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Created July 11, 2023 22:39
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local wezterm = require("wezterm")
local home = "/Users/mitchell"
local icloud = string.format("%s/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs", home)
local src = string.format("%s/src", home)
local function isViProcess(pane)
-- get_foreground_process_name On Linux, macOS and Windows,
-- the process can be queried to determine this path. Other operating systems
-- (notably, FreeBSD and other unix systems) are not currently supported
return pane:get_foreground_process_name():find("n?vim") ~= nil
-- return pane:get_title():find("n?vim") ~= nil
local function conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, pane_direction, vim_direction)
if isViProcess(pane) then
window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SendKey { key = "w", mods = "CTRL" }, pane)
window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SendKey { key = vim_direction }, pane)
window:perform_action(wezterm.action.ActivatePaneDirection(pane_direction), pane)
wezterm.on("ActivatePaneDirection-right", function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, "Right", "l")
wezterm.on("ActivatePaneDirection-left", function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, "Left", "h")
wezterm.on("ActivatePaneDirection-up", function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, "Up", "k")
wezterm.on("ActivatePaneDirection-down", function(window, pane)
conditionalActivatePane(window, pane, "Down", "j")
wezterm.on("user-var-changed", function(window, pane, name, value)
if name == "WORKSPACE_CHANGED" and string.len(value) > 0 then
wezterm.log_info(name, value, "/Users/mitchell/src/" .. value)
local cwd
if value == ".dotfiles" then
cwd = "/Users/mitchell/.dotfiles"
elseif value == "notes" then
cwd = string.format("%s/%s", icloud, "notes/personal")
elseif value == "work-notes" then
cwd = string.format("%s/%s", icloud, "notes/work")
cwd = string.format("%s/%s", src, value)
wezterm.GLOBAL.last_open_workspace = window:active_workspace()
wezterm.action.SwitchToWorkspace {
name = value,
spawn = {
cwd = cwd,
wezterm.on("fzf-workspaces-open", function(window)
window:mux_window():spawn_tab {
args = { "/Users/mitchell/.bin/wezterm-workspace-fzf" },
wezterm.on("fzf-workspaces-switch", function(window)
window:mux_window():spawn_tab {
args = { "/Users/mitchell/.bin/wezterm-switch-workspace" },
set_environment_variables = {
FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = string.format("echo '%s'", table.concat(wezterm.mux.get_workspace_names(), "\n")),
return {
font = wezterm.font("JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono"),
font_size = 14.0,
color_scheme = "Kanagawa (Gogh)",
skip_close_confirmation_for_processes_named = { "" },
tab_bar_at_bottom = true,
leader = { key = "s", mods = "CTRL", timeout_milliseconds = 1000 },
keys = {
{ key = "y", mods = "LEADER|CTRL", action = wezterm.action { EmitEvent = "fzf-workspaces-open" } },
{ key = "j", mods = "LEADER|CTRL", action = wezterm.action { EmitEvent = "fzf-workspaces-switch" } },
key = "m",
mods = "LEADER|CTRL",
action = wezterm.action {
SpawnCommandInNewTab = {
args = { "lazygit" },
set_environment_variables = {
PATH = "/opt/homebrew/bin:" .. os.getenv("PATH"),
XDG_CONFIG_HOME = string.format("%s/%s", home, ".config"),
key = "h",
mods = "LEADER|CTRL",
action = wezterm.action {
SpawnCommandInNewTab = {
args = { "fzf-prs" },
set_environment_variables = {
PATH = string.format("%s/%s", home, ".bin:") .. "/opt/homebrew/bin:" .. os.getenv("PATH"),
key = "l",
mods = "LEADER|SHIFT",
action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, pane)
local last = wezterm.GLOBAL.last_open_workspace
wezterm.GLOBAL.last_open_workspace = window:active_workspace()
window:perform_action(wezterm.action.SwitchToWorkspace { name = last }, pane)
{ key = "c", mods = "LEADER", action = wezterm.action { SpawnTab = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
-- { key = "j", mods = "LEADER", action = wezterm.action { SpawnTab = { DomainName = "dotfiles" } } },
{ key = "l", mods = "LEADER", action = "ShowLauncher" },
{ key = "n", mods = "LEADER", action = wezterm.action { ActivateTabRelative = 1 } },
{ key = "p", mods = "LEADER", action = wezterm.action { ActivateTabRelative = -1 } },
key = "\\",
mods = "LEADER",
action = wezterm.action { SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
key = "-",
mods = "LEADER",
action = wezterm.action { SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } },
{ key = "x", mods = "LEADER", action = wezterm.action { CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = true } } },
{ key = "h", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.EmitEvent("ActivatePaneDirection-left") },
{ key = "j", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.EmitEvent("ActivatePaneDirection-down") },
{ key = "k", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.EmitEvent("ActivatePaneDirection-up") },
{ key = "l", mods = "CTRL", action = wezterm.action.EmitEvent("ActivatePaneDirection-right") },
{ key = "l", mods = "CMD", action = "ShowDebugOverlay" },
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