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Last active October 10, 2020 16:19
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Data Structures
// please don't use it! It's just a draft that contains defects and is not fully implemented!
class ArrayList {
constructor (initialSize = 16) {
this._initialSize = initialSize
this._threshold = initialSize
this._size = 0
this._bucket = new Array(initialSize)
add(v) {
if (this._size >= this._threshold) {
this._threshold = this._bucket.length * 2
let newBucket = new Array(this._threshold)
this._bucket.forEach(x => newBucket.add(x))
this._bucket = newBucket
this._size += 1
get(idx) {
if (idx > this._size) {
return console.log('out of bound')
return this._bucket[idx]
remove(idx) {
if (idx > this._size) {
return console.log('out of bound')
this._bucket = [...this._bucket.slice(0, idx), ...this._bucket(idx + 1)]
size() {
return this._size
// todo handle negative cases ([], less than start, bigger than end)
// O(log n)
function binarySearch(arr, x, start = 0, end = arr.length - 1) {
while (start <= end) {
const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2)
const val = arr[mid]
if (x > val) {
start = mid + 1
} else if (x < val) {
end = mid - 1
} else {
console.log(val, x)
return true
return false
// xx = 33
// binarySearch([1,3,5,7,9], 3)
var { BinaryTree, BinaryTreeNode } = (() => {
const ROOT = Symbol('root')
const LEFT = Symbol('left')
const RIGHT = Symbol('right')
const checkType = (node) => {
if (node instanceof BinaryTreeNode === false) {
throw new Error('Tree node should be instance of BinaryTreeNode class')
class BinaryTreeNode {
constructor(data) { = data
this[LEFT] = null
this[RIGHT] = null
get left() { return this[LEFT] }
get right() { return this[RIGHT] }
set left(node) {
this[LEFT] = node
set right(node) {
this[RIGHT] = node
class BinaryTree {
constructor(node) {
this[ROOT] = node
get root() { return this[ROOT] }
return { BinaryTree, BinaryTreeNode }
function bubbleSort(unsortedArr) {
function sort(arr) {
for (let i = 1, i0 = 0; i < arr.length; i++, i0++) {
if (arr[i0] > arr[i]) { swap(arr, i0, i) }
for (let j = i0, j0 = j - 1; j > 0; j--, j0--) {
if (arr[j0] > arr[j]) { swap(arr, j0, j) }
return arr
function swap(arr, i, j) {
let tmp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = tmp
return arr
const result = sort(unsortedArr)
return result
// please don't use it! It's just a draft that contains defects and is not fully implemented!
// TODO flattern map when size is increased
class DecentHashMap {
constructor(initialCapacity = 2) {
this.buckets = new Array(initialCapacity);
this.collisions = 0;
set(key, value) {
const bucketIndex = this.getIndex(key);
if(this.buckets[bucketIndex]) {
console.log('set existing arr')
this.buckets[bucketIndex].push({key, value});
if(this.buckets[bucketIndex].length > 1) {
console.log('collision', this.buckets[bucketIndex])
} else {
console.log('set new arr')
this.buckets[bucketIndex] = [{key, value}];
return this;
get(key) {
const bucketIndex = this.getIndex(key);
for (let arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < this.buckets[bucketIndex].length; arrayIndex++) {
const entry = this.buckets[bucketIndex][arrayIndex];
if(entry.key === key) {
return entry.value
hash(key) {
let hashValue = 0;
const stringTypeKey = `${key}${typeof key}`;
for (let index = 0; index < stringTypeKey.length; index++) {
const charCode = stringTypeKey.charCodeAt(index);
hashValue += charCode << (index * 8);
console.log('hash', key, hashValue)
return hashValue;
getIndex(key) {
const indexHash = this.hash(key);
const index = indexHash % this.buckets.length;
console.log('index', index, 'l', this.buckets.length)
return index;
// TODO: handle negative cases
// TODO: implement map, filter, some, etc...
LinkedList = (() => {
const head = Symbol('head')
const size = Symbol('size')
const last = Symbol('last')
const next = Symbol('next')
const prev = Symbol('prev')
class ListNode {
constructor (data) { = data
this[next] = null
this[prev] = null
get next() { return this[next] }
get prev() { return this[prev] }
class LinkedList {
constructor (dataArray = []) {
this[head] = null
this[last] = null
this[size] = 0
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() }
get size() { return this[size] }
get first() { return this[head] }
get last() { return this[last] }
add(data) {
if (data === undefined) {
return // should throw?
const newNode = new ListNode(data)
if (this[head] === null) {
this[head] = newNode
} else {
this[last][next] = newNode
newNode[prev] = this[last]
this[size] += 1
this[last] = newNode
addAll(dataArray) {
dataArray.forEach(data => this.add(data))
getNode(idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this.size || this.size === 0) {
return // should throw?
let current, i, direction, step
// iterate in reverse order if idx is closer to the last node
if (idx >= this.size / 2) {
current = this[last]
i = this.size - 1
direction = prev
step = -1
} else { // iterate from head
current = this[head]
i = 0
direction = next
step = 1
while (i !== idx && current !== null) {
current = current[direction]
i = i + step
return current
get(idx) {
return this.getNode(idx).data
indexOf(value) {
let i = 0
for (let data of this) {
if (data === value) {
return i
i += 1
return -1
lastIndexOf(value) {
let i = this.size - 1
for (let data of this.reverse) {
if (data === value) {
return i
i -= 1
return -1
includes(value) {
return this.indexOf(value) > -1
removeIndex(idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this.size || this.size === 0) {
return // should throw?
let current
if (idx === 0) { // first
current = this[head]
this[head] = this[head][next]
if (this[head] === null) { // deleting the last list item
this[last] = null
} else {
this[head][prev] = null
} else if (idx === this.size - 1) { // last
current = this[last]
this[last] = this[last][prev]
this[last][next] = null
} else {
current = this.getNode(idx)
if (!current) {
return // should throw?
current[prev][next] = current[next]
current[next][prev] = current[prev][next]
this[size] -= 1
delete current[next]
delete current[prev]
// remove last
pop() {
return this.removeIndex(this.size - 1)
// remove first
shift() {
return this.removeIndex(0)
get reverse() {
const linkedList = this
return {
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() },
*values() {
let current = linkedList[last]
while (current !== null) {
current = current.prev
*values() {
let current = this[head]
while (current !== null) {
current =
return LinkedList
// simple single thread MapReduce
function mapReduce(data, mapFn, reduceFn) {
return data
.map(myMapFn) // MAP
.flat().reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = acc[key] === undefined ? value : reduceFn(acc[key], value) // REDUCE
return acc
}, {})
function myMapFn(doc, index) {
const words = {}
doc.split(' ').forEach(word => {
if (words[word] === undefined) {
words[word] = 0
return Object.entries(words)
function myReduceFn (accumulator, currentValue) { return accumulator + currentValue }
mapReduce(['foo bar', 'bla bar', 'bar foo'], myMapFn, myReduceFn)
// O(n log n)
function mergeSort(arr) {
function sortChunk(chunk) {
if (chunk.length < 2) { return chunk }
if (chunk.length === 2) {
if (chunk[1] < chunk[0]) {
const chunk0 = chunk[0]
chunk[0] = chunk[1]
chunk[1] = chunk0
return chunk
const mid = Math.floor(chunk.length / 2)
return merge(
sortChunk(chunk.slice(0, mid)),
function merge(arr1, arr2) {
const result = []
let i1 = 0
let i2 = 0
while (i1 < arr1.length && i2 < arr2.length) {
if (arr1[i1] < arr2[i2]) {
i1 += 1
} else {
i2 += 1
while (i1 < arr1.length) { result.push(arr1[i1]); i1++ }
while (i2 < arr2.length) { result.push(arr2[i2]); i2++ }
return result
return sortChunk(arr)
// mergeSort([7, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44.56, 13, 3])
function mergeSortN(unsortedArray) {
function sortChunk(arr, lo = 0, hi = arr.length - 1) {
const length = 1 + hi - lo
if (length < 2) { return arr }
if (length === 2) {
if (arr[hi] < arr[lo]) {
const chunkLo = arr[lo]
arr[lo] = arr[hi]
arr[hi] = chunkLo
return arr
const mid = lo + Math.floor(length / 2)
sortChunk(arr, lo, mid)
sortChunk(arr, mid, hi)
return merge(arr, lo, mid, mid, hi + 1)
function merge(arr, lo1, hi1, lo2, hi2) {
const result = []
let i1 = lo1
let i2 = lo2
while (i1 < hi1 && i2 < hi2) {
if (arr[i1] < arr[i2]) {
i1 += 1
} else {
i2 += 1
while (i1 < hi1) { result.push(arr[i1]); i1++ }
while (i2 < hi2) { result.push(arr[i2]); i2++ }
let ri = 0
for (let i = lo1; i < hi2; i++) {
arr[i] = result[ri]; ri++
return arr
return sortChunk(unsortedArray)
mergeSortN([7, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44.56, 13, 3])
Queue = (() => { // FIFO
const SIZE = Symbol('size')
const NEXT = Symbol('next')
const FIRST = Symbol('first')
const LAST = Symbol('last')
class QueueNode {
constructor(data) { = data
this[NEXT] = null
get next() { return this[NEXT] }
class Queue {
constructor() {
this[SIZE] = 0
this[FIRST] = null
this[LAST] = null
get size() { return this[SIZE] }
remove() {
if (this.isEmpty()) { return } // throw?
const item = this[TOP].data
this[FIRST] = this[FIRST].next
if (this[FIRST] === null) {
this[LAST] = null
this[SIZE] -= 1
return item
add(data) {
const qn = new QueueNode(data)
if (this[LAST] !== null) {
this[LAST][NEXT] = qn
this[LAST] = qn
if (this[FIRST] === null) {
this[FIRST] = this[LAST]
this[SIZE] += 1
get peek() {
get peekNode() { return this[FIRST] }
isEmpty() {
return this[SIZE] === 0
return Queue
function quickSort(unsortedArr) {
if (unsortedArr.length < 2) { return unsortedArr }
const tasks = [0, unsortedArr.length - 1]
function partition(arr) {
while (tasks.length > 0) {
const hi = tasks.pop()
const lo = tasks.pop()
const pivot = choosePivot(arr, lo, hi)
let p = lo
for (let i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
if (arr[i] < pivot) { swap(arr, i, p); p++ }
swap(arr, p, hi)
addTask(lo, p - 1)
addTask(p + 1, hi)
return arr
function choosePivot(arr, lo, hi) {
const mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2)
if (arr[mid] < arr[lo]) {
swap(arr, lo, mid)
if (arr[hi] < arr[lo]) {
swap(arr, lo, hi)
if (arr[mid] < arr[hi]) {
swap(arr, hi, mid)
// arr[mid] is now the biggest one
return arr[hi] // last is median
function swap(arr, i, j) {
let tmp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = tmp
return arr
function addTask(lo, hi) {
if (lo < hi) {
tasks.push(lo, hi)
const res = partition(unsortedArr)
return res
quickSort([7, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44.56, 13, 99, -2])
function quickSort(unsortedArr) {
let it = 0
if (unsortedArr.length < 2) { return unsortedArr }
function partition(arr, lo = 0, hi = arr.length - 1) {
if (lo >= hi) { return arr }
const pivot = choosePivot(arr, lo, hi)
let p = lo
for (let i = lo; i <= hi; i++) {
if (arr[i] < pivot) { swap(arr, i, p); p++ }
swap(arr, p, hi)
partition(arr, lo, p - 1)
partition(arr, p + 1, hi)
return arr
function choosePivot(arr, lo, hi) {
const mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2)
if (arr[mid] < arr[lo]) {
swap(arr, lo, mid)
if (arr[hi] < arr[lo]) {
swap(arr, lo, hi)
if (arr[mid] < arr[hi]) {
swap(arr, hi, mid)
// arr[mid] is now the biggest one
return arr[hi] // last is median
function swap(arr, i, j) {
let tmp = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = tmp
return arr
const res = partition(unsortedArr)
console.log('it', it)
return res
quickSort([7, -1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 44.56, 13, 3])
RotatableList = (() => {
const head = Symbol('head')
const size = Symbol('size')
const last = Symbol('last')
const next = Symbol('next')
const prev = Symbol('prev')
class ListNode {
constructor (data) { = data
this[next] = null
this[prev] = null
get next() { return this[next] }
get prev() { return this[prev] }
class LinkedList {
constructor (dataArray = []) {
this[head] = null
this[last] = null
this[size] = 0
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() }
get size() { return this[size] }
get first() { return this[head] }
get last() { return this[last] }
add(data) {
if (data === undefined) {
return // should throw?
const newNode = new ListNode(data)
if (this[head] === null) {
this[head] = newNode
} else {
this[last][next] = newNode
newNode[prev] = this[last]
newNode[next] = this[head]
this[head][prev] = newNode
this[size] += 1
this[last] = newNode
addAll(dataArray) {
dataArray.forEach(data => this.add(data))
getNode(idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this.size || this.size === 0) {
return // should throw?
let current, i, direction, step
// iterate in reverse order if idx is closer to the last node
if (idx >= this.size / 2) {
current = this[last]
i = this.size - 1
direction = prev
step = -1
} else { // iterate from head
current = this[head]
i = 0
direction = next
step = 1
while (i !== idx && current !== null) {
current = current[direction]
i = i + step
return current
get(idx) {
return this.getNode(idx).data
indexOf(value) {
let i = 0
for (let data of this) {
if (data === value) {
return i
i += 1
return -1
lastIndexOf(value) {
let i = this.size - 1
for (let data of this.reverse) {
if (data === value) {
return i
i -= 1
return -1
includes(value) {
return this.indexOf(value) > -1
removeIndex(idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= this.size || this.size === 0) {
return // should throw?
let current
if (idx === 0) { // first
current = this[head]
this[head] = this[head][next]
if (this[head] === null) { // deleting the last list item
this[last] = null
} else {
this[head][prev] = null
} else if (idx === this.size - 1) { // last
current = this[last]
this[last] = this[last][prev]
this[last][next] = null
} else {
current = this.getNode(idx)
if (!current) {
return // should throw?
current[prev][next] = current[next]
current[next][prev] = current[prev][next]
this[size] -= 1
delete current[next]
delete current[prev]
// remove last
pop() {
return this.removeIndex(this.size - 1)
// remove first
shift() {
return this.removeIndex(0)
get reverse() {
const linkedList = this
return {
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.values() },
*values() {
let current = linkedList[last]
while (current !== null) {
current = current.prev
*values() {
let current = this[head]
while (current !== null) {
current = this[last] === current ? null :
return LinkedList
Stack = (() => { // LIFO
const SIZE = Symbol('size')
const NEXT = Symbol('next')
const TOP = Symbol('top')
class StackNode {
constructor(data) { = data
this[NEXT] = null
get next() { return this[NEXT] }
class Stack {
constructor() {
this[SIZE] = 0
this[TOP] = null
get size() { return this[SIZE] }
pop() {
if (this.isEmpty()) { return } // throw?
const item = this[TOP].data
this[TOP] = this[TOP].next
this[SIZE] -= 1
return item
push(data) {
const sn = new StackNode(data)
sn[NEXT] = this[TOP]
this[TOP] = sn
this[SIZE] += 1
get peek() {
get peekNode() { return this[TOP] }
isEmpty() {
return this[TOP] === null
return Stack
var { Tree,TreeNode } = (() => {
const ROOT = Symbol('root')
const CHILDREN = Symbol('children')
class TreeNode {
constructor(data) { = data
this[CHILDREN] = new TreeNodeArray()
get children() { return this[CHILDREN] }
class TreeNodeArray extends Array {
push(...items) {
if (items.some(item => item instanceof TreeNode !== true)) {
throw new Error('Tree node should be instance of TreeNode class')
return super.push(...items)
class Tree {
constructor(node) {
if (node instanceof TreeNode === false) {
throw new Error('Tree node should be instance of TreeNode class')
this[ROOT] = node
get root() { return this[ROOT] }
return { Tree, TreeNode }
var { Trie, TrieNode } = (() => {
const ROOT = Symbol('root')
const CHILDREN = Symbol('children')
const TERMINATES = Symbol('terminates')
class TrieNode {
constructor(data) {
if (typeof data !== 'string' || data.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Unable to create TrieNode with data ' + data)
} = data
this[ROOT] = null
this[TERMINATES] = false
this[CHILDREN] = new TrieMap(this)
get root() { return this[ROOT] }
get children() { return this[CHILDREN] }
get terminates() { return this[TERMINATES] }
set terminates(value) {
if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error('Only boolean true or false are allowed')
this[TERMINATES] = value
function TrieMap (root) {
return new Proxy(Object.create({}, {
'size': {
get() { return Object.keys(this).length }
}), {
set(obj, prop, value) {
// allow only chars
if (prop.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('Not allowed to set prop: ' + prop)
const current = obj[prop]
if (value instanceof TrieNode === true) {
obj[prop] = value
} else if (typeof value === 'string' && value.length === 1) {
obj[prop] = new TrieNode(value)
} else {
throw new Error('Unable to add children ' + value)
if (current instanceof TrieNode) {
current[ROOT] = null
obj[prop][ROOT] = root
deleteProperty(obj, prop) {
if (obj[prop] instanceof TrieNode) {
obj[prop][ROOT] = null
delete obj[prop]
class Trie {
constructor(node) {
if (node instanceof TrieNode === true) {
this[ROOT] = node
} else if (typeof node === 'string' && node.length === 1) {
this[ROOT] = new TrieNode(node)
} else {
throw new Error('Trie node should be instance of TreeNode class or a char')
get root() { return this[ROOT] }
getParents(node) {
const cache = []
let tmpNode = node
while (tmpNode) {
tmpNode = tmpNode.root
return cache
printWords(node, cache = this.getParents(node)) {
if (node.terminates) {
Object.values(node.children).forEach(child => {
this.printWords(child, [...cache,])
return { Trie, TrieNode }
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