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Created May 28, 2021 16:57
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  • Save mgraeber-rc/a780834c983bc0d53121c39c276bd9f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Example highlighting why attackers likely choose ISO/IMG as a delivery mechanism - it evades SmartScreen because Mark-of-the-Web (MOTW) cannot be applied to non NTFS volumes
Add-Type -OutputAssembly hello.exe -TypeDefinition @'
using System;
public class Hello {
public static void Main(string[] Args) {
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
$FromTheInternet = @'
# Simulate hello.exe having originated from the Internet Zone.
Set-Content -Path hello.exe -Stream Zone.Identifier -Value $FromTheInternet
# Copy hello.exe into the FeelTheBurn directory. An ISO will be created from this directory.
mkdir FeelTheBurn
cp .\hello.exe .\FeelTheBurn\
# Simulate FeelTheBurn.iso having originated from the Internet Zone.
Set-Content -Path FeelTheBurn.iso -Stream Zone.Identifier -Value $FromTheInternet
# Validate that both files originated from the Internet Zone
Get-Content -Path .\hello.exe -Stream Zone.Identifier
Get-Content -Path .\FeelTheBurn\hello.exe -Stream Zone.Identifier
# Create an ISO file from the FeelTheBurn directory.
# New-IsoFile from:
ls .\FeelTheBurn\ | New-IsoFile -Path FeelTheBurn.iso -Media CDR -Title TestIso
# Simulate double-clicking the ISO and mount it.
$null = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "$PWD\FeelTheBurn.iso" -StorageType ISO -Access ReadOnly
# Observe that hello.exe, once mounted, no longer originates from the Internet Zone.
Get-Content -Path E:\hello.exe -Stream Zone.Identifier
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