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Created March 16, 2019 18:59
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Cover's probability test for irrationality
import mpmath
from fractions import Fraction
def earliestDecimalMatch( f, nDigits ):
"""Return the earliest fraction in the enumeration
0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/5, ...
that matches the value of f to nDigits of accuracy."""
# 3 digits: 0.333 * 1000 = 333
# Clueless search: try every possible denominator from smallest to largest
maxDenom = 10 ** nDigits
for d in xrange(1, maxDenom + 1):
# Consider 0.951 with n=1. the nearest integer is 10, but 10/10
# doesn't match. 9/10 does.
# We might have to go for the ceiling sometimes, though???
n = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( f, d ) )
candidate = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( mpmath.fdiv( n, d ),
maxDenom ) )
actual = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( f, maxDenom ) )
#print d, n, candidate, actual
if candidate == actual:
return (int(n),d)
n = n + 1
candidate = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( mpmath.fdiv( n, d ),
maxDenom ) )
#print d, n, candidate, actual
if candidate == actual:
return (int(n),d)
return (1,1)
def earliestDecimalMatch_zigzag( f, nDigits ):
"""Return the earliest fraction in the enumeration
0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/5, ...
that matches the value of f to nDigits of accuracy."""
# Start at denominator 0/1. If number is too small, increase numerator.
# If number too larger, increase denominator.
maxDenom = 10 ** nDigits
d = 1
n = 0
actual = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( f, maxDenom ) )
while d <= maxDenom:
candidate = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fraction( n * maxDenom, d ) )
#print d, n, candidate, actual
if candidate == actual:
return (n,d)
elif candidate < actual:
n += 1
d += 1
return (1,1)
def continuedFraction( r ):
"""Given a Rational number "r", return the continued fraction
representation as a list of integers."""
integerPart = r.numerator // r.denominator
fractionalPart = r - integerPart
if fractionalPart == 0:
return [integerPart]
return [integerPart] + continuedFraction( 1 / fractionalPart )
def continuedFractionToRational( cf ):
"""Given a finite continued fraction [a_0; a_1, a_2, ..., a_n]
return it as a rational number."""
if len( cf ) == 1:
return Fraction( cf[0], 1 )
return cf[0] + Fraction( 1, continuedFractionToRational( cf[1:] ) )
def bestRationalInInterval( r1, r2 ):
"""Given two rational numbers, return the best rational, i.e., smallest
denominator and smallest numerator, between the two."""
cf1 = continuedFraction( r1 )
cf2 = continuedFraction( r2 )
result = []
# Append "plus infinity": to the shorter continued fraction
if len( cf1 ) < len( cf2 ):
cf1 += [ cf2[-1] + 100 ]
elif len( cf1 ) > len( cf2 ):
cf2 += [ cf1[-1] + 100 ]
#print cf1
#print cf2
for n1, n2 in zip( cf1, cf2 ):
if n1 == n2:
result.append( n1 )
result.append( min( n1, n2 ) + 1 )
#print result
between = continuedFractionToRational( result )
if between.denominator > r1.denominator:
return r1
return between
def earliestDecimalMatch_cf( f, nDigits ):
"""Return the earliest fraction in the enumeration
0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/5, ...
that matches the value of f to nDigits of accuracy."""
maxDenom = 10 ** nDigits
# for example with f = 0.31415926535
# lower = loor ( f * 1000 ) = 314
# look for the best rational between 314/1000 and 315/1000
# This method doesn't pick the endpoints, but sometimes it should.
lower = mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( f, maxDenom ) )
upper = lower + 1
frac = bestRationalInInterval( Fraction( int( lower ), maxDenom ),
Fraction( int( upper ), maxDenom ) )
return (frac.numerator, frac.denominator)
def test():
print "Fractions close to pi/10"
f = mpmath.mpf( "0.3141592653589" )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 1 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 2 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 3 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 4 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 5 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 6 )
print "Fractions close to 13/1117"
f = mpmath.fraction( 13, 1117 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 1 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 2 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 3 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 4 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 5 )
print earliestDecimalMatch( f, 6 )
def indexOfFraction( n, d ):
"""Return the index of the fraction n/d in the enumeration
0/1, 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1/5, ...
if n == 0:
return 1
if d == 1:
return 2
# d=1 is index 2--2
# d=2 is index 3--3 (+1)
# d=3 is index 4--5 (+1)
# d=4 is index 6--8 (+2)
# d=5 is index 9--12 (+3)
# ...
# start(d) = start(d-1) + (d-2)
# start(2) = 3
# start(3) = 3 + 1
# start(4) = 3 + 1 + 2
# start(d) = 3 + sum_{i=1}^{i=d-2} i
# = 3 + (d-2)(d-1)/2
# start(4) = 3 + 2*3/2 = 6
# start(6) = 3 + 4*5/2 = 13
start = 3 + (d-2)*(d-1) // 2
return start + (n-1)
def covers_test( f, n, verbose=True ):
(s_n, s_d) = earliestDecimalMatch_cf( f, n )
i_n = indexOfFraction( s_n, s_d )
k_n = 9 ** n
if verbose:
# mpmath.nstr rounds instead of truncating.
truncated = mpmath.fdiv( mpmath.floor( mpmath.fmul( f, 10 ** n ) ),
10 ** n )
print "f={} s_n={}/{}, i_n={} {}".format(
mpmath.nstr( truncated, n ),
s_n, s_d,
i_n <= k_n )
return i_n <= k_n
def reproduce_paper_results(): = 11
e_over_10 = mpmath.fdiv( mpmath.exp(1), 10 )
covers_test( e_over_10, 1, True )
covers_test( e_over_10, 5, True )
covers_test( e_over_10, 9, True )
pi_over_10 = mpmath.fdiv( mpmath.pi, 10 )
covers_test( pi_over_10, 1, True )
covers_test( pi_over_10, 5, True )
covers_test( pi_over_10, 9, True )
one_over_7 = mpmath.fraction( 1, 7 )
covers_test( one_over_7, 1, True )
covers_test( one_over_7, 5, True )
covers_test( one_over_7, 9, True )
def cosine_test( intervals, maxDigits = 9 ): = maxDigits + 2
pi_over_2 = mpmath.fdiv( mpmath.pi, 2 )
headerFormat = "cos( {}*pi/{} )"
headerLen = len( headerFormat.format( intervals-1, 2*intervals ) )
print (" " * headerLen), " ".join( "{:2}".format( i ) for i in range( 1, maxDigits + 1 ) )
for i in range( 1, intervals ):
theta = mpmath.fmul( pi_over_2, mpmath.fraction( i, intervals ) )
cos_theta = mpmath.cos( theta )
header = headerFormat.format( i, 2*intervals )
print ("{:" + str(headerLen) + "}").format( header ),
for n in range( 1, maxDigits + 1 ):
if covers_test( cos_theta, n, False ):
print " R",
print " I",
print cos_theta
def rationals_test( maxDigits = 9 ): = maxDigits + 2
rationals = [
mpmath.fraction( 1, 137 ),
mpmath.fraction( 1, 2**13 ),
mpmath.fraction( 4, 7 ),
mpmath.fraction( 999999999, 1000000000 ),
mpmath.fraction( 1, 97 ),
mpmath.fraction( 4, 61 ),
mpmath.fraction( 54, 59 )
print " ".join( "{:2}".format( i ) for i in range( 1, maxDigits + 1 ) )
for u in rationals:
for n in range( 1, maxDigits + 1 ):
if covers_test( u, n, False ):
print " R",
print " I",
print u
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