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Created April 17, 2023 07:09
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Helpful methods to get information about fields and objects, including schema information by Kevin Antonioli -
This is by "Kevin Antonioli" publised on
* Author : Kevin Antonioli (
* Description : Utility class for parsing information about fields and field paths
* Created : 03.27.2023
* Revisions:
* Date : Name : Notes
public class FieldUtils {
// map to cache describes in for better performance:
private static Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> objApiNameToDescribeMap = new Map<String, Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>();
* @description: dynamically get the describe for a given object
* @param objApiName object api name to get the describe for
* @return describe the Schema.DescribeSObjectResult for the given object
public static Schema.DescribeSObjectResult getDynamicDescribe(
String objApiName
) {
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult describe = objApiNameToDescribeMap.get(
) == null
? ((SObject) Type.forName('Schema', objApiName).newInstance())
: objApiNameToDescribeMap.get(objApiName);
objApiNameToDescribeMap.put(objApiName, describe);
return describe;
* @description: given an SObject record, return a Schema.DescribeSObjectResult
* @param record SObject record to get the describe for
* @return describe the Schema.DescribeSObjectResult describe to return
public static Schema.DescribeSObjectResult getDynamicDescribe(
SObject record
) {
return getDynamicDescribe(String.valueOf(record.getSObjectType()));
* @description Given an SObject name, return a Schema.SObjectField field map.
* @param objApiName the name of the SObject in which to return a Schema.SObjectField field map for
* @return the Schema.SObjectField field map to return
public static Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> getFieldMap(
String objApiName
) {
return getDynamicDescribe(objApiName).fields.getMap();
* @description Given an SObject record, return a Schema.SObjectField field map.
* @param record SObject record to get the field map for
* @return the Schema.SObjectField field map to return
public static Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> getFieldMap(SObject record) {
return getDynamicDescribe(record).fields.getMap();
* @description: get picklist values for one of an object's picklist fields
* @param objApiName object api name
* @param fieldApiName picklist field api name
* @return options picklist values
public static List<String> getPicklistLabels(
String objApiName,
String fieldApiName
) {
List<String> picklistValues = new List<String>();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = getFieldMap(objApiName)
for (Schema.PicklistEntry plEntry : fieldResult.getPicklistValues()) {
return picklistValues;
* @description: get picklist values for one of an object's picklist fields
* @param objApiName object api name
* @param fieldApiName picklist field api name
* @return options picklist values
public static List<String> getPicklistValues(
String objApiName,
String fieldApiName
) {
List<String> picklistValues = new List<String>();
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = getFieldMap(objApiName)
for (Schema.PicklistEntry plEntry : fieldResult.getPicklistValues()) {
return picklistValues;
* @description -> Method to get properties of a field set.
* @usage example:
* List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldSetMemberList = readFieldSet('SBQQ__LineEditor','SBQQ__Quote__c');
* for(Schema.FieldSetMember fieldSetMemberObj : fieldSetMemberList) {
* system.debug('API Name ====>' + fieldSetMemberObj.getFieldPath()); //api name
* system.debug('Label ====>' + fieldSetMemberObj.getLabel());
* system.debug('Required ====>' + fieldSetMemberObj.getRequired());
* system.debug('DbRequired ====>' + fieldSetMemberObj.getDbRequired());
* system.debug('Type ====>' + fieldSetMemberObj.getType()); //type - STRING,PICKLIST
* }
* @param fieldSetName name of field set you wish to get the properties (ex: fields) for
* @param objApiName api name of object that field set resides on
* @return List<Schema.FieldSetMember -> field set properties to return.
public static List<Schema.FieldSetMember> readFieldSet(
String fieldSetName,
String objApiName
) {
return getDynamicDescribe(objApiName)
* @description: get list of field API names to query, given a Schema.FieldSetMember list:
* @param fieldSetName name of field set you wish to get the properties (ex: fields) for
* @param objApiName api name of object that field set resides on
* @return objApiName a list of field API names parsed from the field set parameter
public static List<String> getFieldSetFieldAPINames(
String fieldSetName,
String objApiName
) {
return getFieldSetFieldAPINames(readFieldSet(fieldSetName, objApiName));
* @description: get list of field API names to query, given a Schema.FieldSetMember list:
* @param fieldSetMemberList a Schema.FieldSetMember list in which to parse the field API names from
* @return fieldSetFieldAPINames a list of field API names parsed from the field set parameter
public static List<String> getFieldSetFieldAPINames(
List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldSetMemberList
) {
Set<String> fieldSetFieldAPINamesSet = new Set<String>();
for (Schema.FieldSetMember fieldSetMemberObj : fieldSetMemberList) {
List<String> fieldSetFieldAPINames = new List<String>(
return fieldSetFieldAPINames;
* @description: given an object api name and a field Api Name, determine if the field is createable
* @param objApiName object api name (ex: 'Account')
* @param fieldApiName field as string to check if it is createable (ex: 'Industry')
* @return Boolean whether or not the field is createable
public static Boolean isFieldCreateable(
String objApiName,
String fieldApiName
) {
return getFieldMap(objApiName)
* @description: given an object api name and a field Api Name, determine if the field is accessible
* @param objApiName object api name (ex: 'Account')
* @param fieldApiName field as string to check if it is accessible (ex: 'Industry')
* @return Boolean whether or not the field is accessible
public static Boolean isFieldAccessible(
String objApiName,
String fieldApiName
) {
return getFieldMap(objApiName)
* @description: given an object api name and a field Api Name, determine if the field is updateable
* @param objApiName object api name (ex: 'Account')
* @param fieldApiName field as string to check if it is updateable (ex: 'Industry')
* @return Boolean whether or not the field is updateable
public static Boolean isFieldUpdateable(
String objApiName,
String fieldApiName
) {
return getFieldMap(objApiName)
* @description: given an object api name and a field Api Name, determine the field type
* @param objApiName object api name (ex: 'Account')
* @param fieldApiName field as string to check if it is updateable (ex: 'Industry')
* @return String the field type (ex: 'PICKLIST')
public static String getFieldType(String objApiName, String fieldApiName) {
return String.valueOf(
* @description Get all fields for an sobject as a list - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @return allFields : of all fields for the object;
public static List<String> getAllFieldsForSobj(String objApiName) {
List<String> allFields = new List<String>(getFieldMap(objApiName).keySet());
return allFields;
* @description Get all fields for an sobject as a comma-delimited string - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @return String : comma delimited string of all fields for the object delimited by commas
public static String getAllFieldsForSObjAsStr(String objApiName) {
return String.join(getAllFieldsForSobj(objApiName), ', ');
* Method to return list of creatable fields for a given object.
* @param String objApiName
* @return List of creatable fields for a given SObject.
public static List<String> getCreatableFields(String objApiName) {
List<String> creatableFields = new List<String>();
for (Schema.SObjectField field : getFieldMap(objApiName).values()) {
// field is updateable
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDescribe = field.getDescribe(); // describe each field (fd)
if (fieldDescribe.isCreateable()) {
return creatableFields;
* Method to return list of accessible fields for a given object.
* @param String objApiName
* @return List of accessible fields for a given SObject.
public static List<String> getAccessibleFields(String objApiName) {
List<String> accessibleFields = new List<String>();
for (Schema.SObjectField field : getFieldMap(objApiName).values()) {
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDescribe = field.getDescribe(); // describe each field (fd)
if (fieldDescribe.isAccessible()) {
return accessibleFields;
* @description: get all updateable fields for an sobject as a list
* @param objApiName API name of SObject to get updateable fields for
* @return updateableFields List of updateable fields for a given SObject.
public static List<String> getUpdateableFields(String objApiName) {
List<String> updateableFields = new List<String>();
for (Schema.SObjectField field : getFieldMap(objApiName).values()) {
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDescribe = field.getDescribe(); // describe each field (fd)
if (fieldDescribe.isUpdateable()) {
return updateableFields;
* @description Get all creatable fields for an sobject as a comma-delimited string - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @return String : comma delimited string of all creatable fields for the object delimited by commas
public static String getAllCreatableFieldsAsStr(String objApiName) {
return String.join(getCreatableFields(objApiName), ', ');
* @description get all getAccessibleFields fields for an sobject as a comma-delimited string - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @return String : comma delimited string of all getAccessibleFields fields for the object delimited by commas
public static String getAllAccessibleFieldsAsStr(String objApiName) {
return String.join(getAccessibleFields(objApiName), ', ');
* @description get all updateable fields for an sobject as a comma-delimited string - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @return String : comma delimited string of all updateable fields for the object delimited by commas
public static String getAllUpdateableFieldsAsStr(String objApiName) {
return String.join(getUpdateableFields(objApiName), ', ');
* @description Get all fields for an sobject as a list, except those in the blacklist
* @param objApiName : the object name to get the fields for
* @param blackList : a list of fields to exclude
* @return List<String> : a list of all fields (except blacklist) for an SObject
public static List<String> getAllFieldsExceptBlacklist(
String objApiName,
List<String> blackList
) {
Set<string> fields = new Set<String>(getAllFieldsForSobj(objApiName));
for (String blackListedField : blackList) {
if (fields.contains(blackListedField)) {
} else if (fields.contains(blackListedField.toLowerCase())) {
return new List<String>(fields);
* @description Get all fields (except blacklist) for an sobject as a comma-delimited string - helpful for dynamic SOQL
* @param objApiName : the SOBbject name to get the fields for
* @param blackList : a list of fields to exclude
* @return String : comma delimited string of all fields for the SObject (except blacklist)
public static String getAllFieldsExceptBlacklistAsStr(
String objApiName,
List<String> blackList
) {
return String.join(
getAllFieldsExceptBlacklist(objApiName, blackList),
', '
* @description, for a given record and field path, parse the last sub object from the path
* For example: for an Contact record and Account.Owner.Name path, parse the User (Owner) record from the path
* @param record record to parse last sub object from
* @param fieldpath the field path to use in the parsing (ex: Account.Owner.Name)
public static SObject parseLastSubObjectFromPath(
SObject record,
String fieldPath
) {
SObject tempObj = record;
String objsOnly = fieldPath.substringBeforeLast('.');
for (String obj : objsOnly.split('\\.')) {
try {
tempObj = (SObject) tempObj.getSobject(obj);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return tempObj;
* @description: method to parse field values from field references, even if in dot notation (ex: Account.Owner.Name)
* @usage: if I have a queried Task record where I queried Account.Owner.Name from the Task,
* if I pass in the Task record and 'Contract.Account.Name', this method will return the value stored in the 'Name'.
* Useful for when SObjectRecord.get(field) falls short since it can't do SObjectRecord.get(relationshipField.Field)
* @param record : the record in which to parse the field reference from
* @param fieldPath : the field reference in which to parse. Ex: 'Account.Owner.Name' will get the Name field value parsed
* @return fieldVal : the String, Integer, Boolean, etc parsed value.
public static Object parseValueFromFieldPath(
SObject record,
String fieldPath
) {
SObject tempObj = record;
Object fieldVal;
try {
// If provided field is using dot notation, get nested object and field
if (!fieldPath.contains('.')) {
return record.get(fieldPath);
} else {
// ex: Account.Owner.Name, loop through Account.Owner
for (
String pathSegment : fieldPath.substringBeforeLast('.').split('\\.')
) {
// dynamically accommodate for when path contains multiple nested SObjects (ex: Account.Owner.Name)
tempObj = (SObject) tempObj.getSobject(pathSegment);
String fieldApiName = fieldPath.substringAfterLast('.');
fieldVal = tempObj.get(fieldApiName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return fieldVal;
* Author : Kevin Antonioli (
* Description : Provides test code coverage for FieldUtils.cls
* Created : 03.29.2023
* Revisions:
* Date : Name : Notes
private class FieldUtilsTest {
static void test_getDynamicDescribe() {
List<Account> accounts = createTestAccounts();
String accountNumberLabel2 = FieldUtils.getDynamicDescribe(accounts[0])
'Account Number',
'Expected accountNumberLabel2 to be "Account Number"'
String accountNumberLabel = FieldUtils.getDynamicDescribe('Account')
'Account Number',
'Expected accountNumberLabel to be "Account Number"'
static void test_getFieldMap() {
List<Account> accounts = createTestAccounts();
String accountNumberLabel = FieldUtils.getFieldMap(accounts[0])
'Account Number',
'Expected accountNumberLabel to be "Account Number"'
String accountNumberLabel2 = FieldUtils.getFieldMap('Account')
'Account Number',
'Expected accountNumberLabel2 to be "Account Number"'
static void test_parseValueFromFieldPath() {
List<Account> accounts = createTestAccounts();
List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>();
insert contactList;
Contact queriedContact = [
SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name
FROM Contact
WHERE Id = :contactList[0].Id
String accountName = (String) FieldUtils.parseValueFromFieldPath(
String contactName = (String) FieldUtils.parseValueFromFieldPath(
String blah = (String) FieldUtils.parseValueFromFieldPath(
'Expected accountName to be equal to the queried contact\'s account name'
'Expected contactName to be equal to the queried contact\'s name'
Assert.isNull(blah, 'Expected blah to be null');
static void test_parseLastSubObjectFromPath() {
List<Account> accounts = createTestAccounts();
accounts[0].OwnerId = UserInfo.getUserId();
update accounts;
List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>();
insert contactList;
Contact contact = [
SELECT Id, Account.Owner.Name
FROM Contact
WHERE Id IN :contactList
SObject obj = FieldUtils.parseLastSubObjectFromPath(
Assert.isTrue(obj instanceof User);
SObject obj2 = FieldUtils.parseLastSubObjectFromPath(
Assert.isNull(obj2, 'Expected obj2 to be null');
static void test_picklistMethods() {
FieldUtils.getPicklistLabels('Contact', 'LeadSource').contains('Web')
FieldUtils.getPicklistValues('Contact', 'LeadSource').contains('Web')
static void test_fieldSetMethods() {
try {
// cannot create field set in test class; this is the best we can do:
List<Schema.FieldSetMember> fieldSet = FieldUtils.readFieldSet(
} catch (exception e) {
e.getMessage().contains('Attempt to de-reference a null object')
try {
// cannot create field set in test class; this is the best we can do:
List<String> fieldApiNames = FieldUtils.getFieldSetFieldAPINames(
} catch (exception e) {
e.getMessage().contains('Attempt to de-reference a null object')
try {
// cannot create field set in test class; this is the best we can do:
List<String> fieldApiNames = FieldUtils.getFieldSetFieldAPINames(null);
} catch (exception e) {
e.getMessage().contains('Attempt to de-reference a null object')
static void test_fieldPermissionMethods() {
FieldUtils.isFieldUpdateable('Account', 'Industry'),
'Expected isFieldUpdateble to be true for Account Industry field'
FieldUtils.isFieldAccessible('Account', 'Industry'),
'Expected isFieldAccessible to be true for Account Industry field'
FieldUtils.isFieldCreateable('Account', 'Name'),
'Expected isFieldCreateable to be true for Account Name field'
FieldUtils.isFieldUpdateable('Account', 'CreatedDate'),
'Expected isFieldUpdateble to be false for Created Date field'
FieldUtils.isFieldAccessible('Account', 'CreatedDate'),
'Expected isFieldAccessible to be true for Created Date field'
FieldUtils.isFieldCreateable('Account', 'CreatedDate'),
'Expected isFieldCreateable to be false for Created Date field'
static void test_getFieldType() {
Assert.areEqual(FieldUtils.getFieldType('Account', 'Industry'), 'PICKLIST');
static void test_GetFieldsMethods() {
Assert.isTrue(FieldUtils.getAllFieldsForSobj('Account').size() > 0);
Assert.isTrue(FieldUtils.getAllFieldsForSObjAsStr('Account').length() > 0);
new List<String>{ 'Name' }
new List<String>{ 'Name' }
new List<String>{ 'Name' }
new List<String>{ 'Name' }
FieldUtils.getAllCreatableFieldsAsStr('Account').length() > 0,
'Expected the length of Account createable fields string to be greater than 0'
'Expected the Account createable fields string to contain "Name"'
'Expected the Account createable fields string to contain "CreatedById"'
FieldUtils.getAllUpdateableFieldsAsStr('Account').length() > 0,
'Expected the length of Account updateable fields string to be greater than 0'
'Expected the Account updateable fields string to contain "Name"'
'Expected the Account updateable fields string to contain "CreatedById"'
FieldUtils.getAllAccessibleFieldsAsStr('Account').length() > 0,
'Expected the length of Account accessible fields string to be greater than 0'
'Expected the Account accessible fields string to contain "Name"'
'Expected the Account accessible fields string to contain "CreatedById"'
private static List<Account> createTestAccounts() {
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
accounts.add(new Account(Name = '1'));
accounts.add(new Account(Name = '2'));
accounts.add(new Account(Name = '3'));
insert accounts;
return accounts;
private static Contact createTestContact(Account account) {
return new Contact(
FirstName = account.Name,
LastName =,
AccountId = account.Id
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