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Last active August 30, 2021 22:43
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Decoder for obfuscated php file. Usage: python file_path
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, sys
def substr(txt, start, offset) :
return txt[start:start+offset]
def strtr(txt, src, tgt) :
fr = '',
i = 0,
j = 0,
lenStr = 0,
lenFrom = 0,
tmpStrictForIn = False,
fromTypeStr = '',
toTypeStr = '',
istr = '';
tmpFrom = [];
tmpTo = [];
ret = '';
match = False;
# Compare src and tgt lengths
if len(src) > len(tgt) :
src = src[:len(tgt)]
elif len(tgt) > len(src) :
tgt = tgt[:len(src)]
else : pass
# Walk through subject and replace chars when needed
lenStr = len(txt);
lenFrom = len(src);
lenTgt = len(tgt); # Add tgt length
fromTypeStr = isinstance(src, str);
toTypeStr = isinstance(tgt, str);
for i in range(lenStr) :
match = False;
if (fromTypeStr) :
istr = txt[i];
for j in range(lenFrom) :
if (istr == src[j]) :
match = True;
else :
for j in range(lenFrom) :
if (substr(txt, i, len(src[j])) == src[j]) :
match = True;
# Fast forward
i = (i + len(src[j])) - 1;
if (match) :
if toTypeStr :
ret += tgt[j]
else :
ret += tgt[j]
else :
ret += txt[i];
return ret;
def read_file( path ) :
f = open(path,'r')
r =
result = {}
find = re.findall(r'\$\_X=\'(.+?)\';', r)
if len(find) == 0: return False
result['data'] = find[0].decode("base64")
find2 = re.findall(r'\$\_D\(\'(.+?)\'\)', r)
dec = find2[0].decode("base64")
dec = dec.replace("\n","\\n")
find3 = re.findall(r'\(\$_X\,\'(.+?)\'\,\'(.+?)\'\)', dec)
result['source'] = find3[0][0].replace("\\n","\n")
result['target'] = find3[0][1].replace("\\n","\n")
return result
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
file_path = sys.argv[1]
#file_name = file_path.split('/')[-1]
#file_dir = '/'.join( file_path.split('/')[:-1] ) + '/'
resource = read_file( file_path )
if resource != False:
src = strtr(resource['data'], resource['source'], resource['target'])
decoded_content = src[2:]
f = open(file_path,'w')
print "file decoded successfully"
print "file not encoded"
#print decoded_content
print "no argument"
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