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Last active May 10, 2018 08:19
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fork/join with parallel quicksort as example (Erlang)
%%% @doc Executes the given function on every task in tasks in parallel.
%%% @spec parallel(Function, Tasks) -> Results
%%% where Results is a list matching the arity of input list Tasks
%%% but contains the result of invoking Function on those tasks
%%% @end
parallel(Function, Tasks) ->
Pids = fork(Function, Tasks),
%% @doc Forks all tasks in given list Tasks to new Erlang processes. Those
%% processes invoke Function on forked tasks.
%% @spec fork(Function, Tasks) -> Pids
%% where Pids is a list of process IDs
%% @end
fork(Function, Tasks) ->
Parent = self(),
Pids = lists:map(fun(Task) ->
spawn(fun() ->
invoke(Parent, Function, Task)
end, Tasks),
join([P|Ps]) ->
{P, Result} -> [Result|join(Ps)]
join([]) ->
invoke(Receiver, Function, Instance) ->
Receiver ! {self(), (catch Function(Instance))}.
pqsort([]) -> [];
pqsort([Pivot]) -> [Pivot];
pqsort([Pivot|Rest]) ->
io:format("+", []),
L = [X || X <- Rest, X < Pivot],
R = [Y || Y <- Rest, Y >= Pivot],
[SL, SR] = fj:parallel(fun pqsort/1, [L,R]),
io:format("-", []),
SL ++ [Pivot] ++ SR.
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