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Created June 23, 2020 17:59
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- Source:
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
data Tree a = Leaf
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
-- All printable ASCII characters.
type Chars
= 'Node
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '(" ", "!") 'Leaf) '("!", "\"") 'Leaf)
'("\"", "#")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("#", "$") 'Leaf) '("$", "%") 'Leaf))
'("%", "&")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("&", "'") 'Leaf) '("'", "(") 'Leaf)
'("(", ")")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '(")", "*") 'Leaf) '("*", "+") 'Leaf)))
'("+", ",")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '(",", "-") 'Leaf) '("-", ".") 'Leaf)
'(".", "/")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("/", "0") 'Leaf) '("0", "1") 'Leaf))
'("1", "2")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("2", "3") 'Leaf) '("3", "4") 'Leaf)
'("4", "5")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("5", "6") 'Leaf) '("6", "7") 'Leaf))))
'("7", "8")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("8", "9") 'Leaf) '("9", ":") 'Leaf)
'(":", ";")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '(";", "<") 'Leaf) '("<", "=") 'Leaf))
'("=", ">")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '(">", "?") 'Leaf) '("?", "@") 'Leaf)
'("@", "A")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("A", "B") 'Leaf) '("B", "C") 'Leaf)))
'("C", "D")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("D", "E") 'Leaf) '("E", "F") 'Leaf)
'("F", "G")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("G", "H") 'Leaf) '("H", "I") 'Leaf))
'("I", "J")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("J", "K") 'Leaf) '("K", "L") 'Leaf)
'("L", "M")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("M", "N") 'Leaf) '("N", "O") 'Leaf)))))
'("O", "P")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("P", "Q") 'Leaf) '("Q", "R") 'Leaf)
'("R", "S")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("S", "T") 'Leaf) '("T", "U") 'Leaf))
'("U", "V")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("V", "W") 'Leaf) '("W", "X") 'Leaf)
'("X", "Y")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("Y", "Z") 'Leaf) '("Z", "[") 'Leaf)))
'("[", "\\")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("\\", "]") 'Leaf) '("]", "^") 'Leaf)
'("^", "_")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("_", "`") 'Leaf) '("`", "a") 'Leaf))
'("a", "b")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("b", "c") 'Leaf) '("c", "d") 'Leaf)
'("d", "e")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("e", "f") 'Leaf) '("f", "g") 'Leaf))))
'("g", "h")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("h", "i") 'Leaf) '("i", "j") 'Leaf)
'("j", "k")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("k", "l") 'Leaf) '("l", "m") 'Leaf))
'("m", "n")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("n", "o") 'Leaf) '("o", "p") 'Leaf)
'("p", "q")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("q", "r") 'Leaf) '("r", "s") 'Leaf)))
'("s", "t")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("t", "u") 'Leaf) '("u", "v") 'Leaf)
'("v", "w")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("w", "x") 'Leaf) '("x", "y") 'Leaf))
'("y", "z")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("z", "{") 'Leaf) '("{", "|") 'Leaf)
'("|", "}")
('Node ('Node 'Leaf '("}", "~") 'Leaf) '("~", "~") 'Leaf)))))
type LookupTable = Tree (Symbol, Symbol)
type family Lookup (x :: Symbol) (xs :: LookupTable) :: Symbol where
Lookup x (Node l '(cl, cr) r) = Lookup2 (CmpSymbol cl x) (CmpSymbol cr x) x cl l r
type family Lookup2 ol or x cl l r :: Symbol where
Lookup2 'EQ _ _ cl _ _ = cl
Lookup2 'LT 'GT _ cl _ r = cl
Lookup2 'LT _ _ cl _ 'Leaf = cl
Lookup2 'LT _ x _ _ r = Lookup x r
Lookup2 'GT _ x _ l _ = Lookup x l
type Head sym = Lookup sym Chars
class Uncons (sym :: Symbol) (h :: Symbol) (t :: Symbol) where
uncons :: Proxy '(h, t)
instance (h ~ Head sym, AppendSymbol h t ~ sym) => Uncons sym h t where
uncons = Proxy
class Listify (sym :: Symbol) (result :: [Symbol]) where
listify :: Proxy result
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} nil ~ '[] => Listify "" nil where
listify = Proxy
instance (Uncons sym h t, Listify t result, result' ~ (h ': result)) =>
Listify sym result' where
listify = Proxy
type family Format (sym :: [Symbol]) :: * where
Format ("%" ': "d" ': r) = Int -> Format r
Format ("%" ': "s" ': r) = String -> Format r
Format ("%" ': "%" ': r) = Format r
Format (c ': r) = Format r
Format '[] = String
printf :: (Listify s l) => Format l
printf = undefined
-- printf @"Hello, %s! Your age is %d, approx. 50%% less than mine"
-- :: String -> Int -> String
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