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Last active January 15, 2016 04:02
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dex-method-counts output (
mgp-mbp:dex-method-counts mgp$ java -jar ./build/jar/dex-method-counts.jar ~/khan/android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
Processing /Users/mgp/khan/android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
Read in 40511 method IDs.
<root>: 40511
<default>: 1
android: 11057
accounts: 3
animation: 27
app: 219
bluetooth: 2
content: 253
pm: 27
res: 78
database: 53
sqlite: 16
graphics: 204
drawable: 83
shapes: 1
hardware: 1
media: 66
net: 53
http: 3
wifi: 2
os: 212
provider: 7
support: 8692
design: 1493
internal: 182
widget: 1310
v13: 18
app: 18
v4: 2940
animation: 7
app: 684
content: 41
graphics: 122
drawable: 118
internal: 74
view: 74
os: 17
text: 50
util: 189
view: 1258
accessibility: 278
animation: 5
widget: 498
v7: 4241
app: 523
appcompat: 1
cardview: 1
graphics: 39
drawable: 39
recyclerview: 1
text: 3
transition: 1
view: 704
menu: 553
widget: 2968
telephony: 1
text: 44
format: 2
method: 1
style: 5
transition: 17
util: 58
view: 602
accessibility: 52
animation: 27
inputmethod: 2
webkit: 46
widget: 497
butterknife: 182
internal: 99
com: 14105
bignerdranch: 27
android: 27
multiselector: 27
crashlytics: 957
android: 957
answers: 241
beta: 58
core: 618
internal: 11
models: 10
facebook: 2597
appevents: 109
device: 15
yearclass: 15
internal: 288
login: 254
rebound: 96
stetho: 1458
common: 200
android: 124
dumpapp: 105
plugins: 38
inspector: 892
console: 10
database: 28
domstorage: 23
elements: 327
android: 230
helper: 32
jsonrpc: 33
protocol: 15
network: 117
protocol: 288
module: 288
json: 14
annotation: 1
okhttp: 56
server: 45
websocket: 89
github: 28
gist: 28
franmontiel: 28
google: 7074
android: 4077
exoplayer: 1441
audio: 79
chunk: 36
drm: 12
ext: 11
okhttp: 11
extractor: 539
flv: 50
mp3: 47
mp4: 110
ts: 120
webm: 78
hls: 131
text: 2
eia608: 2
upstream: 92
util: 171
gms: 2636
ads: 24
identifier: 24
auth: 118
api: 34
signin: 34
internal: 7
firstparty: 10
shared: 10
common: 1551
api: 121
data: 22
internal: 515
safeparcel: 55
server: 176
converter: 45
response: 121
stats: 53
internal: 462
plus: 349
internal: 334
model: 172
people: 172
signin: 132
internal: 132
appengine: 13
api: 13
urlfetch: 13
common: 2142
base: 308
collect: 1793
io: 11
math: 3
primitives: 1
reflect: 26
gdata: 19
util: 19
common: 19
base: 19
gson: 823
annotations: 7
internal: 513
bind: 320
util: 5
reflect: 10
stream: 85
jakewharton: 8
processphoenix: 8
squareup: 3360
haha: 982
guava: 540
base: 40
collect: 500
perflib: 272
analysis: 15
io: 32
trove: 170
leakcanary: 405
analyzer: 1
internal: 129
watcher: 1
okhttp: 1582
internal: 926
framed: 422
http: 251
io: 34
tls: 19
picasso: 391
viewpagerindicator: 54
dagger: 13
internal: 12
hugo: 17
weaving: 17
internal: 17
io: 836
fabric: 836
sdk: 836
android: 836
services: 674
cache: 12
common: 219
concurrency: 157
internal: 10
events: 73
network: 119
persistence: 12
settings: 82
java: 1527
io: 179
lang: 450
annotation: 1
ref: 9
reflect: 47
math: 11
net: 122
nio: 42
channels: 4
charset: 5
security: 26
cert: 13
sql: 3
text: 19
util: 675
concurrent: 175
atomic: 52
locks: 10
logging: 7
regex: 19
zip: 34
javax: 75
annotation: 9
processing: 9
crypto: 12
spec: 3
inject: 1
lang: 26
model: 26
element: 17
type: 6
util: 2
net: 24
ssl: 22
security: 2
auth: 2
x500: 2
tools: 1
oauth: 112
signpost: 112
exception: 9
http: 35
signature: 21
okio: 374
org: 9860
apache: 154
commons: 92
cli: 88
codec: 4
binary: 4
http: 62
client: 3
methods: 2
entity: 6
impl: 6
client: 1
io: 2
message: 1
params: 9
protocol: 14
util: 1
aspectj: 91
lang: 15
reflect: 4
runtime: 76
internal: 6
reflect: 70
json: 54
khanacademy: 9519
android: 5559
database: 66
dependencies: 634
components: 78
modules: 556
logging: 27
trees: 2
login: 203
net: 72
downloadmanager: 5
notifications: 35
prefs: 68
rx: 54
storage: 22
sync: 59
ui: 4267
articles: 209
library: 908
phone: 199
tablet: 121
profile: 323
search: 410
utils: 265
videos: 1305
exercises: 27
view: 92
widget: 59
yourlist: 227
versions: 9
core: 3960
articleviewer: 18
models: 18
bookmarks: 504
models: 55
persistence: 118
database: 54
models: 64
exceptions: 5
featuredcontent: 80
persistence: 32
javascript: 44
logging: 14
net: 733
api: 143
retrofit: 115
downloadmanager: 444
okhttp: 215
oauth: 124
okhttp: 21
perseus: 3
progress: 481
models: 228
persistence: 60
recentlyworkedon: 127
persistence: 40
search: 114
models: 78
searchers: 36
storage: 244
implementation: 84
statements: 122
topictree: 963
identifiers: 66
models: 329
filters: 35
persistence: 564
data_transformers: 95
tables: 17
tracking: 197
models: 87
persistence: 43
data_transformers: 5
user: 166
helpers: 4
models: 111
persistence: 35
data_transformers: 12
util: 221
videoplayer: 46
models: 44
vinuxproject: 30
sonic: 30
xmlpull: 12
v1: 12
retrofit: 492
android: 7
appengine: 7
client: 70
converter: 15
http: 27
mime: 61
rx: 1718
android: 79
internal: 3
lifecycle: 25
schedulers: 12
view: 34
exceptions: 40
functions: 25
internal: 1040
operators: 741
producers: 14
schedulers: 55
util: 230
unsafe: 106
observables: 10
observers: 37
plugins: 29
schedulers: 85
subjects: 108
subscriptions: 41
sun: 10
misc: 10
timber: 44
log: 44
uk: 86
co: 86
chrisjenx: 86
calligraphy: 86
Overall method count: 40511
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