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Created March 14, 2023 13:19
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import { Node, Schema } from 'prosemirror-model'
import { Mappable, Mapping, MapResult, Step } from 'prosemirror-transform'
import type ShareDB from 'sharedb'
type Type = Parameters<typeof ShareDB.types.register>[0]
function mapToSide (source: Mappable, side: 'left' | 'right'): Mappable {
const assoc = side === 'left' ? -1 : 1
return {
map (pos: number): number {
return, assoc)
mapResult (pos: number): MapResult {
return source.mapResult(pos, assoc)
export function createProseMirrorType (name: string, uri: string, schema: Schema): Type {
function create (doc?: unknown): unknown {
let node
if (doc instanceof Node) node = doc
else if (doc != null) node = Node.fromJSON(schema, doc)
else node = schema.nodes.doc.createAndFill() ?? schema.nodes.doc.create()
return node.toJSON()
function apply (doc: unknown, steps: unknown[]): unknown {
const node = Node.fromJSON(schema, doc)
const next = steps.reduce<Node>((acc, step) => {
const result = deserializeStep(step).apply(acc)
if (result.failed != null || result.doc == null) {
throw new Error(result.failed ?? 'Could not apply ProseMirror Steps')
return result.doc
}, node)
return next.toJSON()
function transform (a: unknown[], b: unknown[], side: 'left' | 'right'): unknown[] {
const mapping = mapToSide(getMapping(b), side)
return => {
const result = deserializeStep(step).map(mapping)
if (result == null) throw new Error('Could not transform ProseMirror Step')
return result.toJSON()
function compose (a: unknown[], b: unknown[]): unknown[] {
return [...a, ...b]
function invertWithDoc (steps: unknown[], doc: unknown): unknown[] {
const result = []
let node = Node.fromJSON(schema, doc)
for (let idx = steps.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx++) {
const inverted = Step.fromJSON(schema, steps[idx]).invert(node)
const stepResult = inverted.apply(node)
if (stepResult.failed != null || stepResult.doc == null) {
throw new Error(stepResult.failed ?? 'Could not invert ProseMirror Steps')
node = stepResult.doc
return result
function transformCursor (cursor: number, steps: unknown[], isOwnOp: boolean): number {
const mapping = getMapping(steps)
return, isOwnOp ? -1 : 1)
function serialize (doc: unknown): unknown {
return doc instanceof Node ? doc.toJSON() : doc
function deserialize (val: any): unknown {
return val
function deserializeStep (val: any): Step {
return val instanceof Step ? val : Step.fromJSON(schema, val)
function getMapping (steps: unknown[]): Mapping {
return new Mapping( => deserializeStep(step).getMap()))
return {
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