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Created April 5, 2020 21:29
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An example of two logically equivalent definitions in Lean, but with different "shapes".
-- How easy is it to convert between two "obviously" equivalent
-- definitions? This file contains an example of doing this,
-- for two definitions of the typical "finite set of size n",
-- that is, the set {0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n-1}.
-- Core library definition.
-- The core library defines the type "fin n" as a record type
-- with two fields: "val" is a natural number, and "is_lt" is a
-- proof that "val < n".
#print fin
structure fin : ℕ → Type
fin.val : Π {n : ℕ}, fin n → ℕ
fin.is_lt : ∀ {n : ℕ} (c : fin n), c.val < n
-- Alternative definition.
-- For the alternative, let's use an inductive definition: an
-- element of finite set {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1} is either zero, or
-- the successor of an element of the previous finite set
-- {0, 1, 2, ..., n-2}. We'll call this type "indfin n".
-- This mirrors the definition of "Fin n" in Agda's standard
-- library, see:
inductive indfin : forall (n : nat), Type
| zero : forall (n : nat), indfin (n+1)
| succ : forall (n : nat) (i : indfin n), indfin (n+1)
-- The API for a Lean type.
-- In Lean, a new type definition comes with a few primitives,
-- from which everything else can be derived/implemented:
-- 1. The type name, which allows writing type annotations,
-- like "x : T" (among other uses).
-- 2. The type constructors, which allow creating values of the
-- new type.
-- 3. The type eliminator, "T.rec", which allows creating
-- dependently-typed functions with "T" as domain.
-- 4. A computational reduction rule for each constructor,
-- which simplifies expressions where the eliminator is
-- applied directly to a constructor.
-- In this file, the approach we take to showing the
-- equivalence between two types "T₁" and "T₂" is to emulate
-- the primitive API for "T₁" using "T₂", and vice versa.
-- 1. The type names "T₁" and "T₂" can be used as-is.
-- 2. The type constructors can be given by normal functions,
-- which construct an element of "T₁" from the data used to
-- construct an element of "T₂", and vice versa.
-- 3. Similarly, the eliminators can be normal functions.
-- 4. We can't add user-defined reduction rules, but we can get
-- almost the same result by proving the corresponding
-- propositional equalities.
-- The "fin" type supports the "indfin" API.
-- The first constructor for "indfin", followed by its
-- implementation using "fin".
/- : Π (n : ℕ), indfin (n + 1)
def :
forall (n : nat), fin (n+1) :=
fun n, ⟨0, nat.zero_lt_succ n⟩
-- The second constructor for "indfin", followed by its
-- implementation using "fin".
#check @indfin.succ
indfin.succ : Π (n : ℕ), indfin n → indfin (n + 1)
def fin.indfin.succ :
forall (n : nat) (i : fin n), fin (n+1) :=
fun n, @fin.rec _ (fun _, fin (n+1))
(fun val (is_lt : val < n),
⟨val+1, nat.succ_lt_succ is_lt⟩)
-- The eliminator for "indfin", followed by its implementation
-- using "fin".
#check @indfin.rec
indfin.rec :
Π {C : Π (n : ℕ), indfin n → Sort u},
(Π (n : ℕ), C (n + 1) ( n)) →
(Π (n : ℕ) (i : indfin n),
C n i → C (n + 1) (indfin.succ n i)) →
Π {n : ℕ} (i : indfin n), C n i
def fin.indfin.rec :
forall {C : forall n (i : fin n), Sort*},
(forall n, C (n+1) ( n)) ->
(forall n (i : fin n), C n i -> C (n+1) (fin.indfin.succ n i)) ->
forall n (i : fin n), C n i :=
fun C zero succ, @nat.rec
(fun n, forall (i : fin n), C n i)
(fun i, fin.elim0 i)
(fun n (recur : forall (i : fin n), C n i),
fin.rec (@nat.rec
(fun val, forall (is_lt : val < n+1), C (n+1) ⟨val, is_lt⟩)
(fun is_lt, zero n)
(fun val _ (is_lt : val+1 < n+1),
let i : fin n := ⟨val, nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ is_lt⟩
in succ n i (recur i))))
-- The first reduction rule for "indfin".
example {C zero succ n} :
(@indfin.rec C zero succ (n+1) ( n)) =
(zero n) :=
-- The corresponding equality for "fin".
lemma fin.indfin.rec.on_zero {C zero succ n} :
(@fin.indfin.rec C zero succ (n+1) ( n)) =
(zero n) :=
-- The second reduction rule for "indfin".
example {C zero succ n i} :
(@indfin.rec C zero succ (n+1) (indfin.succ n i)) =
(succ n i (@indfin.rec C zero succ n i)) :=
-- The corresponding equality for "fin".
lemma fin.indfin.rec.on_succ {C zero succ n} : forall {i},
(@fin.indfin.rec C zero succ (n+1) (fin.indfin.succ n i)) =
(succ n i (@fin.indfin.rec C zero succ n i)) :=
@fin.rec _
(fun (i : fin n),
(@fin.indfin.rec C zero succ (n+1) (fin.indfin.succ n i)) =
(succ n i (@fin.indfin.rec C zero succ n i)))
(fun val (is_lt : val < n), rfl)
-- The "indfin" type supports the "fin" API.
-- The only constructor for "fin", followed by its
-- implementation using "indfin".
/- : Π {n : ℕ} (val : ℕ), val < n → fin n
def :
forall {n : nat} (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n), (indfin n) :=
(fun n, forall val (is_lt : val < n), indfin n)
(fun val is_lt, false.elim (nat.not_lt_zero val is_lt))
(fun n (recur : forall val (is_lt : val < n), indfin n),
(fun val, forall (is_lt : val < n+1), indfin (n+1))
(fun _, n)
(fun val _ (is_lt : val+1 < n+1),
indfin.succ n
(recur val (nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ is_lt))))
-- The field extractors "fin.val" and "fin.is_lt" are normally
-- implemented from the eliminator "fin.rec", but it's useful
-- to define them directly for "indfin".
def indfin.val :
forall {n : nat} (i : indfin n), nat :=
(fun _ _, nat)
(fun _,
(fun _ _, nat.succ)
def indfin.is_lt :
forall {n : nat} (i : indfin n), (i.val < n) :=
(fun n i, (i.val < n))
(fun _ _, nat.succ_lt_succ)
-- It's also useful to have a couple of equalities which relate
-- the emulated constructor "" and the emulated field
-- extractors.
lemma indfin.of_fin_mk :
forall {n : nat} (i : indfin n),
( i.val i.is_lt) = i :=
(fun n i, ( i.val i.is_lt) = i)
(fun _, rfl)
(fun n i, @eq.rec (indfin n)
( i.val i.is_lt)
(fun (x : indfin n),
(indfin.succ n i).val
(indfin.succ n i).is_lt)
= indfin.succ n x)
rfl i)
lemma indfin.val_of_fin_mk :
forall {n : nat} (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n),
( val is_lt).val = val :=
(fun n, forall val (is_lt : val < n), ( val is_lt).val = val)
(fun val is_lt, false.elim (nat.not_lt_zero val is_lt))
(fun n (recur : forall val (is_lt : val < n), ( val is_lt).val = val),
(fun val, forall (is_lt : val < n+1), ( val is_lt).val = val)
(fun is_lt, @eq.refl nat 0)
(fun val _ (is_lt : val+1 < n+1),
congr_arg nat.succ
(recur val (nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ is_lt))))
-- Note that there's no need for a corresponding lemma for
-- is_lt, because of proof irrelevance for Props.
-- Also, the type of "fin.is_lt" depends on the value of
-- "fin.val", so the relevant equation is maybe more
-- complicated than expected.
example {n : nat} (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n) :
( val is_lt).is_lt =
(eq.rec is_lt (indfin.val_of_fin_mk val is_lt).symm) :=
-- The eliminator for "fin", followed by its implementation
-- using "indfin". The actual work is done in the equalities
-- proved above, and the body of this definition is essentially
-- just a type-cast.
#check @fin.rec
fin.rec :
Π {n : ℕ} {C : fin n → Sort u},
(Π (val : ℕ) (is_lt : val < n), C ⟨val, is_lt⟩) →
Π (i : fin n), C i
def indfin.fin.rec :
forall {n : nat} {C : indfin n -> Sort*}
(mk : forall (val : nat) (is_lt : val < n), C ( val is_lt))
(i : indfin n), C i :=
fun n C mk i, (@eq.rec _ _ C (mk i.val i.is_lt) _ (i.of_fin_mk))
-- The only reduction rule for "fin".
example {n C mk val is_lt} :
(@fin.rec n C mk ( val is_lt)) =
(mk val is_lt) :=
-- The corresponding equality for "indfin". This involves many
-- type-casts to satisfy the type system, and was very
-- challenging to write.
lemma indfin.fin.rec.on_mk {n C mk val is_lt} :
(@indfin.fin.rec n C mk ( val is_lt)) =
(mk val is_lt) :=
i : (indfin n) :=
( val is_lt),
v_is_lt : forall v (h : val = v), (v < n) :=
(@eq.rec nat val (fun v, v < n) is_lt)
@eq.drec nat val
(fun v (h : val = v),
@eq (C i)
(@eq.rec (indfin n)
( v (v_is_lt v h))
C (mk v (v_is_lt v h))
i (@eq.drec nat val
(fun v (h : val = v),
( v (v_is_lt v h)) = i)
(eq.refl i)
v h))
(mk val is_lt))
(@eq.refl (C i) (mk val is_lt))
i.val (indfin.val_of_fin_mk val is_lt).symm
-- Proving the formal equivalence.
-- With each of "fin" and "indfin" now having an implementation
-- of the the other type's low-level API, it should be easy to
-- write a bijection between them (and prove that it's a
-- bijection).
-- It seems easier to pick one of the two APIs and use it with
-- both types. For example, the following definitions and
-- lemmas use the "indfin" API (and all definitions/proofs are
-- of the same shape, split into a zero case and a succ case).
def fin_of_indfin :
forall {n : nat}, (indfin n) -> (fin n) :=
(fun n i, fin n)
(fun n i recur, fin.indfin.succ n recur)
def indfin_of_fin :
forall {n : nat}, (fin n) -> (indfin n) :=
(fun n i, indfin n)
(fun n i recur, indfin.succ n recur)
lemma fin_of_indfin_of_fin :
forall {n : nat} (i : fin n),
(fin_of_indfin (indfin_of_fin i)) = i :=
(fun n i, (fin_of_indfin (indfin_of_fin i)) = i)
(fun n, rfl)
(fun n i recur, @eq.trans (fin (n+1))
(fin_of_indfin (indfin_of_fin (fin.indfin.succ n i)))
(fin_of_indfin (indfin.succ n (indfin_of_fin i)))
(fin.indfin.succ n i)
(congr_arg fin_of_indfin fin.indfin.rec.on_succ)
(congr_arg (fin.indfin.succ n) recur))
lemma indfin_of_fin_of_indfin :
forall {n : nat} (i : indfin n),
(indfin_of_fin (fin_of_indfin i)) = i :=
(fun n i, (indfin_of_fin (fin_of_indfin i)) = i)
(fun n, rfl)
(fun n i recur, @eq.trans (indfin (n+1))
(indfin_of_fin (fin.indfin.succ n (fin_of_indfin i)))
(indfin.succ n (indfin_of_fin (fin_of_indfin i)))
(indfin.succ n i)
(congr_arg (indfin.succ n) recur))
-- We could instead use the other API, for "fin", and get a
-- different shape for the definitions/proofs.
def fin_of_indfin₂ {n : nat} :
(indfin n) -> (fin n) :=
@indfin.fin.rec n
(fun i, fin n)
def indfin_of_fin₂ {n : nat} :
(fin n) -> (indfin n) :=
@fin.rec n
(fun i, indfin n)
lemma fin_of_indfin_of_fin₂ {n : nat} :
forall (i : fin n),
(fin_of_indfin₂ (indfin_of_fin₂ i)) = i :=
@fin.rec n
(fun i, (fin_of_indfin₂ (indfin_of_fin₂ i)) = i)
(fun val (is_lt : val < n), indfin.fin.rec.on_mk)
lemma indfin_of_fin_of_indfin₂ {n : nat} :
forall (i : indfin n),
(indfin_of_fin₂ (fin_of_indfin₂ i)) = i :=
@indfin.fin.rec n
(fun i, (indfin_of_fin₂ (fin_of_indfin₂ i)) = i)
(fun val (is_lt : val < n), congr_arg indfin_of_fin₂
(@indfin.fin.rec.on_mk n (fun i, fin n) val is_lt))
-- It's also probably possible to show that
-- fin_of_indfin = fin_of_indfin₂
-- and
-- indfin_of_fin = indfin_of_fin₂
-- and many other equalities involving what these bijections to
-- to constructors and eliminators, but this file is long
-- enough as it is.
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