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Created March 6, 2023 18:52
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# The canonical Ramsey theorem
### Vocabulary
/-- An edge of the complete `d`-uniform hypergraph on `ℕ`. -/
@[reducible] def edge (d : ℕ) : Type := fin d ↪o ℕ
A subset of the endpoints of a generic edge, identified by their
relative positions with respect to the ordering on `ℕ`. For example,
"the 1st, 3rd, and 4th smallest vertices contained in the edge".
@[reducible] def subedge (d : ℕ) : Type := set (fin d)
A colouring of the complete `d`-uniform hypergraph on `ℕ`,
with colours taken from `α`.
def colouring (d : ℕ) (α : Type) : Type := edge d → α
/-- An infinite subset of `ℕ`, viewed as a subsequence. -/
@[reducible] def subseq : Type := ℕ ↪o ℕ
### Notation
The actual endpoints of a specific edge identified by a subedge.
For example, the restriction of the 5-uniform edge (2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
to the subedge "1st, 3rd, and 4th smallest" is (2, 5, 7).
def edge.restrict {d : ℕ} (e : edge d) (s : subedge d) : s ↪o ℕ :=
(order_embedding.subtype s).trans e
infix ` |e `:80 := edge.restrict
For a given subedge, the canonical colouring in which two edges have
the same colour iff they agree when restricted to that subedge.
def subedge.colouring {d : ℕ} (s : subedge d) : colouring d (s ↪o ℕ) :=
λ e, e |e s
The restriction of a colouring to the edges contained in a given
infinite subsequence of `ℕ`.
def colouring.restrict {d : ℕ} {α : Type}
(f : colouring d α) (S : subseq) : colouring d α :=
λ e, f (rel_embedding.trans e S)
infix ` |c `:80 := colouring.restrict
Two colourings are isomorphic iff they induce the same partition on
the set of edges of the `d`-uniform hypergraph on `ℕ`.
def colouring.iso {d : ℕ} {α β : Type}
(f : colouring d α) (g : colouring d β) : Prop :=
∀ e₁ e₂, (f e₁ = f e₂) ↔ (g e₁ = g e₂)
infix ` ≃c `:25 := colouring.iso
### Main statements
The (statement of the) canonical Ramsey theorem:
every colouring contains a canonical subcolouring.
def ramsey.statement {d : ℕ} {α : Type} (f : colouring d α) : Prop :=
∃ (S : subseq) (s : subedge d), f |c S ≃c s.colouring
The next two lemmas show that `ramsey.statement` is best possible:
each canonical colouring is a distinct fixed point for the operation
of passing to an infinite subsequence of ℕ.
/-- Every subcolouring of a canonical colouring is isomorphic. -/
def canonical_colouring_iso.statement
{d : ℕ} (s : subedge d) (S : subseq) : Prop :=
s.colouring |c S ≃c s.colouring
/-- Isomorphic canonical colourings come from identical subedges. -/
def canonical_colouring_ext.statement
{d : ℕ} (s t : subedge d) : Prop :=
s.colouring ≃c t.colouring → s = t
### Constructions and lemmas
/- `≃c` is an equivalence relation. -/
namespace colouring.iso
variables {d : ℕ} {α β γ : Type}
{f : colouring d α} {g : colouring d β} {h : colouring d γ}
@[refl] lemma refl (f : colouring d α) : f ≃c f :=
λ x y, iff.rfl
@[symm] lemma symm : (f ≃c g) → (g ≃c f) :=
λ fg x y, (fg x y).symm
@[trans] lemma trans : (f ≃c g) → (g ≃c h) → (f ≃c h) :=
λ fg gh x y, (fg x y).trans (gh x y)
end /-namespace-/ colouring.iso
A subsequence of a subsequence is a subsequence.
This order of arguments makes `colouring.restrict_restrict` hold.
def subseq.restrict (S T : subseq) : subseq :=
rel_embedding.trans T S
infix ` |s `:80 := subseq.restrict
lemma colouring.restrict_restrict {d : ℕ} {α : Type}
(f : colouring d α) (S T : subseq) :
f |c S |c T = f |c (S |s T) := rfl
/-- The first `d` endpoints of a `(d+1)`-edge. -/
def edge.head {d : ℕ} (e : edge (d+1)) : edge d :=
rel_embedding.trans fin.cast_succ e
/-- The last endpoint of a `(d+1)`-edge. -/
def edge.last {d : ℕ} (e : edge (d+1)) : ℕ := e (fin.last d)
The smallest natural number which is
strictly bigger than all endpoints.
def edge.lub : ∀ {d : ℕ}, edge d → ℕ
| 0 _ := 0
| (d+1) e := (e (fin.last d)) + 1
lemma edge.lt_lub {d : ℕ} (e : edge d) (i : fin d) :
e i < e.lub :=
cases d,
{ exact fin.elim0 i },
calc e i ≤ e (fin.last d) : e.le_iff_le.mpr (fin.le_last i)
... < e.lub : lt_add_one (e (fin.last d)),
lemma edge.head_lub_le_last {d : ℕ} (e : edge (d+1)) :
e.head.lub ≤ e.last :=
cases d,
{ exact zero_le _ },
change edge (d+2) at e, change (e ⟨d, _⟩) < e ⟨d+1, _⟩,
simp only [e.lt_iff_lt, fin.mk_lt_mk, lt_add_one],
The `(d+1)`-edge formed from a `d`-edge
by adding a new largest endpoint.
def edge.of_lub_le {d : ℕ} (e : edge d) (n : ℕ) (h : e.lub ≤ n) : edge (d+1) :=
order_embedding.of_map_le_iff (@fin.last_cases _ (λ _, ℕ) n e)
intros i j,
cases le_or_lt (fin.last d) i with h_last_le_i h_i_lt_last,
rw fin.last_le_iff at h_last_le_i,
rw [h_last_le_i, fin.last_cases_last],
cases le_or_lt (fin.last d) j with h_last_le_j h_j_lt_last,
rw fin.last_le_iff at h_last_le_j,
rw [h_last_le_j, fin.last_cases_last],
exact iff_of_true (le_refl n) (le_refl (fin.last d)),
set j' : fin d := j.cast_lt h_j_lt_last,
have : j'.cast_succ = j := j.cast_succ_cast_lt _,
rw [←this, fin.last_cases_cast_succ],
apply iff_of_false; apply not_le_of_lt,
calc e j' < e.lub : e.lt_lub j'
... ≤ n : h,
exact j'.cast_succ_lt_last,
set i' : fin d := i.cast_lt h_i_lt_last,
have : i'.cast_succ = i := (i.cast_succ_cast_lt _),
rw [←this, fin.last_cases_cast_succ],
cases le_or_lt (fin.last d) j with h_last_le_j h_j_lt_last,
rw fin.last_le_iff at h_last_le_j,
rw [h_last_le_j, fin.last_cases_last],
apply iff_of_true; apply le_of_lt,
calc e i' < e.lub : e.lt_lub i'
... ≤ n : h,
exact i'.cast_succ_lt_last,
set j' : fin d := j.cast_lt h_j_lt_last,
have : j'.cast_succ = j := j.cast_succ_cast_lt _,
rw [←this, fin.last_cases_cast_succ],
simp_rw [order_embedding.le_iff_le],
lemma edge.of_lub_le_head_eq {d : ℕ} (e : edge d) (n : ℕ) (h : e.lub ≤ n) :
(edge.of_lub_le e n h).head = e :=
lemma edge.of_lub_le_last_eq {d : ℕ} (e : edge d) (n : ℕ) (h : e.lub ≤ n) :
(edge.of_lub_le e n h).last = n :=
### Main proofs
def ramsey.statement {d : ℕ} {α : Type} (f : colouring d α) : Prop :=
∃ (S : subseq) (s : subedge d), f |c S ≃c s.colouring
lemma canonical_colouring_iso
{d : ℕ} (s : subedge d) (S : subseq) :
canonical_colouring_iso.statement s S :=
change s.colouring |c S ≃c s.colouring,
intros e₁ e₂,
simp_rw [rel_embedding.ext_iff],
change (∀ (i : s), S (e₁ i) = S (e₂ i)) ↔ (∀ (i : s), e₁ i = e₂ i),
simp_rw [order_embedding.eq_iff_eq S],
lemma canonical_colouring_ext
{d : ℕ} (s t : subedge d) :
canonical_colouring_ext.statement s t :=
change s.colouring ≃c t.colouring → s = t,
### Junk
example (d : ℕ) : fin (d+1) := fin.last d
example (d : ℕ) : fin d ↪o fin (d+1) := fin.cast_succ
example (d : ℕ) : (edge (d+1)) ≃ (edge d) × ℕ := sorry
example (α : Type) : Type :=
quot (λ (f g : ℕ → α), ∃ (n : ℕ), ∀ (m : ℕ), n ≤ m → f m = g m)
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