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Created April 15, 2019 00:41
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Generate Xcode archive from Buck output
#!/usr/bin/env bash
APP_NAME=$(basename "${APP_DIR}")
OUT_DIR=$(dirname "$PWD")
# Copy directories into xcarchive
mkdir -p "${XCARCHIVE}/BCSymbolMaps"
mkdir -p "${XCARCHIVE}/dSYMs"
mkdir -p "${XCARCHIVE}/Products/Applications"
mkdir -p "${XCARCHIVE}/SwiftSupport/iphoneos"
cp -R "${OUT_DIR}"/**/*.dSYM "${XCARCHIVE}/dSYMs"
cp -R "${OUT_DIR}"/*.dSYM "${XCARCHIVE}/dSYMs"
cp -R "${APP_DIR}" "${XCARCHIVE}/Products/Applications"
cp -R "${APP_DIR}"/**/*.dylib "${XCARCHIVE}/SwiftSupport/iphoneos"
# Create empty plist
cp "${APP_DIR}/Info.plist" "${INFO_PLIST}"
${PBUDDY} -x -c "Clear dict" "${INFO_PLIST}"
# Create plist keys
TODAY_DATE=$(date -u +"%a %b %d %T GMT %Y")
${PBUDDY} -x -c "Add :ApplicationProperties dict" \
-c "Add :ApplicationProperties:ApplicationPath String Applications/${APP_NAME}" \
-c "Add :ApplicationProperties:CFBundleIdentifier String" \
-c "Add :ApplicationProperties:CFBundleShortVersionString String" \
-c "Add :ApplicationProperties:CFBundleVersion String" \
-c "Add :ApplicationProperties:SigningIdentity String" \
-c "Add :ArchiveVersion Integer 2" \
-c "Add :CreationDate Date ${TODAY_DATE}" \
-c "Add :Name String" \
-c "Add :SchemeName String" "${INFO_PLIST}"
# Get values from .app plist
BUNDLE_ID=$(${PBUDDY} -c "Print CFBundleIdentifier" "${APP_DIR}/Info.plist")
SHORT_VERSION=$(${PBUDDY} -c "Print CFBundleShortVersionString" "${APP_DIR}/Info.plist")
BUNDLE_VERSION=$(${PBUDDY} -c "Print CFBundleVersion" "${APP_DIR}/Info.plist")
BUNDLE_NAME=$(${PBUDDY} -c "Print CFBundleName" "${APP_DIR}/Info.plist")
# Set plist values
${PBUDDY} -c "Set ApplicationProperties:CFBundleIdentifier ${BUNDLE_ID}" \
-c "Set ApplicationProperties:CFBundleShortVersionString ${SHORT_VERSION}" \
-c "Set ApplicationProperties:CFBundleVersion ${BUNDLE_VERSION}" \
-c "Set Name ${BUNDLE_NAME}" \
-c "Set SchemeName ${BUNDLE_NAME}" "${INFO_PLIST}"
# Get signing identity
codesign -dv --verbose=4 "${APP_DIR}" &>codesign.log
CODE_SIGN=$(cat <codesign.log | grep "Authority" | head -n1 | cut -d "=" -f2)
${PBUDDY} -x -c "Set ApplicationProperties:SigningIdentity ${CODE_SIGN}" "${INFO_PLIST}"
rm codesign.log
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muizidn commented May 25, 2020

Sorry to ask here, but, so buck doesn't provide mechanism to generate AppStore uploadable archive?

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It’s been a while since I had to deal with buck. It probably does. If all the App Store certs and provisioning profiles are specified during buck build the resulting ipa should be good to be uploaded. It’s just that for the use case I used to have back then, we needed an Xcode archive to re-export and resign it later for various distribution types - that was needed for our workflow

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