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WMIEvent-BinaryRename.ps1 installs WMI Eventing based Binary rename detection
WMIEvent-BinaryRename.ps1 installs WMI Eventing based Binary rename detection
Name: WMIEvent-BinaryRename.ps1
Version: 1.0
Author: Matt Green (@mgreen27)
WMIEvent-BinaryRename.ps1 is a WMI based Binary Rename detection template to install a WMI Event Consumer.
The script Installs a Event Consumer named "BinaryRename_Example" to root/subscription namespace.
The Event consumer will monitor all process events and run a vbscript to check for binary rename conditions.
The check will compare Process Name and Original File Name, then if Original File Name is on a list of monitored files will log.
Template includes logging to disk and event logs - feel free to modifiy as required.
Event Log
function: writeEventLog
function call: WriteEventLog strPath, strOrigName
Log to: Application EventLog EventID 4
function: writeEventLog
function call: WriteLogFile strPath, strOrigName
Log to: "C:\staging\wmilog.txt"
To remove a logging method: Remove relevant function from vbscript block as required and function call
Requirements: Powershell 2.0+
Original Template (Eventlog Consumer) attributed to @mattifestation:
Removal commands
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class '__EventFilter' | where-object {$_.Name -like "BinaryRename_Example*"} | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class 'ActiveScriptEventConsumer' | where-object {$_.Name -like "BinaryRename_Example*"} | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class '__FilterToConsumerBinding' | where-object {$_.Filter -like "*BinaryRename_Example*"} | Remove-WmiObject
# Set Variables
$Name = 'BinaryRename_Example'
$Query = 'SELECT ProcessId FROM Win32_ProcessStartTrace'
$EventNamespace = 'root/cimv2'
$Class = 'ActiveScriptEventConsumer'
# Define the signature - i.e. __EventFilter
$EventFilterArgs = @{
EventNamespace = $EventNamespace
Name = $Name
Query = $Query
QueryLanguage = 'WQL'
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = '__EventFilter'
Arguments = $EventFilterArgs
$Filter = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
# Define the Event Consumer - ACTION
$EventConsumerArgs = @{
Name = $Name
ScriptingEngine = 'VBScript'
ScriptText = '
Option Explicit
dim strPath,strName,strOrigName,wmiQuery
dim objFolder,objShell,objFSO,objFile,objWMIService,processes, process
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\localhost\root\cimv2")
wmiQuery = "Select Name,ExecutablePath from Win32_Process Where ProcessId = " & TargetEvent.ProcessId
Set processes = objWMIService.ExecQuery(wmiQuery)
For Each process in processes
strName = process.Name
strPath = process.ExecutablePath
If strPath = "" Then
strPath = "C:\Windows\System32"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
If objFSO.FileExists(strPath) = -1 Then
strPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strPath)
End If
End If
set objShell = CreateObject("shell.application")
set objFolder = objShell.NameSpace(strPath)
If Not Isnull(objFolder) Then
set objFile = objFolder.ParseName(strName)
strOrigName = objFile.ExtendedProperty("{0CEF7D53-FA64-11D1-A203-0000F81FEDEE},6")
If Not len(strOrigName) = 0 Then
if Not lcase(strOrigName) = lcase(strName) OR (lcase(strOrigName) = "psexec.c" AND NOT lcase(left(strName,6)) = "psexec") then
if lcase(strOrigName) = "certutil.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "cmd.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "cmstp.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "cscript.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "mshta.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "msiexec.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "nc.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "powershell.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "psexec.c" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "regsvr32.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "wmic.exe" OR lcase(strOrigName) = "wscript.exe" Then
strPath = strPath & "\" & strName
WriteLogFile strPath, strOrigName
WriteEventLog strPath, strOrigName
End If
End If
End If
End If
Function WriteEventLog(strPath, strOrigName)
Dim wshShell
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wshShell.LogEvent 4, "Binary Rename detected" & vbcrlf & strPath & vbcrlf & "Original Name = " & strOrigName
End Function
Function WriteLogFile(strPath,strOrigName)
dim dateTime
dim objSysInfo, objFSO, objWmiLog
dim strLogPath, strTime, strDate, strComputerName
strLogPath = "C:\staging\wmilog.txt"
Set dateTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
dateTime.SetVarDate (now())
strDate = YEAR(dateTime.GetVarDate (false)) & "-" & Right(String(2,"0") & Month(dateTime.GetVarDate (false)), 2) & "-" & Right(String(2, "0") & DAY(dateTime.GetVarDate (false)), 2)
strTime = FormatDateTime(dateTime.GetVarDate (false),vbShortTime)
Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("WinNTSystemInfo")
strComputerName = objSysInfo.ComputerName
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set objWmiLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strLogPath,8,True,0)
objWmiLog.WriteLine strDate & "T" & strTime & "Z|" & strComputerName & "|Binary Rename detected|" & strPath & "|" & strOrigName
End Function
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = $Class
Arguments = $EventConsumerArgs
$Consumer = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
$FilterConsumerBingingArgs = @{
Filter = $Filter
Consumer = $Consumer
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = '__FilterToConsumerBinding'
Arguments = $FilterConsumerBingingArgs
# Register the alert
$Binding = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
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