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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Solution to the newest Reaktor FastTrack. Mathematically elegant, code-wise maybe not so :)
; A solution to the latest
; Calculates recursively the maximum path function
; S(i,j) = W(i,j) + max { S(i-1, j-1), S(i-1, j) }
; Solution to the problem is just finding
; M = max { S(N, i) }, 1 <= i <= N (using 1-based indexing)
; then prints out the solution from the given node as an HTML table.
(ns outrun.core
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))
;; Parses the file as a vector-of-vectors
;; returns [seed tree]
(defn- convert-line [line] (map #(Integer/parseInt %) (s/split line #"\s")))
(defn parse-tree [resource]
(let [contents (slurp resource)
lines (s/split contents #"\n")
seed (first (take 1 lines))
levels (drop 1 lines)]
[seed (map convert-line levels)]))
;; Calculates the maximum number of likes to the given entry in the matrix
;; Recurses upwards in the tree
(def S
(memoize (fn [m i j]
(if (and (<= 0 i (dec (count m)))
(<= 0 j (dec (count (nth m i)))))
(let [current (nth (nth m i) j)
left (S m (dec i) (dec j))
right (S m (dec i) j)]
(+ current (max left right)))
;; This finds the maximum number of likes from the given height.
;; To find the maximum likes in the leaf, use (count tree) as the parameter
(defn find-max-likes [tree n]
(if (> n 0)
(fn [a b]
(if (> (second b) (second a)) b a))
(map (fn [a b] [b (S tree (dec n) a)]) (range n) (range n)))
[0 (nth tree 0)]))
;; Print the route as HTML table
(defn highlight-route-from [stream tree i j]
(if-not (and (= i 0) (= j 0))
(let [height (count tree)
row (nth tree i)
current (nth row j)
left (S tree (dec i) (dec j))
right (S tree (dec i) j)
col-span (- height i)]
(>= left right) (highlight-route-from stream tree (dec i) (dec j))
:else (highlight-route-from stream tree (dec i) j))
(.write stream "<tr>")
(doseq [n (range (inc i))]
(.write stream "<td")
(when (= n j)
(.write stream " class=\"selected\""))
(when (= n 0)
(.write stream (str " colspan=\"" col-span "\"")))
(.write stream ">")
(.write stream (.toString (nth row n)))
; To see the S-value, uncomment this and comment previous line
; (.write stream (.toString (S tree n i)))
(.write stream "</td><td></td>"))
(.write stream "</tr>")
(.write stream (str "<tr><td colspan=\"" (- (count tree) i) "\" class=\"selected\">" (.toString (nth (nth tree 0) 0)) "</td></tr>"))))
; To construct solutions from the web page, just uncomment this and
; comment the fixed resource
; (let [resource ""
[resource "/Users/maharj/Downloads/tree.txt"
[seed tree] (parse-tree resource)
; Use the web page version for sanity test
; [seed tree] ["# seed: from web page" [[22 0 0 0] [14 81 0 0] [81 46 34 0] [83 59 94 9]]]
[like-index max-likes] (find-max-likes tree (count tree))]
(with-open [s ( "/tmp/outrun-tree.html")]
(.write s "<style>td { text-align: center; } tr :first-child { text-align: right; } h1,h2 { text-align: center !important; } td.selected { font-weight: bold; }</style>")
(.write s "<table>")
(.write s (str "<tr><td colspan=\"198\"><h1>" (.toString seed) "</h1>"))
(.write s (str "<h2>likes: " (.toString max-likes) "</h2></td></tr>"))
(highlight-route-from s tree (dec (count tree)) like-index)
(.write s "</table>") s))
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