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Created November 8, 2012 20:35
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jQuery plugin to transform spritesheets in Easel.js sprites
jQuery maskedSprite plugin
Author: Martin Vézina 2012
requires :
imagesLoaded (
easel (
Licensed under the MIT license
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var pluginName = 'maskedSprite',
defaults = {
frames : null,
autoStart : true
function Plugin( element, options ) {
this.element = $(element);
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ;
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
Plugin.prototype.init = function(){
this.ready = $.Deferred();
//hide all images when they are loading
$('img', this.element).hide();
var _self = this;
//wait for images to be loaded before initializing the animation
Plugin.prototype.allLoaded = function() {
this.bmpAnim = null;
this.mask = null;
this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
this.stage = new createjs.Stage(this.canvas);
var spriteSheet;
//the images that will be used as spritesheets.
var maskImg = $('img.alpha', this.element).show();
var spriteImg = $('img.spritesheet', this.element).show();
var w ='width');
var h ='height');
//spritesheet dimensions, may be used to calculate n of frames if unspecified
var ssW = spriteImg.width();
var ssH = spriteImg.height();
//default spritesource is spritesheet image itself
var spriteSource = spriteImg.get(0);
//setup canvas
this.canvas.width = w;
this.canvas.height = h;
//if animation is not specifically defined, make a loop
if(!this.options.frames) {
var nFrames ='nframes') || Math.floor(ssW / w) * Math.floor(ssH / h);
this.options.frames = {
animIn:[0, nFrames-1]
//finds a PNG that has the alpha channel
if(maskImg) {
//is the mask a sprite or a single frame?
//mask img is same size as sprite, so it has an alpha for each frame
if(maskImg.width() == ssW && maskImg.height() == ssH) {
//spritesource becomes the canvas of image+alpha spritesheets
spriteSource = createjs.SpriteSheetUtils.mergeAlpha(spriteSource, maskImg.get(0));
} else {
//mask is canvas size, so it is used to mask the canvas globally
this.mask = new createjs.AlphaMaskFilter(maskImg.get(0));
// create spritesheet and assign the associated data.
spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({
images: [spriteSource],
frames: {width:w, height:h, regX:0, regY:0},
animations: this.options.frames
// create a BitmapAnimation instance to display and play back the sprite sheet:
this.bmpAnim = new createjs.BitmapAnimation(spriteSheet);
if('flipped') == 'x') {
this.bmpAnim.scaleX = -1;
this.bmpAnim.regX = w;
//now remove images from container, no longer needed
$('img', this.element).remove();
this.options.autoStart ? this.start() : this.reset();
Plugin.prototype.getReady = function() {
return this.ready.promise();
Plugin.prototype.reset = function(){
if(this.bmpAnim) this.bmpAnim.gotoAndStop(0);
Plugin.prototype.start = function(){
if(this.bmpAnim) this.bmpAnim.gotoAndPlay('animIn');
Plugin.prototype.stop = function(){
if(this.bmpAnim) this.bmpAnim.stop();
Plugin.prototype.tick = function(){
if(this.mask) this.mask.applyFilter(this.canvas.getContext("2d"), 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if (!$.data(this, pluginName)) {
$.data(this, pluginName,
new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery, window, document );
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