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Created May 7, 2014 01:50
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; monads
; references:
; alternate syntax for make monad
(define-syntax return
(syntax-rules ()
((return m v)
(make m :value v))
((return m)
(make m))))
; alternate syntax for bind
(define-syntax >>=
(syntax-rules ()
((>>= function monad)
(bind function monad))))
(define-class <nothing> () ())
(define-method value-of ((_ <nothing>)) 'nothing)
(define-method bind (function (monad <nothing>))
(return <nothing>))
(define nothing (return <nothing>))
(define-class <maybe> ()
((value :init-keyword :value :accessor value-of)))
(define-method bind (function (monad <maybe>))
(let ((result (function (value-of monad))))
(if result
(return <maybe> result)
(define (f n) (+ n n))
(define (g n) (* n n))
(define (h n) (if (> n 10) #f n))
(f (g (h 3))) ; -> 18
((compose f g h) 3) ; -> 18
(bind f (bind g (bind h (return <maybe> 3)))) ; -> <maybe> 18
; bind composes functions that expect basic values so that they
; work with monadic values and returns the result as a monadic
; value so it's ready for the next bind in the chain.
; Monadic Parser
; This is PEG grammar (find references)
;seq takes a series of rules and expects each in order. If any rule
;fails the seq fails. This is essentially the maybe monad. It would
;be defined as syntax and look like this
(define (digits stream)
(seq stream
;the seq syntax would expand into to someting like this
(define (digits stream)
(bind digit (bind digit stream)))
;takes n rules and returns the result of the first rule that does not return
;false. if they all return false it returns false.
(define (sel stream . rules)
;returns zero or more of rule
(define (rep* stream . rule)
;returns one or more of rule
(define (rep+ stream . rule)
;returns zero or one of rule
(define (rep? stream . rule)
;returns rule if pred follows it. does not consume pred
(define (and? stream rule pred)
;returns rule if pred does not follow it. does not consume pred
(define (not? stream rule pred)
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