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Created October 19, 2018 19:32
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Accessible submenus
* File submenu-toggle.js
* Allow submenus to be toggled by keyboard.
window.subMenuToggler = {};
( function( window, $, app ) {
// Constructor.
app.init = function() {
if ( app.meetsRequirements() ) {
// Cache all the things.
app.cache = function() {
app.$c = {
window: $( window ),
parentMenuItems: $( '.menu-item-has-children' )
// Combine all events.
app.bindEvents = function() {
app.$c.parentMenuItems.on( 'click keydown', 'a', app.handleToggle );
app.$c.parentMenuItems.on( 'mouseleave', app.classToggleLeave );
app.$c.parentMenuItems.on( 'mouseenter', app.classToggleEnter );
// Do we meet the requirements?
app.meetsRequirements = function() {
return app.$c.parentMenuItems.length;
// Toggling logic.
// - Toggle immediately if the href is simply #
// - Allow the second interaction to load the link
app.handleToggle = function( e ) {
// Bail if it is neither space or enter.
if ( 32 !== e.keyCode && 13 !== e.keyCode && 'keydown' === e.type ) {
const link = $( this ).attr( 'href' ),
hasClass = $( this ).hasClass( 'open-link' );
// If the link is just a hash, we can safely toggle the menu.
// Do the same thing if it does not have the class open-link.
if ( '#' === link || ! hasClass ) {
$( this ).parent().toggleClass( 'focus' );
// Make sure to mark legit links with a class to allow them to work on a second activation.
if ( '#' !== link ) {
$( this ).addClass( 'open-link' );
return false;
// Removes the focus class. Triggered on mouseleave, in case people mouse-click on links and then move on.
app.classToggleLeave = function() {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'focus' ) ) {
$( this ).removeClass( 'focus' ) ;
if ( $( this ).children( 'a' ).hasClass( 'open-link' ) ) {
$( this ).children( 'a' ).removeClass( 'open-link' );
// Add the open-link class when the mouse enters the link - this way, legit links will just work
// while the hover takes care of showing the submenu.
app.classToggleEnter = function() {
const $link = $( this ).children( 'a' );
if ( '#' !== $( $link[0] ).attr( 'href' ) ) {
$( $link[0] ).addClass( 'open-link' );
// Engage!
$( app.init );
}( window, jQuery, window.subMenuToggler ) );
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