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Created September 7, 2018 18:16
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"text": "This podcast is sponsored by smart sheet. The cloudbased work management platform and best kept secret of more than half the fortune five hundred companies, learn more at smart set. Com plus cross cutting concerns how to have a two every day at about what passing you [...] lie down how [...] stores transport reported to setup at a conference and it is cool. We recorded two do like to best explain use as have [...] street with process theology in loose it macros [...] are listening to the cross cutting concerns process on your host metro. Please visit the site cross cutting concerns. Com or you can subscribe now. Herecontact me read show notes and leave a comment to contact. I'm recording this post on july sixteen two thousand eighteen my guest today is the creator of numerous open source projects including structure map, martin, jasper and lemar german miller. How are you doing on with harry today? Doing fine. Thanks [...] be on the show again that is [...] container that I use my done projects has long been structure map. It's always been my favorite. I've used it for years and years is lamar the successor to structure an acutely much poster. Some behavioral changes as much as possible. I'm trying to make more good off ram for smathers. So I'm trying to support as much of the structure syntax and the behavior that I think is important to try to get such men users a chance to get into more. Now that I'm an instruction that was my next question is this man, the structure map is a quote dead retired no longer being actively developed or used. Well, it's definitely being very heavily used today. I had become increasingly worn out, trying to field questions and problems with structure the code. It's a nearly fifteen year old code base with plenty of updates and changes over the years. [...] like it was time to move to something else. There are too many structural flaws and church mats internals to make large scale and parents will go [...] more structure ever attempted for donor or is it just one that only science targets neck or app? I may be in a three with some other stuff that lifts up and one point five or just skip all that straight the net core point standard but no supported net or for a couple of years. Now I think structure might have been. The first mainstream is container that I support the new core abstractions to compliance but I'm not present. So that is my next question. Is that one core comes with its own dependency injection framework. I container of sorts. Why would I need to add in another tool like lamar? So maybe you don't is the harsh answer. So the built in the container is very minimal. There's a lot of features. If youre used to structure map or a fact or some of the older more common tools, there's a lot of features like agnostics and type of canning and conventional reset registration that you really miss. So I originally tried or actually originates from another os to mine called jasper. Just parts of it. What I was originally trying to do with casper is just the built in di container. I still found the built in di containers behavior to be just to lacking. There's a lot of niceties that I really missed myself with structure map being able to auto discover, concrete types the conventual registration and absolutely missing. What do I have diagnostics instruction at lemars born from wanting something better to use inside of jasper something it would be much faster than structuremap but bring back some of the functionality that the built in di container did not have. That's where from I write a lot of demo code these days. A lot of instructional code and I haven't really run into any issues with depends injection but there is one noble instance that I'll bring up here in a minute where I found the built in depends injection done or to be surprisingly lacking. But I want to ask another question or just to assume that listeners are familiar with with of hopefully most developers understand that the core of depending version that kind of stuff. [...] assume that they already know that kind of thing. Could you briefly explain the service lifetimes in lamar? I think they're singleton scope and transient and maybe just briefly what's the difference and when would I use each of those to be very clear for any tiny structure, a user moving a lamar. His is the biggest thing that changed mar completely adopts. The semantic model that aspnet course built in di container uses for lifetimes the world. We're just living in it. You fighting that you only have three three life times this time on things a matter. So taking a two easy ones. A singleton means that it's created exactly once for the entire application. How many times to resolve it from where you're always getting the same service. So it's perfect for in are either very expensive to build. So like an entire the entire session factory [...] very expensive. If you're using my martin tool, the document store is expensive. I don't know if you necessarily have to with the but anything that's really expensive or anything that's like a cash at cash or something that stateful that doesn't need to be created more than more. The seal ten is managed and lives the life site. Same lifetime as the container itself. Most containers are going to dispose it when the containers all close. So you get a lot of cleanup. The tranent model just means I want to do when every single time is requested. Even if you're building a complex object that has three or four dependencies at all, have a dependency on typing. So every time you feel dependency in the whole giant object out, you're getting a totally new new one object instance every time something to be aware of something that may blow up your object allocations. If not careful the thing in the middle, the scots, this is really tight to the idea of what struck me and mark calls a nested container. The built in di container also scope inside of a core application. For example, when you handle an it request, you're actually using an isolated scope container that only lives for the lifetime of that request one. That means then for the scope lifetime is that any service resolve with that lifetime is only resolved once per logical container. So if you're resolving it as part of a request, you're getting the same thing every single place. So it's really important that a lot for things like well, the context itself is scope so you always get the same one but for items like the raven or martin document session that represents you work or the ui framework dbcontext that frequently is modeled as a work for the request. You only want one of those and you want to share every single place that's used while your request is being handle. That's where the scope lifetime kins in the plane. If I could just watch [...] example of this and let me know if I'm getting this correct. A singleton might be where you store like your database connection you mentioned in the framework and things like that. But that's the expensive connection that you only want to happen. Really just once as few times as possible. So it's going [...] a good place for that. Yes, I'm right so far. Good. Transit would be something like maybe the repository itself that's actually or some sort of service [...] on top of pastry. Some object [...] business logic or some sort of data access logic. That's where that transient were coming to play. Can he the scope then would be the object being used by the transient objects, perhaps not the connection but maybe the data reader or some other sort of object that uses the connection that sits between the expensive database object and pass that just contain logic. That sound about [...] It does in the scope services really need to be tied to the lifetime of a request or if you're in [...] in a command processing system, a lifetime of service, best message or a command or some kind of logical transaction. But most commonly, you're going to run into this with frameworks. I'm thinking in terms of an aspnet application where one request to the server. I may use the database, some database abstraction multiple times within the request but I want to close up or disposed [...] the end of the request. So exactly. [...] is too much of my podcast on [...] to book on [...] roaming. I haven't written aop for production in a long time but I recently had to revisit it and update some samples and I decided to use one core now. Am I correct in saying that the buildin dotnet is does not have any capacity for decorators? That is correct. I was very surprised about that. I was also very surprised learn that there is not any way to do service location. I dont care either at least not without some terrible. Heck. Is that also the case? I don't think that's true. Actually a lot of the custom middle where us service location but there's no ability to do things like give [...] named instance is rly by type assuming that there's one or give all the there's no service location by name. That's what you're for oneall speaking. I don't like to use service look but sometimes it is something that need to do. Does the mar bring back that capability when I do really need? Yes. It's what I would refer to as kind of a red pepper flakes kind of approach a little bit once in a while [...] a good thing. A lot of it is probably always bad. That's a fantastic analogy because whenever I get a pizza and the pizza is really good. I don't put pepper flakes on it but if it's a bad pizza, I will constant mention this but mr. Also has capability of adding decorators as well. Two is yes. Right now, the intersection models but [...] is not much there but at a minimum, you can add as decorators that's the beginning doing kind of a you're talking about. We'll have to see a tomorrow takes off or if it's really that popular. But if people really want to do at the time might be advantages with mark. It doesnt work by generating code and compiled on the fly. If people really wanted to go back and do a with tomorrow might be able to tie in to just writing, see, sharp rappers on the fly instead of the more magical a weaving or dynamic proxies. The site car inspector programming darcis hat I'm thinking of it with containers is that I can create a proxy in one cor but I actually couldn't figure out a way to apply it to my container without bringing in something like her to do that. I'm glad that's here. Were you able to reuse any of your structure map code base in the more? There's quite a bit of secret code inside of mar. The type scanning, the not as much as maybe you would think the one place where there's a tremendous amount of sacrafice is bring in automated tests from the starched vase. If you pull down a little more code base, you'll even see a bunch of testing libraries that still obstruction nine spaces [...] it. That was probably the main reason why I was able to turn them around. So quickly is bring all of those higher level acceptance tests from struct. Alright. It's time now to play the game. That's sweeping. The nation etiquette wrotejust made, thanks to jeremy as you know from the last so they give javascript libraries awfully funny names these days in this game. I'm going to list three names of javascript libraries. The goal is to tell me which ones are real and which ones are fake. Real means they're listed on nj at the time of this recording. And just to keep things interesting. If you get all three correct, you're going to want a five dollar gift card. So we talked about this already. But how come are you with javascript and pm and all that type of stuff? I thought I was comfortable but let's fill me again and we also mentioning before the show that the people who tend to do well in this game or people who really don't use [...] That much. What that says about fm packages. Alright. Here are the names and maybe I'll send the team here. Maybe you won't. But there is a thing. The first one is ranges. I can spell that if you like to but aniston s scrim and the third one is larry. So ranges scrim and lay me to sell in those or repeat them. No, I'm going [...] get the first and second or real job calibers. So you think cranes real and scrimp israel. But larry is not. Let's go with that. Okay. Sorry, jeremy. Once again, you do not win. Ranges is not a real job [...] labor than in the scrim is it's a scripting simple. Cool. And larry is also real. It's a packaging too. There you go. Francis is still available if you want to write a blog, a good name for [...] to use. If you have any suggestions for sounding job script libraries real or fake, please go to cross cutting concerns. Com last contact and I just might use in the next episode. So sorry didn't work out for a germany. Thank you for playing. Are there any resources you recommend for listeners [...] want to learn more about c or lamar or dependency inversion in general from the mark, you can find quite documentation just for effect that can have the io ashlar. You'll see on the home page. You see it actually you see a street time from marin auto turns out that almost everything I knew I called omar is named after. I'll [...] the name mary mark that was a hero of the texas revolution or could actually kill and google mark sollars original paper on inversion of control fifteen years later. I think that's still what I recommend. Is there anything else you'd like to promote as a wrap up the show if you are using and you want [...] little bit of help, you can find [...] home page link to the get a room that's always the best place to come and come and ask questions or make recommendations on something that's too hard to pill and you can always find me on twitter, jeremy, d miller my guest today has been jeremy miller. Thanks for being on show. Thanks randy mather this spend the cross-trade concerns pocas produced and recorded by mangroves two thousand eighteen if [...] share [...] on social media and leave view on itunes. U or wherever [...] is most for shoes. Go [...] cos [...] concern to [...] recorded under the creative commons attribution. [...] four point license posing for the [...] was made possible. In [...] of this weeks podcast is [...] man, your projects pulloff and you need [...] make more than a simple collaborative work management in cloud from a beautiful you learn more smart crosscutting concerns was recorded and mixed with the help [...] a recorder and a date music is for frost. Listen to more [...] music because the one because the case, the one.",
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"text": "thanks to jeremy as you know from the last so they give javascript libraries awfully funny names these days in this game. I'm going to list three names of javascript libraries."
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"text": "And larry is also real. It's a packaging too. There you go. Francis is still available if you want to write a blog, a good name for you to use. If you have any suggestions for sounding job script libraries real or fake, please go to cross cutting concerns. Com last contact"
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"text": "Thank you for playing. Are there any resources you recommend for listeners who want to learn more about c or lamar or dependency inversion in general from the mark, you can find quite documentation just for effect that can have the io ashlar. You'll see on the home page. You see it actually you see a street time from marin auto turns out that"
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"text": "fifteen years later. I think that's still what I recommend. Is there anything else you'd like to promote as a wrap up the show if you are using and you want a little bit of help, you can find the home page link to the get a room that's always the best place to come and come and ask questions or make recommendations on something that's too hard to pill and you can always find me on twitter, jeremy, d miller"
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"text": "my guest today has been jeremy miller. Thanks for being on show. Thanks randy mather this spend the cross-trade concerns pocas produced and recorded by mangroves two thousand eighteen if so share it on social media and leave view on itunes. U or wherever you download is most for shoes. Go to cos in concern to a recorded under the creative commons attribution. A four point license posing for the son was made possible. In part by me of this weeks podcast is rock,"
"start": 1054260,
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"text": "man, your projects pulloff and you need to make more than a simple collaborative work management in cloud from a beautiful you learn more smart crosscutting concerns"
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