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Created December 13, 2013 23:51
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GPG Runner
# Import Python libs
import re
# Import third party libs
import gnupg
# Import Salt libs
import salt.client
uid_re = re.compile('.*\<(.*)\>')
class GPG(gnupg.GPG):
def sign_key(self, uid):
args = ['--batch', '--yes', '--sign-key', uid]
result = self.result_map['generate'](self)
f = gnupg._make_binary_stream('', self.encoding)
r = self._handle_io(args, f, result)
return r
def _gpg():
return GPG(gnupghome=__opts__.get('gpg_dir', '/etc/salt/gpg/master/'))
def _public_key():
Export the master's public key
return _gpg().export_keys('__salt-master__') or None
def generate_key(length=2048):
Generate the master's key, if it does not exist.
Returns the public key or None if it already exists.
Returns False if key generation fails.
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.generate_key [length=key_length]
Length of the key. Default: 2048.
Generate a key with the default length of 2048:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.generate_key
Generate a longer key:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.generate_key length=4096
if _public_key() is not None:
print 'Skipping key generation, already exists.'
return None
print 'Generating keys for master.'
gpg = _gpg()
r = gpg.gen_key(gpg.gen_key_input(name_real='__salt-master__',
name_email='__salt-master__', key_type='RSA', key_length=length))
return gpg.export_keys(r.fingerprint) or False
def public_key(generate=False, length=2048):
Return the master's public key.
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.public_key [[generate=(true|false)] length=key_length]]
Generate the master's key if it does not already exist.
Length of the key, if it needs to be generated.
Get the public key, generating it with the default length of 2048, if needed:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.public_key generate=true
pub = _public_key()
if pub is None and generate:
pub = generate_key(length)
if not pub:
print 'No master key found. Try gpg.generate_key.'
print pub
def import_keys(data):
Import the keys contained in data into the master's keychain.
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.import_keys \\
"-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\\nVersion: (...) \\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\\n"
data = data.replace("\\n", "\n")
r = _gpg().import_keys(data)
return r.count or False
def list_minions():
List the minions for which this master has keys.
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.list_minions
uids = [k['uids'][0] for k in _gpg().list_keys() if '__salt-master__' not in k['uids'][0]]
minions = [uid_re.findall(k)[0] for k in uids]
print 'minions:'
for m in minions:
print ' {0}'.format(m)
def distribute_keys(target='* ', match='glob'):
Distribute the master's public key to minions and import the minion's keys
into the master's keychain.
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.distribute_keys [target=target_expr [match=expr_form]]
A target expression. Default: '*'.
The expression form of 'target':
glob - Bash glob completion - Default
pcre - Perl style regular expression
list - Python list of hosts
grain - Match based on a grain comparison
grain_pcre - Grain comparison with a regex
pillar - Pillar data comparison
nodegroup - Match on nodegroup
range - Use a Range server for matching
compound - Pass a compound match string
Distribute keys between the master and the 'webserver' nodegroup:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-run gpg.distribute_keys target=webserver match-nodegroup
master_pub = _public_key()
client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__['conf_file'])
gpg = _gpg()
print 'Gathering minions\' public keys (this could take awhile).'
minion_keys = client.cmd(target, 'gpg.public_key', kwarg={'generate': True}, timeout=1200, expr_form=match)
print 'Importing minion keys:'
for minion, key in minion_keys.items():
if import_keys(key):
print ' {0}: ok'.format(minion)
print ' {0}: fail'.format(minion)
results = client.cmd(target, 'gpg.import_keys', [master_pub], timeout=90, expr_form=match)
print 'Distributing master key:'
for minion, count in results.items():
if count:
print ' {0}: ok'.format(minion)
print ' {0}: fail'.format(minion)
def encrypt(grain_id, data, target='*', match='glob'):
gpg = _gpg()
client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__['conf_file'])
minions = client.cmd(target, '', timeout=30, expr_form=match).keys()
for minion in minions:
r = gpg.encrypt(data, minion)
print r.ok
print r.stderr
r = client.cmd(minion, 'grains.setval', [grain_id,], timeout=30)
print r
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