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Created July 17, 2015 13:46
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* Plugin Name: Convert Meta Fields
* Description: batch convert metadata for metroinvestments update
* Author: Marc Gratch
* Author URI:
* Version: 0.1.0
* Start by collecting all the IDs for all the post_type that needs to be updated
* @return array
function get_all_ids(){
$args = array (
'post_type' => 'mi_listings',
'posts_per_page' => -1
$all_posts = new WP_Query($args);
$ids_to_store = array();
while ( $all_posts->have_posts() ){
$ids_to_store[] = get_the_ID();
return $ids_to_store;
* Loop through All of the IDs from get_all_ids() and determine if the meta_value and meta_key need to be updated.
* This function also checks if the new keys exit and deletes them first.
function get_all_the_meta_keys(){
$all_ids_array = get_all_ids();
global $wpdb;
$new_val = null;
* Loop through the post ids
foreach($all_ids_array as $post_id){
$this_posts_meta = get_post_meta($post_id);
$all_meta_keys = get_post_custom_keys($post_id);
$attachment_ids = array();
foreach($all_meta_keys as $k){
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'meta_key' => $k, 'post_id'=>$post_id), array( '%s','%d' ) );
elseif($k == '_custom_availability_meta_fields'){
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'meta_key' => $k, 'post_id'=>$post_id), array( '%s','%d' ) );
elseif($k == '_lwi_basement'){
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->postmeta, array( 'meta_key' => $k, 'post_id'=>$post_id), array( '%s','%d' ) );
* loop through the meta_keys
foreach ($this_posts_meta as $key => $val){
if (strpos($key,'_lwi') === 0 || strpos($key,'_slideShowImage') === 0 || strpos($key,'_availability') === 0){
$new_keys = str_replace('_lwi','lwi',$key);
$new_keys = str_replace('_slideShowImage','lwi_slideshowimage',$new_keys);
$new_keys = strtolower($new_keys);
if (strpos($key,'lwi_location_lat') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_location_latitude";
elseif (strpos($key,'_slideShowImage') !== false){
$attachment_ids[] = $val;
elseif (strpos($key,'_availability_availability') !== false){
$new_keys = "availability_availability";
elseif (strpos($key,'_availability_are_available') !== false){
$new_keys = "availability_are_available";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_location_long') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_location_longitude";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_street_address') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_address_street_address";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_state_address') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_address_state";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_city_address') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_address_city";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_zip_address') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_address_zip";
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_location_coords') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_location";
$coords_array = explode(",", $val[0]);
$latitude = $coords_array[0];
$longitude = $coords_array[1];
$final_array = array("latitude" => $latitude,"longitude" => $longitude);
$new_val = maybe_serialize($final_array);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_location_address') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_address";
$address_array = explode(",", $val[0]);
$street = $address_array[0];
$city = $address_array[1];
$state = $address_array[2];
$zip = $address_array[3];
$final_array = array(
"address-1" => $street,
"address-2" => "",
"city" => $city,
"state" => $state,
"zip" => $zip
$new_val = maybe_serialize($final_array);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_leaseTerm') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_leaseterm";
$new_val = ucwords($val[0]);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_washer_dryer') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_washer_dryer";
$uppercse_array = array();
$split_val = explode(' ',$val[0]);
foreach($split_val as $word){
if ($word !== 'on' && $word !== 'the' && $word !== 'in' && $word !== 'to'){
$uppercse_array[] = ucwords($word);
$uppercse_array[] = $word;
$new_val = implode(' ',$uppercse_array);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_pets_allowed') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_pets_allowed";
$uppercse_array = array();
$split_val = explode(' ',$val[0]);
foreach($split_val as $word){
if ($word !== 'on' && $word !== 'the' && $word !== 'in' && $word !== 'to'){
$uppercse_array[] = ucwords($word);
$uppercse_array[] = $word;
$new_val = implode(' ',$uppercse_array);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_utilities') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_utilities";
$uppercse_array = array();
$split_val = explode(' ',$val[0]);
foreach($split_val as $word){
if ($word !== 'on' && $word !== 'the' && $word !== 'in' && $word !== 'to'){
$uppercse_array[] = ucwords($word);
$uppercse_array[] = $word;
$new_val = implode(' ',$uppercse_array);
elseif (strpos($key,'lwi_parking') !== false){
$new_keys = "lwi_parking";
$uppercse_array = array();
$split_val = explode(' ',$val[0]);
foreach($split_val as $word){
if ($word !== 'on' && $word !== 'the' && $word !== 'in' && $word !== 'to'){
$uppercse_array[] = ucwords($word);
$uppercse_array[] = $word;
$new_val = implode(' ',$uppercse_array);
* if the newly formatted meta_key Does NOT exist in the DB, lets update the old Rows with the new keys/value
if ($new_val !== null && !empty($new_val)){
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_value = %s WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = %s",$new_val,$post_id,$key));
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_key = %s WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = %s",$new_keys,$post_id,$key));
$wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_key = %s WHERE post_id = %d AND meta_key = %s",$new_keys,$post_id,$key));
$new_val = null;
* If the post relates to multiple attachments create an associative array of the all the attachments for Pods
if (!empty($attachment_ids)){
$i = 0;
$final_array = array();
$attachment_id_array = $attachment_ids[0];
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'podsrel';
$podsrel_ids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM $table_name");
$max_podsrel_id = 0;
$related_field_id = 0;
$pod_id = 7;
$field_id = 25;
$related_field_id = 0;
foreach($podsrel_ids as $podrel_id){
if($podrel_id->ID > $max_podsrel_id){
$max_podsrel_id = $podrel_id->ID;
foreach ($attachment_id_array as $key => $val){
$val = intval($val,10);
$final_array[] = $val;
$wpdb->prefix . 'podsrel',
'id' => $max_podsrel_id,
'pod_id' => $pod_id,
'field_id' => $field_id,
'item_id' => $post_id,
'related_pod_id' => $related_field_id,
'related_field_id' => $related_field_id,
'related_item_id' => $val,
'weight' => $i
$serialized_array = maybe_serialize($final_array);
$meta_key = '_pods_lwi_slideshowimage';
'post_id' => $post_id,
'meta_key' => $meta_key,
'meta_value' => $serialized_array
deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
add_action( 'shutdown', 'get_all_the_meta_keys' );
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