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Get-InjectedThreadEx for use in Velociraptor
function Get-InjectedThreadEx
Looks for threads that were created as a result of code injection.
Memory resident malware (fileless malware) often uses a form of memory injection to get code execution. Get-InjectedThread looks at each running thread to determine if it is the result of memory injection.
Common memory injection techniques that *can* be caught using this method include:
- Classic Injection (OpenProcess, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, CreateRemoteThread)
- Reflective DLL Injection
- Memory Module
NOTE: Nothing in security is a silver bullet. An attacker could modify their tactics to avoid detection using this methodology.
- PowerShell 2 is not supported - no bitwise arithemtic shift operators.
- 32-bit Windows support not implemented.
- Limited WoW64 support.
- Slow - uses a single thread.
.PARAMETER Aggressive
Enables additional scans that have higher false positive rates.
Only scans the specified pid.
Limits output to process name, pid, tid, Win32StartAddress module and detections only.
Authors - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
- Joe Desimone (@dez_)
- John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
PS > Get-InjectedThreadEx
ProcessName : ThreadStart.exe
ProcessId : 7784
Wow64 : False
Path : C:\Users\tester\Desktop\ThreadStart.exe
KernelPath : C:\Users\tester\Desktop\ThreadStart.exe
CommandLine : "C:\Users\tester\Desktop\ThreadStart.exe"
PathMismatch : False
ProcessPrivilege : SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
ProcessLogonId : 999
ProcessSecurityIdentifier : S-1-5-21-386661145-2656271985-3844047388-1001
ProcessLogonSessionStartTime : 3/15/2017 5:45:38 PM
ProcessLogonType : System
ProcessAuthenticationPackage : NTLM
ThreadId : 14512
BasePriority : 8
IsUniqueThreadToken : False
ThreadIntegrity :
ThreadPrivilege :
AdditionalThreadPrivilege :
ThreadLogonId :
ThreadSecurityIdentifier :
ThreadUserName : \
ThreadLogonSessionStartTime :
ThreadLogonType :
ThreadAuthenticationPackage :
AllocatedMemoryProtection : PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
MemoryState : MEM_COMMIT
MemoryType : MEM_PRIVATE
Win32StartAddress : 430000
Win32StartAddressModule :
Win32StartAddressModuleSigned : False
Win32StartAddressPrivate : True
Size : 4096
TailBytes : 90909090909090909090909090909090
StartBytes : 558bec5356578b7d086a008b5f1083671000ff15c4c9595a8bf085f6780f8bcfe82f85f5ff8bf0ff15c8c9595a5653ff
Detections : {MEM_PRIVATE}
Write-Warning "32-bit not currently supported."
$WindowsVersion = [Int]((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).version -split '\.')[0]
# Cache for signature checks
$AuthenticodeSignatures = @{}
$CfgBitMapAddress = GetCfgBitMapAddress
# Construct a list of ntdll thread entry points
$NtdllRegex = '^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\ntdll\.dll$'
$NtdllThreads64 = @()
# [1] ntdll!RtlpQueryProcessDebugInformationRemote is exported - look it up.
$NtdllThreads64 += GetProcAddress -ModuleName "ntdll.dll" -ProcName "RtlpQueryProcessDebugInformationRemote"
# [2] ntdll!DbgUiRemoteBreakin is exported - look it up.
$NtdllThreads64 += GetProcAddress -ModuleName "ntdll.dll" -ProcName "DbgUiRemoteBreakin"
# For the non-exported entry points, we check the Win32StartAddress of threads we trust.
# [3] ntdll!TppWorkerThread is already used by PowerShell :-)
# [4] ntdll!EtwpLogger is not exported, but is spawned in processes that use a Private ETW Logging Session
# Note - the PowerShell ETW CmdLets don't fully support private sessions.
# This means that we need to need start it asynchronously (-AsJob) or wait for a timeout.
# We also we can't stop it.
$Random = [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
$Job = New-EtwTraceSession -Name "GetInjectedThreadEx_$($Random)" -LogFileMode $EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE -LocalFilePath "$($ENV:Temp)\GetInjectedThreadEx-$($Random).etl" -AsJob
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Write-Warning "New-EtwTraceSession not found. Can't find ntdll!EtwpLogger."
# Loop over our process's threads to find the valid ntdll threat start adddresses
$hProcess = OpenProcess -ProcessId $PID -DesiredAccess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS -InheritHandle $false
foreach ($Thread in (Get-Process -Id $PID).Threads)
$hThread = OpenThread -ThreadId $Thread.Id -DesiredAccess THREAD_ALL_ACCESS
$Win32StartAddress = NtQueryInformationThread_Win32StartAddress -ThreadHandle $hThread
$StartAddressModule = GetMappedFileName -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $Win32StartAddress
if($StartAddressModule -match $NtdllRegex -and $NtdllThreads64 -notcontains $Win32StartAddress)
$NtdllThreads64 += $Win32StartAddress
if($NtdllThreads64.Length -ne 4)
Write-Warning "Failed to enumerate all valid ntdll thread start addresses."
$LoadLibrary = @()
$LoadLibrary += GetProcAddress -ModuleName "kernel32.dll" -ProcName "LoadLibraryA"
$LoadLibrary += GetProcAddress -ModuleName "kernel32.dll" -ProcName "LoadLibraryW"
# Now enumerate all threads for all processes and check for injection characteristics
$Processes = if($ProcessId) { Get-Process -Id $ProcessId } else {Get-Process}
foreach($Process in $Processes)
if($Process.Id -eq 0 -or $Process.Id -eq 4)
continue # skip Idle and System
$hProcess = OpenProcess -ProcessId $Process.Id -DesiredAccess PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS -InheritHandle $false
if($hProcess -eq 0)
continue # skip process - Access is Denied
Write-Verbose -Message "Checking $($Process.Name) [$($Process.Id)] for injection"
# Collect per-process information
$IsWow64Process = IsWow64Process -ProcessHandle $hProcess
$WmiProcess = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = '$($Process.Id)'"
$ProcessKernelPath = QueryFullProcessImageName -ProcessHandle $hProcess
if(-not $ProcessKernelPath)
continue # process has stopped
$PathMismatch = $Process.Path.ToLower() -ne $ProcessKernelPath.ToLower()
if(-not $AuthenticodeSignatures.ContainsKey($ProcessKernelPath))
$AuthenticodeSignatures[$ProcessKernelPath] = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $ProcessKernelPath
$ProcessModuleSigned = $AuthenticodeSignatures[$ProcessKernelPath].Status -eq 'Valid'
$hProcessToken = OpenProcessToken -ProcessHandle $hProcess -DesiredAccess TOKEN_QUERY
if($hProcessToken -ne 0)
$ProcessSID = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hProcessToken -TokenInformationClass 1
$ProcessPrivs = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hProcessToken -TokenInformationClass 3
$ProcessLogonSession = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hProcessToken -TokenInformationClass 17
$ProcessIntegrity = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hProcessToken -TokenInformationClass 25
# Now loop over this process's threads
foreach ($thread in $Process.Threads)
$hThread = OpenThread -ThreadId $Thread.Id -DesiredAccess THREAD_ALL_ACCESS
if ($hThread -eq 0)
continue # skip thread - Access is Denied
# Win32StartAddress memory information
$Win32StartAddress = NtQueryInformationThread_Win32StartAddress -ThreadHandle $hThread
$MemoryBasicInfo = VirtualQueryEx -ProcessHandle $hProcess -BaseAddress $Win32StartAddress
$AllocatedMemoryProtection = $MemoryBasicInfo.AllocationProtect -as $MemProtection
$MemoryProtection = $MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -as $MemProtection
$MemoryState = $MemoryBasicInfo.State -as $MemState
$MemoryType = $MemoryBasicInfo.Type -as $MemType
# Win32StartAddress module information
$StartAddressModuleSigned = $false
if($MemoryType -eq $MemType::MEM_IMAGE)
$StartAddressModule = GetMappedFileName -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $Win32StartAddress
if(-not $AuthenticodeSignatures.ContainsKey($StartAddressModule))
$AuthenticodeSignatures[$StartAddressModule] = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $StartAddressModule
$AuthenticodeSignature = $AuthenticodeSignatures[$StartAddressModule]
$StartAddressModuleSigned = $AuthenticodeSignature.Status -eq 'Valid'
Write-Verbose -Message " * Thread Id: [$($Thread.Id)] $($StartAddressModule) signed:$($StartAddressModuleSigned)"
Write-Verbose -Message " * Thread Id: [$($Thread.Id)] $($MemoryType)"
# check if thread has unique token
$IsUniqueThreadToken = $false
$ThreadSID = ""
$ThreadPrivs = ""
$ThreadLogonSession = ""
$ThreadIntegrity = ""
$NewPrivileges = ""
$hThreadToken = OpenThreadToken -ThreadHandle $hThread -DesiredAccess TOKEN_QUERY
if ($hThreadToken -ne 0)
$ThreadSID = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hThreadToken -TokenInformationClass 1
$ThreadPrivs = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hThreadToken -TokenInformationClass 3
$ThreadLogonSession = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hThreadToken -TokenInformationClass 17
$ThreadIntegrity = GetTokenInformation -TokenHandle $hThreadToken -TokenInformationClass 25
$IsUniqueThreadToken = $true
catch {}
$Detections = @()
# Suspicious thread heuristics
# original
# - not MEM_IMAGE
# new
# - MEM_IMAGE and x64 and Win32StartAddress is unexpected prolog
# - MEM_IMAGE and Win32StartAddress is on a private (modified) page
# - MEM_IMAGE and dll and Win32StartAddress entry in CFG BitMap is on a private (modified) page
# - MEM_IMAGE and dll and Win32StartAddress is CFG violation or suppressed export
# - MEM_IMAGE and Win32StartAddress is in a suspicious module
# - MEM_IMAGE and x64 and Win32StartAddress wraps non-MEM_IMAGE start address
# - MEM_IMAGE and Win32StartAddress is preceded by unexpected byte (-Aggressive only)
# - MEM_IMAGE and x64 and Win32StartAddress is missing from call stack (-Aggressive only)
# - MEM_IMAGE and x64 and Win32StartAddress is not 16-byte aligned (-Aggressive only)
# - Thread is impersonating SYSTEM
# - Thread is sleeping (enrichment only)
if ($MemoryState -eq $MemState::MEM_COMMIT)
$StartBytesLength = [math]::Min([Int64]48, $MemoryBasicInfo.BaseAddress.ToUInt64() + $MemoryBasicInfo.RegionSize.ToUInt64() - $Win32StartAddress.ToInt64())
$Buffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $hProcess -BaseAddress $Win32StartAddress -Size $StartBytesLength
$StartBytes = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
$StartBytes.Capacity = $StartBytesLength
ForEach ($Byte in $Buffer) { $StartBytes.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", $Byte) | Out-Null }
$StartBytes = $StartBytes.ToString()
$TailBytesLength = [math]::Min([Int64]16, $Win32StartAddress.ToInt64() - $MemoryBasicInfo.BaseAddress.ToUInt64())
$Buffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $hProcess -BaseAddress ($Win32StartAddress.ToInt64() - $TailBytesLength) -Size $TailBytesLength
$TailBytes = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder
$TailBytes.Capacity = $TailBytesLength
ForEach ($Byte in $Buffer) { $TailBytes.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", $Byte) | Out-Null }
$TailBytes = $TailBytes.ToString()
# All threads not starting in a MEM_IMAGE region are suspicious
if ($MemoryType -ne $MemType::MEM_IMAGE)
$Detections += $MemoryType
# Any x64 threads not starting with a valid Windows x64 prolog are suspicious
# In lieu of a dissassembler in PowerShell we approximate with a regex :-(
$x64PrologRegex = '^(' +
'(488d0[5d]........)?' + # lea rax,[rip+nnnn]
'(eb0.(90){3,14})?' + # hot patch space
'(488bc4|4c8bdc)?' + # stack pointer - rax|r11
'(4[8-9c]89(....|[3-7][4c]24..))*' + # save registers in shadow space
'((5|fff|4(0|1)5)[0-7])*' + # push registers
'(488bec|4889e5)?' + # stack pointer - rbp
'(488d6c24..)?' + # lea rbp,[rsp+n]
'(488dac24........)?' + # lea rbp,[rsp+nnnn]
'(488d68..)?' + # lea rbp,[rax+n]
'(488da8........)?' + # lea rbp,[rax+nnnn]
'(498d6b..)?' + # lea rbp,[r11+n]
'(498dab........)?' + # lea rbp,[r11+nnnn]
'(488(1|3)ec' + # sub rsp,n
'|b8........e8........482be0)' + # mov rax; call; sub rsp, rax
'|4885c90f8[4-5]........(|b8........c3)' + # test rcx,rcx; j[n]e nnnn; [jmp nnnn | mov eax, ret]
'|(488d0[5d]........)?(488b..(..)?)*(48)?(e9|ff25)' + # (mov ... ) jmp
'|4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b8000000000000004000000000000000' + # PE Header -> CLR Assembly with AddressOfEntryPoint=0
# TODO(jdu) - update with more variants? Or is the approach simply too unreliable?
if ((-not $IsWow64Process) -and
($StartBytes -notmatch $x64PrologRegex))
$Detections += 'prolog'
$x86PrologRegex = '^(' +
'(8bff)?(6690)?' + # 2-byte nop
'55(8bec|89e5)' + # stack pointer
'|(..)+8[13]ec' + # sub esp,nnnn
'|(6a..|(68|b8)........)*e8' + # call
'|e9|ff25' + # jmp
'|4d5a90000300000004000000ffff0000b8000000000000004000000000000000' + # CLR Assembly
if ($IsWow64Process -and
($StartBytes -notmatch $x86PrologRegex))
$Detections += 'prolog'
# Has our MEM_IMAGE Win32StartAddress been (naively) hooked?
# Note - checking against bytes on disk after the fact won't help with false positives
# as the hook can easily be removed after thread start.
# Detection gap - the hook could easily be deeper, potentially even in a subsequent call. :-(
# Microsoft-Windows-Threat-Intelligence ETW events should detect this more robustly.
$PrivatePage = IsWorkingSetPage -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $Win32StartAddress
if (($MemoryType -eq $MemType::MEM_IMAGE) -and
$Detections += 'hooked'
# Check for suspcious CFG BitMap states
if ((-not $IsWow64Process) -and # TODO(jdu) Wow64 support not implemented
([IntPtr]::Zero -ne $CfgBitMapAddress) -and
($MemoryType -eq $MemType::MEM_IMAGE))
$Detections += (CfgDetections -pCfgBitMap $CfgBitMapAddress -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $Win32StartAddress)
### Suspicious start modules
# unsigned module in signed process - e.g. dll sideloading
if (($WindowsVersion -ge 10) -and $ProcessModuleSigned -and -not $StartAddressModuleSigned)
$Detections += 'unsigned'
# There are no valid thread entry points (that I know of) in many Win32 modules.
$ModulesWithoutThreadEntries = @(
('^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\kernel32\.dll$', 'kernel32'),
('^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\kernelbase\.dll$', 'kernelbase'),
('^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\user32\.dll$', 'user32'),
('^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\advapi32\.dll$', 'advapi32')
# ... and many more
foreach ($Module in $ModulesWithoutThreadEntries)
if ($StartAddressModule -match $Module[0])
$Detections += $Module[1]
# kernel32!LoadLibrary
# And, even if there are, LoadLibrary is always a suspicious start address.
if ($LoadLibrary -contains $Win32StartAddress)
$Detections += 'LoadLibrary'
# ntdll.dll but not -
# * ntdll!TppWorkerThread
# * ntdll!EtwpLogger
# * ntdll!DbgUiRemoteBreakin
# * ntdll!RtlpQueryProcessDebugInformationRemote
# These are the only valid thread entry points in ntdll that I know of.
if ((-not $IsWow64Process) -and
($NtdllThreads64.Length -eq 4) -and
($StartAddressModule -match $NtdllRegex) -and
($NtdllThreads64 -notcontains $Win32StartAddress))
$Detections += 'ntdll'
# Is SYSTEM being impersonated?
if (($ProcessSID -ne "S-1-5-18") -and ($ThreadSID -eq "S-1-5-18"))
$Detections += 'SYSTEM impersonation'
# Check for suspicious call stacks
$WrapperRegex = '^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\((msvcr[t0-9]+|ucrtbase)d?|SHCore|Shlwapi)\.dll$'
if ((-not $IsWow64Process) -and # TODO(jdu) Wow64 support not implemented
($StartAddressModule -match $WrapperRegex) -or # Always perform if a known wrapper module.
($StartAddressModule -match $NtdllRegex) -or # Always perform if ntdll.
$Aggressive -or
($Detections.Length -ne 0))
$Detections += (CallStackDetections -ProcessHandle $hProcess -ThreadHandle $hThread -StartAddressModule $StartAddressModule -Aggressive $Aggressive)
# The byte preceding a function prolog is typically a return, or filler byte.
# False positives can occur if data was included in a code section. This was
# common in older compilers.
# In practice, this has a medium FP rate - so don't check by default.
$x64EpilogFillerRegex = '(00|90|c3|cc|(e8|e9|ff25)........|eb..|^)$'
if (($Aggressive -or ($Detections.Length -ne 0)) -and
($TailBytes -notmatch $x64EpilogFillerRegex))
$Detections += 'tail'
# Modern CPUs load instructions in 16-byte lines. So, for performance, compilers may want to
# ensure that the maximum number of useful bytes will be loaded. This is either 16 or the
# number of bytes modulo 16 until the end of the first call (or absolute jmp) instruction.
# Any start address not aligned as such is a potential MEM_IMAGE trampoline gadget such
# as 'jmp rcx'
# In practice, this has a high FP rate - so don't check by default.
$EarlyCallRegex = '^(..)*?(e8|ff15)'
$ImmediateJumpRegex = '^(e9|(48)?ff25)'
if (($Aggressive -or ($Detections.Length -ne 0)) -and
(($Win32StartAddress.ToInt64() -band 0xF) -ne 0) -and
# If < Windows 10 then also allow 4-byte alignments
(($WindowsVersion -ge 10) -or (($Win32StartAddress.ToInt64() -band 3) -ne 0)))
if ($StartBytes -match $EarlyCallRegex)
# Calulate the distance to the end of the call modulo 16
# This calculation isn't perfect - we did a rough regex match, not an exact decompilation...
$BytesNeeded = (($matches[0].Length / 2) -band 0xF) + 4
$BytesLoaded = 16 - ($Win32StartAddress.ToInt64() -band 0xF)
if ($BytesLoaded -lt $BytesNeeded)
$Detections += 'alignment'
elseif ($StartBytes -notmatch $ImmediateJumpRegex)
$Detections += 'alignment'
# Definitely not a smoking gun on its own, but obfuscate-and-sleep approaches are becoming popular.
if (($Detections.Length -ne 0) -and
($null -ne $Thread.WaitReason) -and
($Thread.WaitReason.ToString() -eq 'ExecutionDelay'))
$Detections += "sleep"
if ($Detections.Length -ne 0)
$ThreadDetail = New-Object PSObject
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessName -Value $WmiProcess.Name
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessId -Value $WmiProcess.ProcessId
if (-not $Brief)
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Wow64 -Value $IsWow64Process
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Path -Value $WmiProcess.Path
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name KernelPath -Value $ProcessKernelPath
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name CommandLine -Value $WmiProcess.CommandLine
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name PathMismatch -Value $PathMismatch
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessIntegrity -Value $ProcessIntegrity
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessPrivilege -Value $ProcessPrivs
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessLogonId -Value $ProcessLogonSession.LogonId
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessSecurityIdentifier -Value $ProcessSID
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessUserName -Value "$($ProcessLogonSession.Domain)\$($ProcessLogonSession.UserName)"
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessLogonSessionStartTime -Value $ProcessLogonSession.StartTime
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessLogonType -Value $ProcessLogonSession.LogonType
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ProcessAuthenticationPackage -Value $ProcessLogonSession.AuthenticationPackage
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadId -Value $Thread.Id
if (-not $Brief)
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ThreadStartTime -Value $Thread.StartTime
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name BasePriority -Value $Thread.BasePriority
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name WaitReason -Value $Thread.WaitReason
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name IsUniqueThreadToken -Value $IsUniqueThreadToken
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadIntegrity -Value $ThreadIntegrity
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadPrivilege -Value $ThreadPrivs
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name AdditionalThreadPrivilege -Value $NewPrivileges
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadLogonId -Value $ThreadLogonSession.LogonId
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadSecurityIdentifier -Value $ThreadSID
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadUserName -Value "$($ThreadLogonSession.Domain)\$($ThreadLogonSession.UserName)"
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadLogonSessionStartTime -Value $ThreadLogonSession.StartTime
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadLogonType -Value $ThreadLogonSession.LogonType
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name ThreadAuthenticationPackage -Value $ThreadLogonSession.AuthenticationPackage
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name AllocatedMemoryProtection -Value $AllocatedMemoryProtection
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name MemoryProtection -Value $MemoryProtection
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name MemoryState -Value $MemoryState
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name MemoryType -Value $MemoryType
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Win32StartAddress -Value $Win32StartAddress.ToString('x')
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Win32StartAddressModule -Value $StartAddressModule
if (-not $Brief)
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Win32StartAddressModuleSigned -Value $StartAddressModuleSigned
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Win32StartAddressPrivate -Value $PrivatePage
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Size -Value $MemoryBasicInfo.RegionSize
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name TailBytes -Value $TailBytes
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name StartBytes -Value $StartBytes
$ThreadDetail | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name Detections -Value $Detections
Write-Output $ThreadDetail
function GetCfgBitMapAddress
Returns the address of ntdll!LdrSystemDllInitBlock.CfgBitMap, or Zero if CFG is not supported.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
# Find non-exported ntdll!LdrSystemDllInitBlock.CfgBitMap
# 180033520 ntdll!LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced
# 180033520 48833d80be140000 CMP qword ptr[LdrSystemDllInitBlock.CfgBitMap], 0x0
$LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced = GetProcAddress -ModuleName "ntdll.dll" -ProcName "LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced"
if ($LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced -eq 0)
return [IntPtr]::Zero # CFG not supported on this platform
$Offset = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced.ToInt64() + 3)
$pCfgBitMap = $LdrControlFlowGuardEnforced.ToInt64() + 8 + $Offset
# Read the value of the CFG BitMap address in our CFG-Enabled PowerShell process
$CfgBitMap = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadIntPtr($pCfgBitMap)
if ($CfgBitMap -eq [IntPtr]::Zero)
Write-Warning "CFG BitMap address not found at 0x$($CfgBitmap.ToString('x'))"
return [IntPtr]::Zero
# Validate the CFG BitMap address
$CurrentProcess = [IntPtr](-1)
$MemoryBasicInfo = VirtualQueryEx -ProcessHandle $CurrentProcess -BaseAddress $CfgBitMap
if ($MemoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase -ne [UIntPtr]([UInt64]$CfgBitMap.ToInt64()))
Write-Warning "CFG BitMap address not valid at 0x$($CfgBitmap.ToString('x'))"
return [IntPtr]::Zero
return [IntPtr]$pCfgBitmap
function CfgDetections
Checks the CFG BitMap for anomalies related to the given Address.
The address of ntdll!LdrSystemDllInitBlock.CfgBitMap
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A read handle to the target process.
The address to check.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Detections = @()
# Read the location of the CFG BitMap address in our process
$Buffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $pCfgBitmap -Size $([IntPtr]::Size)
$CfgBitmap = if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) {[System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($Buffer, 0)} else {[System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($Buffer, 0)}
if($CfgBitmap -eq 0)
return # CFG is not enabled
# Validate the CFG BitMap
$MemoryBasicInfo = VirtualQueryEx -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $CfgBitmap
if($MemoryBasicInfo.AllocationBase -ne [UIntPtr]([UInt64]$CfgBitmap))
Write-Warning "CFG BitMap address not found at 0x$($CfgBitmap.ToString('x'))"
# TODO(jdu) - implement bitwise shift operations to support PowerShell 2.
# Perhaps
# Find the CFG entry for target address
$CfgIndexShift = if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) { 9 } else { 8 }
$pCfgEntry = $CfgBitmap + ($Address.ToInt64() -shr $CfgIndexShift) * [IntPtr]::Size
$MemoryBasicInfo = VirtualQueryEx -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $pCfgEntry
if (($MemoryBasicInfo.State -ne $MemState::MEM_COMMIT) -or
($MemoryBasicInfo.Type -ne $MemType::MEM_MAPPED) -or
($MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -eq $MemProtect::PAGE_NOACCESS))
Write-Warning "Invalid CFG Entry for 0x$($Address.ToString('x'))"
if (IsWorkingSetPage -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -Address $pCfgEntry)
$AddressModule = GetMappedFileName -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -Address $Address
$ProcessExecutable = QueryFullProcessImageName -ProcessHandle $hProcess
# executable CFG bitmaps are not shared - only library (dll) ones.
# The original Microsoft Edge modifies its CFG bitmap
if(($AddressModule -notmatch '\.exe$') -and
($ProcessExecutable -notmatch '^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\.*\\MicrosoftEdge(CP|SH)?\.exe$'))
$Detections += "cfg_modified"
$Buffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $pCfgEntry -Size $([IntPtr]::Size)
$CfgEntry = if ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8) { [System.BitConverter]::ToInt64($Buffer, 0) } else { [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($Buffer, 0) }
# Check the relevant bits for address in this entry
$CfgOffsetMask = (([IntPtr]::Size -shl 3) - 2)
$BitPairOffset = ($Address.ToInt64() -shr 3) -band $CfgOffsetMask
$BitPair = ($CfgEntry -shr $BitPairOffset) -band 3
# 00 - no address in this range is a valid target
# 01 - the only valid target is 16-byte aligned
# 10 - this range contains an export-suppressed target
# 11 - all addresses in this range are valid.
# export suppressed CFG addresses are suspicious thread start addresses
if ($BitPair -eq 2)
$Detections += 'cfg_export_suppressed'
# Was CFG bypassed?
elseif (($Address.ToInt64() -band 0xF) -eq 0)
# 16-byte aligned check
if (($BitPair -band 1) -eq 0)
$Detections += 'cfg'
elseif ($BitPair -ne 3)
$Detections += 'cfg'
Write-Output $Detections
function CallStackDetections
Checks the bottom of the thread's stack for suspicious return addresses.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
.PARAMETER ThreadHandle
.PARAMETER StartAddressModule
.PARAMETER Aggressive
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func ntdll NtQueryInformationThread ([UInt32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
[Int32], #_In_ THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass,
[THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION].MakeByRefType(), #_Inout_ PVOID ThreadInformation,
[Int32], #_In_ ULONG ThreadInformationLength,
[IntPtr] #_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength
$WrapperRegex = '^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\((msvcr[t0-9]+|ucrtbase)d?|SHCore|Shlwapi)\.dll$'
# TODO(jdu) Handle 32-bit thread stacks...
# 1. Query the THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION to determine the location of the Thread Environment Block (TEB)
$ThreadBasicInfo = [Activator]::CreateInstance($THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION)
$NtStatus = $Ntdll::NtQueryInformationThread($ThreadHandle, 0, [Ref]$ThreadBasicInfo, $THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION::GetSize(), [IntPtr]::Zero)
if ($NtStatus -ne 0)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
throw "NtQueryInformationThread Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
if($ThreadBasicInfo.TebBaseAddress -eq 0)
# 2. The TIB is the first elemenet of the TEB. Read the TIB to determine the stack limits.
$Buffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $ThreadBasicInfo.TebBaseAddress -Size $TIB64::GetSize()
$TibPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TIB64::GetSize())
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($Buffer, 0, $TibPtr, $TIB64::GetSize())
$Tib = $TibPtr -as $TIB64
# 3. Read the (partial) stack contents
$StackReadLength = [math]::Min([Int64]0x1000, $Tib.StackBase.ToInt64() - $Tib.StackLimit.ToInt64())
$StackBuffer = ReadProcessMemory -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress ($Tib.StackBase.ToInt64() - $StackReadLength) -Size $StackReadLength
# 4. Search the stack bottom up for the (probable) initial return addresses of the first 5 frames.
# [expected] ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart -> kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk -> Win32StartAddress
# Note - at this stack depth it is unlikely, but not impossible, that we encounter a false positive return address on the stack.
$RspBuffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal([IntPtr]::Size)
$Detections = @()
$Unbacked = $false
$ReturnModules = @()
# Our return addresses are only probable as we're not stack walking. Collect up to 5 in case of false positives.
$MaxFrameCount = 5
# x64 stack frames are 16-byte aligned, and return addresses are 8-byte aligned.
for ($i = 8; ($ReturnModules.Count -lt $MaxFrameCount) -and ($i -lt $StackReadLength); $i += 16)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($StackBuffer, ($StackReadLength - $i), $RspBuffer, [IntPtr]::Size)
$CandidateRsp = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt64($RspBuffer)
if ($CandidateRsp -ne 0)
$MemoryBasicInfo = VirtualQueryEx -ProcessHandle $ProcessHandle -BaseAddress $CandidateRsp
if ($MemoryBasicInfo.State -eq $MemState::MEM_COMMIT -and
($MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -eq $MemProtection::PAGE_EXECUTE -or
$MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -eq $MemProtection::PAGE_EXECUTE_READ -or
$MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -eq $MemProtection::PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE -or
$MemoryBasicInfo.Protect -eq $MemProtection::PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY))
if ($MemoryBasicInfo.Type -eq $MemType::MEM_IMAGE)
$CandidateRspModule = GetMappedFileName -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $CandidateRsp
if($CandidateRspModule -eq $StartAddressModule)
# StartAddressModule found - stop searching (or after next frame)
$MaxFrameCount = if($Aggressive -or ($StartAddressModule -match $WrapperRegex)) {[math]::Min($MaxFrameCount, $ReturnModules.Count + 2)} else {$ReturnModules.Count}
elseif(IsWorkingSetPage -ProcessHandle $hProcess -Address $CandidateRsp)
$Detections += "hooked(" + [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($CandidateRspModule) + ")"
$CandidateRspModule = $MemoryBasicInfo.Type -as $MemType
$Unbacked = $true
# Unbacked found - stop searching after next frame
$MaxFrameCount = [math]::Min($MaxFrameCount, $ReturnModules.Count + 2)
Write-Verbose -Message " * Stack [0x$($CandidateRsp.ToString('x'))] +0x$($i.ToString('x')): $($CandidateRspModule) "
if (($ReturnModules.Count -eq 0) -or ($ReturnModules[$ReturnModules.Count-1] -ne $CandidateRspModule))
$ReturnModules += $CandidateRspModule;
if (($ReturnModules.Count -le 2) -and ($CandidateRspModule -match "^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\System32\\(ntdll|kernel32)\.dll$"))
$i += 32 # skip parameter shadow space - this helps with FPs
if($ReturnModules.Count -eq 0)
# 5. Validate the initial inferred call stack frames
$StackSummary = (($ReturnModules | ForEach-Object { [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_) }) -join ';').Replace("ntdll;kernel32;", "")
# Has the thread been hijacked before Win32StartAddress was called?
if ($Aggressive -and
# Our "call stack" is a rough approximation - and could cause false positives.
# Also, the Win32StartAddress function could be a Tail Call Optimized (TCO).
($ReturnModules -notcontains $StartAddressModule) -and
# .NET executables always intially jump to the CLR runtime startup shim mscoree!_CorExeMain.
($ReturnModules[2] -notmatch "^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\mscoree\.dll$") -and
# WindowsApps executables sometimes just jump to a dll of the same name!
($ReturnModules[2] -notcontains $StartAddressModule.Replace(".exe", ".dll")) -and
# WoW64 thread
$StackSummary -notmatch "^ntdll;wow64;wow64cpu;")
$Detections += "hijacked($($StackSummary))"
# Is the stack base normal?
# Note - MSYS2 will false positive here.
elseif (($ReturnModules[0] -notmatch "^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\ntdll\.dll$") -or
($ReturnModules[1] -and ($ReturnModules[1] -notmatch "^[A-Z]:\\Windows\\Sys(tem32|WOW64)\\(wow64|kernel32)\.dll$")))
$Detections += "hijacked($($StackSummary))"
# Has a private start address been called indirectly via a wrapper function?
elseif ($Unbacked -and ($ReturnModules -contains $StartAddressModule))
$Detections += "wrapper($($StackSummary))"
# Is there a private start address near the bottom of the stack?
elseif ($Unbacked)
$Detections += "early_unbacked($($StackSummary))"
Write-Output $Detections
function Get-LogonSession
Author: Lee Christensen (@tifkin_)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$LogonMap = @{}
Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser | %{
$Identity = $_.Antecedent | Select-String 'Domain="(.*)",Name="(.*)"'
$LogonSession = $_.Dependent | Select-String 'LogonId="(\d+)"'
$LogonMap[$LogonSession.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value] = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Domain = $Identity.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
UserName = $Identity.Matches[0].Groups[2].Value
Get-WmiObject Win32_LogonSession -Filter "LogonId = `"$($LogonId)`"" | %{
$LogonType = $Null
switch($_.LogonType) {
$null {$LogonType = 'None'}
0 { $LogonType = 'System' }
2 { $LogonType = 'Interactive' }
3 { $LogonType = 'Network' }
4 { $LogonType = 'Batch' }
5 { $LogonType = 'Service' }
6 { $LogonType = 'Proxy' }
7 { $LogonType = 'Unlock' }
8 { $LogonType = 'NetworkCleartext' }
9 { $LogonType = 'NewCredentials' }
10 { $LogonType = 'RemoteInteractive' }
11 { $LogonType = 'CachedInteractive' }
12 { $LogonType = 'CachedRemoteInteractive' }
13 { $LogonType = 'CachedUnlock' }
default { $LogonType = $_.LogonType}
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
UserName = $LogonMap[$_.LogonId].UserName
Domain = $LogonMap[$_.LogonId].Domain
LogonId = $_.LogonId
LogonType = $LogonType
AuthenticationPackage = $_.AuthenticationPackage
Caption = $_.Caption
Description = $_.Description
InstallDate = $_.InstallDate
Name = $_.Name
StartTime = $_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StartTime)
#region PSReflect
function New-InMemoryModule
Creates an in-memory assembly and module
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
When defining custom enums, structs, and unmanaged functions, it is
necessary to associate to an assembly module. This helper function
creates an in-memory module that can be passed to the 'enum',
'struct', and Add-Win32Type functions.
Specifies the desired name for the in-memory assembly and module. If
ModuleName is not provided, it will default to a GUID.
$Module = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
$ModuleName = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$AppDomain = [Reflection.Assembly].Assembly.GetType('System.AppDomain').GetProperty('CurrentDomain').GetValue($null, @())
$LoadedAssemblies = $AppDomain.GetAssemblies()
foreach ($Assembly in $LoadedAssemblies) {
if ($Assembly.FullName -and ($Assembly.FullName.Split(',')[0] -eq $ModuleName)) {
return $Assembly
$DynAssembly = New-Object Reflection.AssemblyName($ModuleName)
$Domain = $AppDomain
$AssemblyBuilder = $Domain.DefineDynamicAssembly($DynAssembly, 'Run')
$ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule($ModuleName, $False)
return $ModuleBuilder
# A helper function used to reduce typing while defining function
# prototypes for Add-Win32Type.
function func
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3)]
[Parameter(Position = 4)]
[Parameter(Position = 5)]
$Properties = @{
DllName = $DllName
FunctionName = $FunctionName
ReturnType = $ReturnType
if ($ParameterTypes) { $Properties['ParameterTypes'] = $ParameterTypes }
if ($NativeCallingConvention) { $Properties['NativeCallingConvention'] = $NativeCallingConvention }
if ($Charset) { $Properties['Charset'] = $Charset }
if ($SetLastError) { $Properties['SetLastError'] = $SetLastError }
if ($EntryPoint) { $Properties['EntryPoint'] = $EntryPoint }
New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
function Add-Win32Type
Creates a .NET type for an unmanaged Win32 function.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: func
Add-Win32Type enables you to easily interact with unmanaged (i.e.
Win32 unmanaged) functions in PowerShell. After providing
Add-Win32Type with a function signature, a .NET type is created
using reflection (i.e. csc.exe is never called like with Add-Type).
The 'func' helper function can be used to reduce typing when defining
multiple function definitions.
The name of the DLL.
.PARAMETER FunctionName
The name of the target function.
The DLL export function name. This argument should be specified if the
specified function name is different than the name of the exported
The return type of the function.
.PARAMETER ParameterTypes
The function parameters.
.PARAMETER NativeCallingConvention
Specifies the native calling convention of the function. Defaults to
If you need to explicitly call an 'A' or 'W' Win32 function, you can
specify the character set.
Indicates whether the callee calls the SetLastError Win32 API
function before returning from the attributed method.
The in-memory module that will host the functions. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
.PARAMETER Namespace
An optional namespace to prepend to the type. Add-Win32Type defaults
to a namespace consisting only of the name of the DLL.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$FunctionDefinitions = @(
(func kernel32 GetProcAddress ([IntPtr]) @([IntPtr], [String]) -Charset Ansi -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 GetModuleHandle ([Intptr]) @([String]) -SetLastError),
(func ntdll RtlGetCurrentPeb ([IntPtr]) @())
$Types = $FunctionDefinitions | Add-Win32Type -Module $Mod -Namespace 'Win32'
$Kernel32 = $Types['kernel32']
$Ntdll = $Types['ntdll']
$ntdllbase = $Kernel32::GetModuleHandle('ntdll')
$Kernel32::GetProcAddress($ntdllbase, 'RtlGetCurrentPeb')
Inspired by Lee Holmes' Invoke-WindowsApi
When defining multiple function prototypes, it is ideal to provide
Add-Win32Type with an array of function signatures. That way, they
are all incorporated into the same in-memory module.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
$NativeCallingConvention = [Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention]::StdCall,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
$Charset = [Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet]::Auto,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
$Namespace = ''
$TypeHash = @{}
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
if ($Namespace)
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.GetType("$Namespace.$DllName")
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.GetType($DllName)
# Define one type for each DLL
if (!$TypeHash.ContainsKey($DllName))
if ($Namespace)
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.DefineType("$Namespace.$DllName", 'Public,BeforeFieldInit')
$TypeHash[$DllName] = $Module.DefineType($DllName, 'Public,BeforeFieldInit')
$Method = $TypeHash[$DllName].DefineMethod(
# Make each ByRef parameter an Out parameter
$i = 1
foreach($Parameter in $ParameterTypes)
if ($Parameter.IsByRef)
[void] $Method.DefineParameter($i, 'Out', $null)
$DllImport = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute]
$SetLastErrorField = $DllImport.GetField('SetLastError')
$CallingConventionField = $DllImport.GetField('CallingConvention')
$CharsetField = $DllImport.GetField('CharSet')
$EntryPointField = $DllImport.GetField('EntryPoint')
if ($SetLastError) { $SLEValue = $True } else { $SLEValue = $False }
if ($PSBoundParameters['EntryPoint']) { $ExportedFuncName = $EntryPoint } else { $ExportedFuncName = $FunctionName }
# Equivalent to C# version of [DllImport(DllName)]
$Constructor = [Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute].GetConstructor([String])
$DllImportAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($Constructor,
$DllName, [Reflection.PropertyInfo[]] @(), [Object[]] @(),
[Reflection.FieldInfo[]] @($SetLastErrorField,
[Object[]] @($SLEValue,
([Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention] $NativeCallingConvention),
([Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet] $Charset),
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return $TypeHash
$ReturnTypes = @{}
foreach ($Key in $TypeHash.Keys)
$Type = $TypeHash[$Key].CreateType()
$ReturnTypes[$Key] = $Type
return $ReturnTypes
function psenum
Creates an in-memory enumeration for use in your PowerShell session.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
The 'psenum' function facilitates the creation of enums entirely in
memory using as close to a "C style" as PowerShell will allow.
The in-memory module that will host the enum. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
The fully-qualified name of the enum.
The type of each enum element.
.PARAMETER EnumElements
A hashtable of enum elements.
Specifies that the enum should be treated as a bitfield.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$ImageSubsystem = psenum $Mod PE.IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM UInt16 @{
NATIVE = 1 # Image doesn't require a subsystem.
WINDOWS_GUI = 2 # Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem.
WINDOWS_CUI = 3 # Image runs in the Windows character subsystem.
OS2_CUI = 5 # Image runs in the OS/2 character subsystem.
POSIX_CUI = 7 # Image runs in the Posix character subsystem.
NATIVE_WINDOWS = 8 # Image is a native Win9x driver.
WINDOWS_CE_GUI = 9 # Image runs in the Windows CE subsystem.
EFI_ROM = 13
XBOX = 14
PowerShell purists may disagree with the naming of this function but
again, this was developed in such a way so as to emulate a "C style"
definition as closely as possible. Sorry, I'm not going to name it
New-Enum. :P
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $True)]
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return ($Module.GetType($FullName))
$EnumType = $Type -as [Type]
$EnumBuilder = $Module.DefineEnum($FullName, 'Public', $EnumType)
if ($Bitfield)
$FlagsConstructor = [FlagsAttribute].GetConstructor(@())
$FlagsCustomAttribute = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($FlagsConstructor, @())
foreach ($Key in $EnumElements.Keys)
# Apply the specified enum type to each element
$null = $EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral($Key, $EnumElements[$Key] -as $EnumType)
# A helper function used to reduce typing while defining struct
# fields.
function field
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 2)]
Position = $Position
Type = $Type -as [Type]
Offset = $Offset
MarshalAs = $MarshalAs
function struct
Creates an in-memory struct for use in your PowerShell session.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: field
The 'struct' function facilitates the creation of structs entirely in
memory using as close to a "C style" as PowerShell will allow. Struct
fields are specified using a hashtable where each field of the struct
is comprosed of the order in which it should be defined, its .NET
type, and optionally, its offset and special marshaling attributes.
One of the features of 'struct' is that after your struct is defined,
it will come with a built-in GetSize method as well as an explicit
converter so that you can easily cast an IntPtr to the struct without
relying upon calling SizeOf and/or PtrToStructure in the Marshal
The in-memory module that will host the struct. Use
New-InMemoryModule to define an in-memory module.
The fully-qualified name of the struct.
.PARAMETER StructFields
A hashtable of fields. Use the 'field' helper function to ease
defining each field.
.PARAMETER PackingSize
Specifies the memory alignment of fields.
.PARAMETER ExplicitLayout
Indicates that an explicit offset for each field will be specified.
$Mod = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName Win32
$ImageDosSignature = psenum $Mod PE.IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE UInt16 @{
$ImageDosHeader = struct $Mod PE.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER @{
e_magic = field 0 $ImageDosSignature
e_cblp = field 1 UInt16
e_cp = field 2 UInt16
e_crlc = field 3 UInt16
e_cparhdr = field 4 UInt16
e_minalloc = field 5 UInt16
e_maxalloc = field 6 UInt16
e_ss = field 7 UInt16
e_sp = field 8 UInt16
e_csum = field 9 UInt16
e_ip = field 10 UInt16
e_cs = field 11 UInt16
e_lfarlc = field 12 UInt16
e_ovno = field 13 UInt16
e_res = field 14 UInt16[] -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 4)
e_oemid = field 15 UInt16
e_oeminfo = field 16 UInt16
e_res2 = field 17 UInt16[] -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 10)
e_lfanew = field 18 Int32
# Example of using an explicit layout in order to create a union.
$TestUnion = struct $Mod TestUnion @{
field1 = field 0 UInt32 0
field2 = field 1 IntPtr 0
} -ExplicitLayout
PowerShell purists may disagree with the naming of this function but
again, this was developed in such a way so as to emulate a "C style"
definition as closely as possible. Sorry, I'm not going to name it
New-Struct. :P
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True)]
[ValidateScript({($_ -is [Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder]) -or ($_ -is [Reflection.Assembly])})]
[Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $True)]
[Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $True)]
$PackingSize = [Reflection.Emit.PackingSize]::Unspecified,
if ($Module -is [Reflection.Assembly])
return ($Module.GetType($FullName))
[Reflection.TypeAttributes] $StructAttributes = 'AnsiClass,
if ($ExplicitLayout)
$StructAttributes = $StructAttributes -bor [Reflection.TypeAttributes]::ExplicitLayout
$StructAttributes = $StructAttributes -bor [Reflection.TypeAttributes]::SequentialLayout
$StructBuilder = $Module.DefineType($FullName, $StructAttributes, [ValueType], $PackingSize)
$ConstructorInfo = [Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute].GetConstructors()[0]
$SizeConst = @([Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute].GetField('SizeConst'))
$Fields = New-Object Hashtable[]($StructFields.Count)
# Sort each field according to the orders specified
# Unfortunately, PSv2 doesn't have the luxury of the
# hashtable [Ordered] accelerator.
foreach ($Field in $StructFields.Keys)
$Index = $StructFields[$Field]['Position']
$Fields[$Index] = @{FieldName = $Field; Properties = $StructFields[$Field]}
foreach ($Field in $Fields)
$FieldName = $Field['FieldName']
$FieldProp = $Field['Properties']
$Offset = $FieldProp['Offset']
$Type = $FieldProp['Type']
$MarshalAs = $FieldProp['MarshalAs']
$NewField = $StructBuilder.DefineField($FieldName, $Type, 'Public')
if ($MarshalAs)
$UnmanagedType = $MarshalAs[0] -as ([Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType])
if ($MarshalAs[1])
$Size = $MarshalAs[1]
$AttribBuilder = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($ConstructorInfo,
$UnmanagedType, $SizeConst, @($Size))
$AttribBuilder = New-Object Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder($ConstructorInfo, [Object[]] @($UnmanagedType))
if ($ExplicitLayout) { $NewField.SetOffset($Offset) }
# Make the struct aware of its own size.
# No more having to call [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf!
$SizeMethod = $StructBuilder.DefineMethod('GetSize',
'Public, Static',
[Type[]] @())
$ILGenerator = $SizeMethod.GetILGenerator()
# Thanks for the help, Jason Shirk!
$ILGenerator.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Ldtoken, $StructBuilder)
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal].GetMethod('SizeOf', [Type[]] @([Type])))
# Allow for explicit casting from an IntPtr
# No more having to call [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStructure!
$ImplicitConverter = $StructBuilder.DefineMethod('op_Implicit',
'PrivateScope, Public, Static, HideBySig, SpecialName',
[Type[]] @([IntPtr]))
$ILGenerator2 = $ImplicitConverter.GetILGenerator()
$ILGenerator2.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Ldtoken, $StructBuilder)
[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal].GetMethod('PtrToStructure', [Type[]] @([IntPtr], [Type])))
$ILGenerator2.Emit([Reflection.Emit.OpCodes]::Unbox_Any, $StructBuilder)
#endregion PSReflect
#region PSReflect Definitions (Thread)
$Module = New-InMemoryModule -ModuleName GetInjectedThread
#region Constants
$LOW_MANDATORY_LEVEL = "S-1-16-4096"
$HIGH_MANDATORY_LEVEL = "S-1-16-12288"
#endregion Constants
#region Enums
$LuidAttributes = psenum $Module LuidAttributes UInt32 @{
DISABLED = '0x00000000'
} -Bitfield
$MemProtection = psenum $Module MemProtection UInt32 @{
PAGE_GUARD = 0x100
} -Bitfield
$MemState = psenum $Module MemState UInt32 @{
MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000
MEM_RESERVE = 0x2000
MEM_FREE = 0x10000
$MemType = psenum $Module MemType UInt32 @{
MEM_PRIVATE = 0x20000
MEM_MAPPED = 0x40000
MEM_IMAGE = 0x1000000
PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x00000010
PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x00000020
PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = 0x00000100
DELETE = 0x00010000
READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000
WRITE_DAC = 0x00040000
WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000
SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000
} -Bitfield
$SecurityEntity = psenum $Module SecurityEntity UInt32 @{
SeCreateTokenPrivilege = 1
SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege = 2
SeLockMemoryPrivilege = 3
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege = 4
SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege = 5
SeMachineAccountPrivilege = 6
SeTcbPrivilege = 7
SeSecurityPrivilege = 8
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = 9
SeLoadDriverPrivilege = 10
SeSystemProfilePrivilege = 11
SeSystemtimePrivilege = 12
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege = 13
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege = 14
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege = 15
SeCreatePermanentPrivilege = 16
SeBackupPrivilege = 17
SeRestorePrivilege = 18
SeShutdownPrivilege = 19
SeDebugPrivilege = 20
SeAuditPrivilege = 21
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege = 22
SeChangeNotifyPrivilege = 23
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege = 24
SeUndockPrivilege = 25
SeSyncAgentPrivilege = 26
SeEnableDelegationPrivilege = 27
SeManageVolumePrivilege = 28
SeImpersonatePrivilege = 29
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege = 30
SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege = 31
SeRelabelPrivilege = 32
SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = 33
SeTimeZonePrivilege = 34
SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = 35
$THREAD_ACCESS = psenum $Module THREAD_ACCESS UInt32 @{
DELETE = 0x00010000
READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000
WRITE_DAC = 0x00040000
WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000
SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000
THREAD_ALL_ACCESS = 0x001f0ffb
} -Bitfield
$TOKEN_ACCESS = psenum $Module TOKEN_ACCESS UInt32 @{
TOKEN_DUPLICATE = 0x00000002
TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008
DELETE = 0x00010000
READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000
WRITE_DAC = 0x00040000
WRITE_OWNER = 0x00080000
SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000
TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS = 0x001f01ff
} -Bitfield
$TokenInformationClass = psenum $Module TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS UInt16 @{
TokenUser = 1
TokenGroups = 2
TokenPrivileges = 3
TokenOwner = 4
TokenPrimaryGroup = 5
TokenDefaultDacl = 6
TokenSource = 7
TokenType = 8
TokenImpersonationLevel = 9
TokenStatistics = 10
TokenRestrictedSids = 11
TokenSessionId = 12
TokenGroupsAndPrivileges = 13
TokenSessionReference = 14
TokenSandBoxInert = 15
TokenAuditPolicy = 16
TokenOrigin = 17
TokenElevationType = 18
TokenLinkedToken = 19
TokenElevation = 20
TokenHasRestrictions = 21
TokenAccessInformation = 22
TokenVirtualizationAllowed = 23
TokenVirtualizationEnabled = 24
TokenIntegrityLevel = 25
TokenUIAccess = 26
TokenMandatoryPolicy = 27
TokenLogonSid = 28
TokenIsAppContainer = 29
TokenCapabilities = 30
TokenAppContainerSid = 31
TokenAppContainerNumber = 32
TokenUserClaimAttributes = 33
TokenDeviceClaimAttributes = 34
TokenRestrictedUserClaimAttributes = 35
TokenRestrictedDeviceClaimAttributes = 36
TokenDeviceGroups = 37
TokenRestrictedDeviceGroups = 38
TokenSecurityAttributes = 39
TokenIsRestricted = 40
MaxTokenInfoClass = 41
Valid = 0x00000001
Shared = 0x00008000
} -Bitfield
#endregion Enums
#region Structs
$LUID = struct $Module Luid @{
LowPart = field 0 $SecurityEntity
HighPart = field 1 Int32
$LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES = struct $Module LuidAndAttributes @{
Luid = field 0 $LUID
Attributes = field 1 UInt32
BaseAddress = field 0 UIntPtr
AllocationBase = field 1 UIntPtr
AllocationProtect = field 2 UInt32
RegionSize = field 3 UIntPtr
State = field 4 UInt32
Protect = field 5 UInt32
Type = field 6 UInt32
$SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES = struct $Module SidAndAttributes @{
Sid = field 0 IntPtr
Attributes = field 1 UInt32
$TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL = struct $Module TokenMandatoryLabel @{
Label = field 0 $SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES;
$TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = struct $Module TokenPrivileges @{
PrivilegeCount = field 0 UInt32
Privileges = field 1 $LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES.MakeArrayType() -MarshalAs @('ByValArray', 50)
$TOKEN_USER = struct $Module TOKEN_USER @{
User = field 0 $SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
$WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION = struct $Module WorkingSetExInformation @{
VirtualAddress = field 0 IntPtr
VirtualAttributes = field 1 IntPtr
ExitStatus = field 0 Int32
TebBaseAddress = field 1 IntPtr
UniqueProcess = field 2 IntPtr
UniqueThread = field 3 IntPtr
AffinityMask = field 4 IntPtr
Priority = field 5 Int32
BasePriority = field 6 Int32
$TIB64 = struct $Module NT_TIB64 @{
ExceptionList = field 0 IntPtr
StackBase = field 1 IntPtr
StackLimit = field 2 IntPtr
SubSystemTib = field 3 IntPtr
FiberData = field 4 IntPtr
ArbitraryUserPointer = field 5 IntPtr
Self = field 6 IntPtr
#endregion Structs
#region Function Definitions
$FunctionDefinitions = @(
(func kernel32 CloseHandle ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hObject
) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 ConvertSidToStringSid ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ PSID Sid,
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ LPTSTR *StringSid
) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 GetTokenInformation ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE TokenHandle
[Int32], #_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass
[IntPtr], #_Out_opt_ LPVOID TokenInformation
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD TokenInformationLength
[UInt32].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PDWORD ReturnLength
) -SetLastError),
(func ntdll NtQueryInformationThread ([UInt32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
[Int32], #_In_ THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass,
[IntPtr], #_Inout_ PVOID ThreadInformation,
[Int32], #_In_ ULONG ThreadInformationLength,
[IntPtr] #_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength
(func ntdll NtQueryInformationThread ([UInt32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
[Int32], #_In_ THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass,
$THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION.MakeByRefType(), #_Inout_ PVOID ThreadInformation,
[Int32], #_In_ ULONG ThreadInformationLength,
[IntPtr] #_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength
(func kernel32 OpenProcess ([IntPtr]) @(
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
[bool], #_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle,
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwProcessId
) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 OpenProcessToken ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD DesiredAccess
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 OpenThread ([IntPtr]) @(
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
[bool], #_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle,
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwThreadId
) -SetLastError),
(func advapi32 OpenThreadToken ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD DesiredAccess
[bool], #_In_ BOOL OpenAsSelf
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 QueryFullProcessImageName ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwFlags,
[System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPTSTR lpExeName,
[UInt32].MakeByRefType() #_Inout_ PDWORD lpdwSize
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 ReadProcessMemory ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr], # _In_ HANDLE hProcess
[IntPtr], # _In_ LPCVOID lpBaseAddress
[Byte[]], # _Out_ LPVOID lpBuffer
[Int], # _In_ SIZE_T nSize
[Int].MakeByRefType() # _Out_ SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 VirtualQueryEx ([Int32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[IntPtr], #_In_opt_ LPCVOID lpAddress,
[UInt32] #_In_ SIZE_T dwLength
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 IsWow64Process ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[Bool].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PBOOL Wow64Process
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 K32GetMappedFileName ([Int32]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[IntPtr] #_In_ LPVOID lpv,
[System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPTSTR lpFilename,
[Int32] #_In_ DWORD nSize
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 QueryDosDevice ([Int32]) @(
[String] #_In_ LPCWSTR lpDeviceName,
[System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPWSTR lpTargetPath,
[Int32] #_In_ DWORD ucchMax
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 K32QueryWorkingSetEx ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[Int32] #_In_ DWORD cb
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 GetModuleHandle ([IntPtr]) @(
[String] #_In_ LPCSTR lpModuleName
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 GetProcAddress ([IntPtr]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hModule,
[String] #_In_ LPCSTR lpProcName
) -Charset Ansi -SetLastError)
$Types = $FunctionDefinitions | Add-Win32Type -Module $Module -Namespace 'Win32SysInfo'
$Kernel32 = $Types['kernel32']
$Ntdll = $Types['ntdll']
$Advapi32 = $Types['advapi32']
#endregion Function Definitions
#endregion PSReflect Definitions (Thread)
#region Win32 API Abstractions
function CloseHandle
Closes an open object handle.
The CloseHandle function closes handles to the following objects:
- Access token
- Communications device
- Console input
- Console screen buffer
- Event
- File
- File mapping
- I/O completion port
- Job
- Mailslot
- Memory resource notification
- Mutex
- Named pipe
- Pipe
- Process
- Semaphore
- Thread
- Transaction
- Waitable timer
The documentation for the functions that create these objects indicates that CloseHandle should be used when you are finished with the object, and what happens to pending operations on the object after the handle is closed. In general, CloseHandle invalidates the specified object handle, decrements the object's handle count, and performs object retention checks. After the last handle to an object is closed, the object is removed from the system.
A valid handle to an open object.
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 CloseHandle ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hObject
) -SetLastError)
$Success = $Kernel32::CloseHandle($Handle); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
Write-Debug "Close Handle Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
function ConvertSidToStringSid
The ConvertSidToStringSid function converts a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
The ConvertSidToStringSid function uses the standard S-R-I-S-S… format for SID strings.
A pointer to the SID structure to be converted.
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func advapi32 ConvertSidToStringSid ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ PSID Sid,
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ LPTSTR *StringSid
) -SetLastError)
$StringPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero
$Success = $Advapi32::ConvertSidToStringSid($SidPointer, [ref]$StringPtr); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
Write-Debug "ConvertSidToStringSid Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($StringPtr))
function GetTokenInformation
.PARAMETER TokenHandle
.PARAMETER TokenInformationClass
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func advapi32 GetTokenInformation ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE TokenHandle
[Int32], #_In_ TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass
[IntPtr], #_Out_opt_ LPVOID TokenInformation
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD TokenInformationLength
[UInt32].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PDWORD ReturnLength
) -SetLastError)
# initial query to determine the necessary buffer size
$TokenPtrSize = 0
$Success = $Advapi32::GetTokenInformation($TokenHandle, $TokenInformationClass, 0, $TokenPtrSize, [ref]$TokenPtrSize)
$TokenPtr = [IntPtr]::Zero
if($TokenPtrSize -ne 0)
[IntPtr]$TokenPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($TokenPtrSize)
# retrieve the proper buffer value
$Success = $Advapi32::GetTokenInformation($TokenHandle, $TokenInformationClass, $TokenPtr, $TokenPtrSize, [ref]$TokenPtrSize); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
1 # TokenUser
$TokenUser = $TokenPtr -as $TOKEN_USER
ConvertSidToStringSid -SidPointer $TokenUser.User.Sid
3 # TokenPrivilege
# query the process token with the TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS = 3 enum to retrieve a TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure
$TokenPrivileges = $TokenPtr -as $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
$sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $TokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount; $i++)
if ((($TokenPrivileges.Privileges[$i].Attributes -as $LuidAttributes) -band $LuidAttributes::SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED) -eq $LuidAttributes::SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED)
$sb.Append(", $($TokenPrivileges.Privileges[$i].Luid.LowPart.ToString())") | Out-Null
Write-Output $sb.ToString().TrimStart(', ')
catch {}
17 # TokenOrigin
$TokenOrigin = $TokenPtr -as $LUID
Write-Output (Get-LogonSession -LogonId $TokenOrigin.LowPart)
22 # TokenAccessInformation
25 # TokenIntegrityLevel
$TokenIntegrity = $TokenPtr -as $TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL
switch(ConvertSidToStringSid -SidPointer $TokenIntegrity.Label.Sid)
Write-Debug "GetTokenInformation Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
function NtQueryInformationThread_Win32StartAddress
Retrieves information about the specified thread.
.PARAMETER ThreadHandle
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func ntdll NtQueryInformationThread ([Int32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle,
[Int32], #_In_ THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass,
[IntPtr], #_Inout_ PVOID ThreadInformation,
[Int32], #_In_ ULONG ThreadInformationLength,
[IntPtr] #_Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength
$Buffer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal([IntPtr]::Size)
$NtStatus = $Ntdll::NtQueryInformationThread($ThreadHandle, 9, $Buffer, [IntPtr]::Size, [IntPtr]::Zero); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($NtStatus -ne 0)
Write-Debug "NtQueryInformationThread Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
$Win32StartAddress = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadIntPtr($Buffer)
Write-Output $Win32StartAddress
function OpenProcess
Opens an existing local process object.
To open a handle to another local process and obtain full access rights, you must enable the SeDebugPrivilege privilege.
The handle returned by the OpenProcess function can be used in any function that requires a handle to a process, such as the wait functions, provided the appropriate access rights were requested.
When you are finished with the handle, be sure to close it using the CloseHandle function.
The identifier of the local process to be opened.
If the specified process is the System Process (0x00000000), the function fails and the last error code is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. If the specified process is the Idle process or one of the CSRSS processes, this function fails and the last error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because their access restrictions prevent user-level code from opening them.
.PARAMETER DesiredAccess
The access to the process object. This access right is checked against the security descriptor for the process. This parameter can be one or more of the process access rights.
If the caller has enabled the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, the requested access is granted regardless of the contents of the security descriptor.
.PARAMETER InheritHandle
If this value is TRUE, processes created by this process will inherit the handle. Otherwise, the processes do not inherit this handle.
Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: PSReflect
Optional Dependencies: PROCESS_ACCESS
(func kernel32 OpenProcess ([IntPtr]) @(
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess
[bool], #_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwProcessId
) -EntryPoint OpenProcess -SetLastError)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$InheritHandle = $false
# Calculate Desired Access Value
$dwDesiredAccess = 0
foreach($val in $DesiredAccess)
$dwDesiredAccess = $dwDesiredAccess -bor $PROCESS_ACCESS::$val
$hProcess = $Kernel32::OpenProcess($dwDesiredAccess, $InheritHandle, $ProcessId); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($hProcess -eq 0)
#throw "OpenProcess Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $hProcess
function OpenProcessToken
The OpenProcessToken function opens the access token associated with a process.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process whose access token is opened. The process must have the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access permission.
.PARAMETER DesiredAccess
Specifies an access mask that specifies the requested types of access to the access token. These requested access types are compared with the discretionary access control list (DACL) of the token to determine which accesses are granted or denied.
For a list of access rights for access tokens, see Access Rights for Access-Token Objects.
Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: PSReflect
Optional Dependencies: TOKEN_ACCESS (Enumeration)
(func advapi32 OpenProcessToken ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD DesiredAccess
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle
) -EntryPoint OpenProcessToken -SetLastError)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
# Calculate Desired Access Value
$dwDesiredAccess = 0
foreach($val in $DesiredAccess)
$dwDesiredAccess = $dwDesiredAccess -bor $TOKEN_ACCESS::$val
$hToken = [IntPtr]::Zero
$Success = $Advapi32::OpenProcessToken($ProcessHandle, $dwDesiredAccess, [ref]$hToken); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
throw "OpenProcessToken Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $hToken
function OpenThread
Opens an existing thread object.
The handle returned by OpenThread can be used in any function that requires a handle to a thread, such as the wait functions, provided you requested the appropriate access rights. The handle is granted access to the thread object only to the extent it was specified in the dwDesiredAccess parameter.
When you are finished with the handle, be sure to close it by using the CloseHandle function.
The identifier of the thread to be opened.
.PARAMETER DesiredAccess
The access to the thread object. This access right is checked against the security descriptor for the thread. This parameter can be one or more of the thread access rights.
If the caller has enabled the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, the requested access is granted regardless of the contents of the security descriptor.
.PARAMETER InheritHandle
If this value is TRUE, processes created by this process will inherit the handle. Otherwise, the processes do not inherit this handle.
Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: PSReflect
Optional Dependencies: THREAD_ACCESS (Enumeration)
(func kernel32 OpenThread ([IntPtr]) @(
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess
[bool], #_In_ BOOL bInheritHandle
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD dwThreadId
) -EntryPoint OpenThread -SetLastError)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$InheritHandle = $false
# Calculate Desired Access Value
$dwDesiredAccess = 0
foreach($val in $DesiredAccess)
$dwDesiredAccess = $dwDesiredAccess -bor $THREAD_ACCESS::$val
$hThread = $Kernel32::OpenThread($dwDesiredAccess, $InheritHandle, $ThreadId); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($hThread -eq 0)
#throw "OpenThread Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $hThread
function OpenThreadToken
The OpenThreadToken function opens the access token associated with a thread
Tokens with the anonymous impersonation level cannot be opened.
Close the access token handle returned through the Handle parameter by calling CloseHandle.
.PARAMETER ThreadHandle
A handle to the thread whose access token is opened.
.PARAMETER DesiredAccess
Specifies an access mask that specifies the requested types of access to the access token. These requested access types are reconciled against the token's discretionary access control list (DACL) to determine which accesses are granted or denied.
TRUE if the access check is to be made against the process-level security context.
FALSE if the access check is to be made against the current security context of the thread calling the OpenThreadToken function.
The OpenAsSelf parameter allows the caller of this function to open the access token of a specified thread when the caller is impersonating a token at SecurityIdentification level. Without this parameter, the calling thread cannot open the access token on the specified thread because it is impossible to open executive-level objects by using the SecurityIdentification impersonation level.
Author: Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: PSReflect
Optional Dependencies: $TOKEN_ACCESS (Enumeration)
(func advapi32 OpenThreadToken ([bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle
[UInt32], #_In_ DWORD DesiredAccess
[bool], #_In_ BOOL OpenAsSelf
[IntPtr].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle
) -EntryPoint OpenThreadToken -SetLastError)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$OpenAsSelf = $false
# Calculate Desired Access Value
$dwDesiredAccess = 0
foreach($val in $DesiredAccess)
$dwDesiredAccess = $dwDesiredAccess -bor $TOKEN_ACCESS::$val
$hToken = [IntPtr]::Zero
$Success = $Advapi32::OpenThreadToken($ThreadHandle, $dwDesiredAccess, $OpenAsSelf, [ref]$hToken); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
throw "OpenThreadToken Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $hToken
function QueryFullProcessImageName
Retrieves the full name of the executable image for the specified process.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process. This handle must be created with the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access right.
This parameter can be one of the following values.
0x00 - The name should use the Win32 path format.
0x01 - The name should use the native system path format.
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$Flags = 0
$capacity = 2048
$sb = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder($capacity)
$Success = $Kernel32::QueryFullProcessImageName($ProcessHandle, $Flags, $sb, [ref]$capacity); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
Write-Debug "QueryFullProcessImageName Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $sb.ToString()
function ReadProcessMemory
Reads data from an area of memory in a specified process. The entire area to be read must be accessible or the operation fails.
ReadProcessMemory copies the data in the specified address range from the address space of the specified process into the specified buffer of the current process. Any process that has a handle with PROCESS_VM_READ access can call the function.
The entire area to be read must be accessible, and if it is not accessible, the function fails.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process with memory that is being read. The handle must have PROCESS_VM_READ access to the process.
.PARAMETER BaseAddress
The base address in the specified process from which to read. Before any data transfer occurs, the system verifies that all data in the base address and memory of the specified size is accessible for read access, and if it is not accessible the function fails.
The number of bytes to be read from the specified process.
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 ReadProcessMemory ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr], # _In_ HANDLE hProcess
[IntPtr], # _In_ LPCVOID lpBaseAddress
[Byte[]], # _Out_ LPVOID lpBuffer
[Int], # _In_ SIZE_T nSize
[Int].MakeByRefType() # _Out_ SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead
) -SetLastError) # MSDN states to call GetLastError if the return value is false.
$Buffer = New-Object byte[]($Size)
[Int32]$NumberOfBytesRead = 0
$Success = $Kernel32::ReadProcessMemory($ProcessHandle, $BaseAddress, $Buffer, $Buffer.Length, [ref]$NumberOfBytesRead); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if(-not $Success)
Write-Debug "ReadProcessMemory Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $Buffer
function VirtualQueryEx
Retrieves information about a range of pages within the virtual address space of a specified process.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process whose memory information is queried. The handle must have been opened with the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access right, which enables using the handle to read information from the process object.
.PARAMETER BaseAddress
The base address of the region of pages to be queried. This value is rounded down to the next page boundary.
Author - Jared Atkinson (@jaredcatkinson)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 VirtualQueryEx ([Int32]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[IntPtr], #_In_opt_ LPCVOID lpAddress,
[UInt32] #_In_ SIZE_T dwLength
) -SetLastError)
$MemoryBasicInfo = [Activator]::CreateInstance($MEMORYBASICINFORMATION)
$BytesWritten = $Kernel32::VirtualQueryEx($ProcessHandle, $BaseAddress, [Ref]$MemoryBasicInfo, $MEMORYBASICINFORMATION::GetSize()); $LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
if($BytesWritten -eq 0)
Write-Debug "VirtualQueryEx Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $MemoryBasicInfo
function IsWow64Process
Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64 on an x64 processor.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process. The handle must have the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access right.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 IsWow64Process ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr], #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[Bool].MakeByRefType() #_Out_ PBOOL Wow64Process
) -SetLastError)
$Wow64Process = $false
$Success = $Kernel32::IsWow64Process($ProcessHandle, [ref]$Wow64Process);
if (-not $Success)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
Write-Debug "IsWow64Process Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $Wow64Process
function GetMappedFileName
Checks whether the specified address is within a memory-mapped file in the address space of the specified process. If so, the function returns the name of the memory-mapped file.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process. This handle must be created with the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access right.
The address to be verified.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 K32GetMappedFileName ([Int32]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess
[IntPtr] #_In_ LPVOID lpv,
[System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPTSTR lpFilename,
[UInt32] #_In_ DWORD nSize
) -SetLastError)
(func kernel32 QueryDosDevice ([Int32]) @(
[String] #_In_ LPCWSTR lpDeviceName,
[System.Text.StringBuilder] #_Out_ LPWSTR lpTargetPath,
[Int32] #_In_ DWORD ucchMax
) -SetLastError)
$Capacity = 2048
$StringBuffer = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder($Capacity)
# K32GetMappedFileName returns a device name such as \Device\Harddisk0\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
$BytesCopied = $Kernel32::K32GetMappedFileName($ProcessHandle, $Address, $StringBuffer, $Capacity);
if ($BytesCopied -eq 0)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
Write-Debug "GetMappedFileName Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
$Path = $StringBuffer.ToString()
# Replace all device volume names with their drive letters
Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume |
Where-Object { $_.DriveLetter } |
ForEach-Object {
$BytesCopied = $Kernel32::QueryDosDevice($_.DriveLetter, $StringBuffer, $Capacity)
if ($BytesCopied -ne 0)
$Path = $Path -replace "^$([regex]::Escape($StringBuffer.ToString()))", $_.DriveLetter
Write-Output $Path
function IsWorkingSetPage
Checks whether the specified address is within the working set of the specified process.
For MEM_IMAGE pages, this indicates that it has been locally modified.
.PARAMETER ProcessHandle
A handle to the process. This handle must be created with the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION access right.
The address to be checked.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 K32QueryWorkingSetEx ([Bool]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
[IntPtr] #_In_ PVOID pv,
[Int32] #_In_ DWORD cb
) -SetLastError)
$WorkingSetInfo = [Activator]::CreateInstance($WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION)
$WorkingSetInfo.VirtualAddress = $Address
$Success = $Kernel32::K32QueryWorkingSetEx($ProcessHandle, [Ref]$WorkingSetInfo, $WORKING_SET_EX_INFORMATION::GetSize());
if (-not $Success)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
Write-Debug "QueryWorkingSetEx Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output (($WorkingSetInfo.VirtualAttributes.ToInt64() -band $WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK::Shared) -ne $WORKING_SET_EX_BLOCK::Shared)
function GetProcAddress
Retrieves the address of an exported function or variable from the specified module.
The module name. It must already be loaded in the current process.
The function or variable name.
Author - John Uhlmann (@jdu2600)
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
(func kernel32 GetModuleHandle ([IntPtr]) @(
[String] #_In_ LPCSTR lpModuleName
) -SetLastError),
(func kernel32 GetProcAddress ([IntPtr]) @(
[IntPtr] #_In_ HANDLE hModule,
[String] #_In_ LPCSTR lpProcName
) -Charset Ansi -SetLastError)
$hModule = $Kernel32::GetModuleHandle($ModuleName)
if ($hModule -eq 0)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
Write-Debug "GetModuleHandle Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
$ProcAddress = $Kernel32::GetProcAddress($hModule, $ProcName)
if ($ProcAddress -eq 0)
$LastError = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
Write-Debug "GetProcAddress Error: $(([ComponentModel.Win32Exception] $LastError).Message)"
Write-Output $ProcAddress
#endregion Win32 API Abstractions
# Uses environment variables to determine execution options
$ScanType = $Env:GetInjectedThreadScan
$TargetPid = $Env:GetInjectedThreadTarget
if( $TargetPid ){
If ( $ScanType -eq 'Aggressive' ) { Get-InjectedThreadEx -Aggressive -ProcessId $TargetPid }
Elseif( $ScanType -eq 'Brief' ) { Get-InjectedThreadEx -Brief -ProcessId $TargetPid }
Else { Get-InjectedThreadEx -ProcessId $TargetPid }
else {
If( $ScanType -eq 'Aggressive') { Get-InjectedThreadEx -Aggressive }
Elseif( $ScanType -eq 'Brief') { Get-InjectedThreadEx -Brief }
Else { Get-InjectedThreadEx }
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