The website is formatted with the docker-jekyll-asciidoctor docker image.
to run this locally "at home":
- install docker - see
- pull the image from dockerhub:
docker pull haberlerm/docker-jekyll-asciidoctor
- review and run the script in the toplevel directory of your website
- review the values in config_preview.yml which were generated by the first run
- run again, let it run to completion for the initial format of the whole site which can take 10-15mins
- stop with
and run it again, it will start with --incremental --skip-initial-build for quick startup since the _site directory already exists - point the browser to this server at
The script includes support for LiveReload - any change to an asciidoc should cause an automatic browser reload after a few seconds displaying the new content as soon as formatting finishes. There is no LiveReload browser plugin needed - the LiveReload support is rendedered into HTML if
to create a minimal new site for testing, run:
docker run --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -itv $(pwd):/work haberlerm/docker-jekyll-asciidoctor jekyll new /work/newsite
updated so it behaves more intelligently if _site exists: in that case, run jekyll with --incremental --skip-initial-build