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Swift Dictionary Literal Convertible
import Foundation
/// Timeout Options
struct Options {
let timeout: Double = 1 // timeout in seconds
let message = "Timeout failed." // message to display on timeout
/// Wait for something with timeout options
func wait(options: Options) {
println("Waiting for \(options.timeout). Message: \(options.message)")
// TODO: wait for some condition
enum OptionKey {
case Timeout, Message
extension Options: DictionaryLiteralConvertible {
typealias Key = OptionKey
typealias Value = AnyObject
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (Key, Value)...) {
for (key, value) in elements {
switch key {
case .Timeout: timeout = value as Double
case .Message: message = value as String
wait(Options(timeout: 0.1, message: "Custom timeout failed."))
wait([.Timeout: 0.1])
wait([.Timeout: 0.1, .Message: "Custom timeout failed."])
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