sensitivity: grave,dead_grave
! "Toggle sort" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-toggle-sort: Alt+grave
! "Quit rofi" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-cancel: Escape,Control+bracketleft
! "Custom keybinding 1" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-1: Alt+1
! "Custom keybinding 2" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-2: Alt+2
! "Custom keybinding 3" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-3: Alt+3
! "Custom keybinding 4" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-4: Alt+4
! "Custom Keybinding 5" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-5: Alt+5
! "Custom keybinding 6" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-6: Alt+6
! "Custom Keybinding 7" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-7: Alt+7
! "Custom keybinding 8" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-8: Alt+8
! "Custom keybinding 9" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-9: Alt+9
! "Custom keybinding 10" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-10: Alt+0
! "Custom keybinding 11" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-11: Alt+Shift+1
! "Custom keybinding 12" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-12: Alt+Shift+2
! "Csutom keybinding 13" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-13: Alt+Shift+3
! "Custom keybinding 14" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-14: Alt+Shift+4
! "Custom keybinding 15" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-15: Alt+Shift+5
! "Custom keybinding 16" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-16: Alt+Shift+6
! "Custom keybinding 17" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-17: Alt+Shift+7
! "Custom keybinding 18" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-18: Alt+Shift+8
! "Custom Keybinding 19" Set from: Default
! rofi.kb-custom-19: Alt+Shift+9
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-ssh:
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-run:
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-drun:
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-window:
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-windowcd:
! "The display name of this browser" Set from: Default
! rofi.display-combi:
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