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Forked from petermuller71/cryptor.php
Created November 20, 2018 13:08
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cryptor : PHP Encryption and decryption based on libsodium (standard lib >php7.2)
print "<h1>PHP Encryption with libsodium</h1>";
$message = "This text is secret";
$ciphertext = cryptor::encrypt("password", $message);
$plaintext = cryptor::decrypt("password", $ciphertext);
print "Message:<br />$message <br /><br />Ciphertext:<br />$ciphertext<br /><br />Plaintext:<br />$plaintext";
* Class: cryptor
* static class for encryption with libsodium (standard lib >= php7.2)
* Usage:
* $message = "This text is secret";
* $ciphertext = cryptor::encrypt("password", $message);
* $plaintext = cryptor::decrypt("password", $ciphertext);
class cryptor {
* public gist:
* @param string $message Text, to be encrypted
* @param string $ciphertext Text, to be decrypted
* @param string $secret Secret_key (hashvalue is created from this string(+salt) in order to get a 32bytes key).
* @return string Encrypted or decrypted text
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2018 Peter Muller. All rights reserved.
* @author Peter Muller <>
* @version 2.02
static private $salt = "salt"; # change
static private $hashlength = 30; # change between 10 and 64 (64 = length of sodium_crypto_generichash)
* encrypt
* @param string $secret (password)
* @param string $plaintext (plaintext)
* @return string Encrypted text (ciphertext + nonce + hash)
public static function encrypt($secret, $plaintext) {
// Create a 32bit password
$key = self::create_32bit_password($secret);
// Create a nonce: a piece of non-secret unique data that is used to randomize the cipher (safety against replay attack).
// The nonce should be stored or shared along with the ciphertext, because the nonce needs to be reused with the same key.
// In this class the nonce is shared with the ciphertext.
// Encrypted
$ciphertext = bin2hex(
sodium_crypto_secretbox($plaintext, $nonce, $key)
// Hex nonce (in order to sent together with ciphertext)
$nonce_hex = bin2hex($nonce);
// Create hash from ciphertext+nonce
// It is not necessary, but just an extra layer of defense:
// - more difficult to manipulate the string
// - a nonce is always 48 characters. Because of a trailing hash (of unkown length), the nonce cannot be identified easily.
// (a nonce does not have to be secret, this is just an extra precaution)
$hash = self::create_hash($ciphertext.$nonce_hex);
// Return ciphertext + nonce + hash
return $ciphertext.$nonce_hex.$hash;
* decrypt
* @param string $secret (password)
* @param string $ciphertext (ciphertext + nonce + hash)
* @return string decrypted text
public static function decrypt($secret, $ciphertext) {
// Create a 32bit password
$key = self::create_32bit_password($secret);
//Get hash
$hash = substr($ciphertext,-self::$hashlength);
//Get ciphertext + nonce (remove trailing hash)
$ciphertext = substr($ciphertext,0,-self::$hashlength);
//Re-create hash
$hash_on_the_fly = self::create_hash($ciphertext);
//Check if hash is correct
if ($hash !== $hash_on_the_fly)
//Do propper error handling
return "error";
// Get nonce (last 48 chars of string)
$nonce_hex = substr($ciphertext,-48);
// Get ciphertext (remove nonce)
$ciphertext = substr($ciphertext,0,-48);
// Bin nonce
$nonce = hex2bin($nonce_hex);
// Decrypted
$plaintext = sodium_crypto_secretbox_open(
hex2bin($ciphertext), $nonce, $key
return $plaintext;
* create_32bit_password
* @param string $secret (password)
* @return string 32bit-password
private static function create_32bit_password($secret)
//Openlib needs a 32bit key for encryption
return substr( bin2hex( sodium_crypto_generichash($secret.self::$salt) ),0 ,32);
* create_hash of ciphertext+nonce
* @param string $ciphertext_and_nonce (ciphertext + nonce)
* @return string hash
private static function create_hash($ciphertext_and_nonce)
return substr( bin2hex( sodium_crypto_generichash( $ciphertext_and_nonce ) ),0 ,self::$hashlength);
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