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Last active January 13, 2022 21:49
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[HTML Regex] Regular expression pattern for matching HTML tags.
<(?(?=!--)!--[\s\S]*--|(?(?=\?)\?[\s\S]*\?|(?(?=\/)\/[^.\d-][^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]*|[^.\d-][^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]*(?:\s[^.\d-][^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]*(?:=(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'"<\s]*))?)*)\s?\/?))>
< # Tags always begin with <.
(? # What if...
(?=!--) # We have a comment?
!--[\s\S]*-- # If so, anything goes between <!-- and -->.
| # OR
(? # What if...
(?=\?) # We have a scripting tag?
\?[\s\S]*\? # If so, anything goes between <? and ?>.
| # OR
(? # What if...
(?=\/) # We have a closing tag?
\/ # It should begin with a /.
[^.\d-] # Then the tag name, which can't begin with any of these characters.
[^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]* # And can't contain any of these characters.
| # OR... we must have some other tag.
[^.\d-] # Tag names can't begin with these characters.
[^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]* # And can't contain any of these characters.
(?: # Do we have any attributes?
\s # If so, they'll begin with a space character.
[^.\d-] # Followed by a name that doesn't begin with any of these characters.
[^\/\]'"[!#$%&()*+,;<=>?@^`{|}~ ]* # And doesn't contain any of these characters.
(?: # Does our attribute have a value?
= # If so, the value will begin with an = sign.
(?: # The value could be:
"[^"]*" # Wrapped in double quotes.
| # OR
'[^']*' # Wrapped in single quotes.
| # OR
[^'"<\s]* # Not wrapped in anything.
) # That does it for our attribute value.
)? # If the attribute is boolean it won't need a value.
)* # We could have any number of attributes.
) # That does it for our closing vs other tag check.
\s? # There could be some space characters before the closing >.
\/? # There might also be a / if this is a self-closing tag.
) # That does it for our script vs html tag check.
) # That does it for our comment vs script tag check.
> # Tags always end with a >.
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