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Last active September 25, 2023 03:43
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Connected integer lattice points symmetric about the axes
from enumerate import visit_up_to_n
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
def draw( n ):
figures = []
def visitor( collection, cost ):
if cost == n:
figures.append( collection )
visit_up_to_n( n, visitor )
num = len( figures )
height = math.isqrt( num )
width = ( num + height - 1) // height
sharedAxis = None
# Allocate 200 pixels for each item?
my_dpi = 200
fig = plt.figure( figsize=(width,height), dpi=my_dpi )
for (i,f) in enumerate(figures):
ax = plt.subplot( height, width, i + 1, sharex = sharedAxis, sharey = sharedAxis )
if sharedAxis is None:
sharedAxis = ax
points = set()
for (x,y) in f:
points.add( (x,y) )
points.add( (-x,y) )
points.add( (x,-y) )
points.add( (-x,-y) )
# Using markersize gives unpredictable results because its units
# are in points. We'll instead draw a small square for every point.
margin = 0.45
for (x,y) in points:
ax.fill( [x - margin, x + margin, x + margin, x - margin ],
[y - margin, y - margin, y + margin, y + margin ],
'blue' )
ax.set_xticks( [0] )
ax.set_xticklabels( [] )
ax.set_yticks( [0] )
ax.set_yticklabels( [] )
ax.set_aspect( 'equal' )
fig.tight_layout(pad = 0.01)
fig.savefig( f"all-{n}.png", dpi=my_dpi )
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len( sys.argv ) > 1:
n = int( sys.argv[1] )
draw( n )
for n in range( 4, 15 ):
print( "Drawing", n )
draw( n )
# How many sets of integer lattice points are there with N elements
# that are symmetric about the x and y axes, which form a single connected
# unit (including diagonal connections.)
# A connected set must be connected in the first quadrant as well, so we can
# generate sets there and mirror them-- or simply count how many points
# there would be in the complete verison:
# (0,0) has 1 image
# (x,0) has 2 images
# (0,y) has 2 images
# (x,y) has 4 images
# The quadrant can only generate a connected unit after the mirroring
# if there is a point on the x axis and on the y-axis (which can be
# simultaneously satisfied by picking the origin.)
# In order to generate only connected units, we can pick points one at a time
# adjacent to points already in the set. We do this using a total ordering
# of the lattice so that once we decide not to visit a point we don't later
# add it, introducing duplicate derivations of the same set. However,
# we still have to verify that the previous condition is met -- it would
# be nice to have a heuristic to ensure we didn't waste a lot of time
# searching configurations that couldn't possibly satisfy it.
# If there is A points on the origin, B points on the axes, and
# C points elsewhere in the quadrant, then applying the mirror symmetries
# gives N = A + 2B + 4C points.
# Thus if we want to search up to a given maximum, we can keep a running
# total and terminate whenever the configuration would exceed N.
# Every intermediate state which satisfies the connectivity condition can
# counted.
# We'll just use the tuples for our total order; I don't see any benefit
# to walking the diagonals?
# ...
# 0,7
# 0,6
# 0,5
# 0,4
# 0,3 1,3
# 0,2 1,2 2,2
# 0,1 1,1 2,1 3,1
# 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0
# We can terminate the search whenever the first point we
# would pick in the first column could not reach the X axis in
# a connected group of less than N total cost. The cost of getting from
# (0,Y) back down to 0 is necessarily at least 4(Y-1) + 2
# N = 2 + 4(Y-1) + 2 = 4Y means the max is N / 4
def expand_frontier( coord, frontier, visited ):
(x,y) = coord
new_set = set()
for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:
for dy in ([-1,1] if dx == 0 else [-1, 0, 1]):
nx = x + dx
ny = y + dy
if nx >= 0 and ny >=0 and (nx,ny) not in visited:
new_set.add( (nx,ny) )
return frontier.union( new_set )
def cost( coord ):
(x,y) = coord
if x == 0:
if y == 0:
return 1
return 2
if y == 0:
return 2
return 4
# Call visit with the calculated cost and set of points
def visit_up_to_n( max_n, visit ):
# Recursively use or discard the next point
# frontier = all connected points not yet visited
# visited = all points already discarded or included
# collection = working set of points
# collection_cost = total number of points after mirroring
# collection_valid = the collection includes points on both axes
def recurse( point, frontier, visited, collection, collection_cost,
collection_valid ):
#print( f"{point=} {frontier=} {visited=} {collection=} cost={collection_cost} valid={collection_valid}")
# Never consider this point again
next_visit = visited.union( [point] )
# Case 1: include this point
next_cost = collection_cost + cost( point )
next_frontier = expand_frontier( point, frontier, visited )
next_collection = collection.union( [point] )
# Valid if we have reached the x axis (we start on the y axis)
next_valid = collection_valid or ( point[1] == 0 )
if next_cost <= max_n and next_valid:
visit( next_collection, next_cost )
# Recursively visit the expanded collection, starting with
# the minimum element in the expanded collection, if we haven't
# definitely hit max_n and so could add another point.
# (Adding the origin is not possible here, so the minimum cost
# left in the frontier is 2.)
# TODO: make this a heap instead?
if next_cost + 2 <= max_n and len( next_frontier ) > 0:
next_point = min( next_frontier )
next_frontier.remove( next_point )
recurse( next_point, next_frontier, next_visit, next_collection, next_cost, next_valid )
# Case 2: exclude this point, frontier size decreases
if len( frontier ) > 0:
next_point = min( frontier )
next_frontier = frontier.symmetric_difference( [next_point] )
recurse( next_point, next_frontier, next_visit, collection, collection_cost, collection_valid )
# Bootstrap by working our way up the Y axis, marking all previous
# possible starting points as visited
initial_visited = set()
for y in range( 0, max_n // 4 + 1 ):
initial_visited.add( (0,y) )
initial_frontier = set()
initial_collection = set()
initial_valid = False
initial_cost = 0
recurse( (0,y), initial_frontier, initial_visited,
initial_collection, initial_cost, initial_valid )
def print_up_to( max_n ):
def printer( collection, cost ):
text = " ".join( str(x) for x in sorted( collection ) )
print( f"{cost} | {text}" )
visit_up_to_n( max_n, printer )
def illustrate( collection ):
max_x = max( x for (x,y) in collection )
max_y = max( y for (x,y) in collection )
rows = []
for y in range( max_y, -1, -1 ):
row = ""
for x in range( 0, max_x + 1, 1 ):
if (x,y) in collection:
row += "X"
row += "."
rows.append( row )
return "\n".join( rows )
def illustrate_up_to( max_n ):
by_cost = [ [] for i in range( 0, max_n + 1 ) ]
def visitor( collection, cost ):
by_cost[cost].append( collection )
visit_up_to_n( max_n, visitor )
for n in range( 1, max_n + 1 ):
print( f"### Cost {n}, total {len(by_cost[n])} ###" )
for c in by_cost[n]:
print( illustrate( c ) )
def count_up_to( max_n ):
by_cost = [ 0 for i in range( 0, max_n + 1 ) ]
def visitor( collection, cost ):
by_cost[cost] += 1
visit_up_to_n( max_n, visitor )
for n in range( 1, max_n + 1 ):
print( f"{n} | {by_cost[n]}" )
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