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Last active June 16, 2023 21:37
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setup linux to reboot if the host loses access to hostname (not IP)


I no longer recommend the below method. For my updated recommendation, see this gist

Setup Linux to reboot if it loses access to a certain host by hostname (not IP)

The linux watchdog service can be configured to run certain 'liveness' tests periodically, and then take some action (such as reboot) if a test fails (and doesn't recover) for some period of time.

There is a built-in test for pinging an IP address (i.e. 'ping' directive), but you may instead need to test access to a hostname (e.g. and there is no guarantee that the name will always resolve to the same IP. Here we describe a way to specify a custom script for testing ping connectivity to a hostname, and how to plug this script into the linux watchdog(8) service.

Make sure watchdog service is installed and running

sudo apt install watchdog
systemctl status watchdog

Create default directory for watchdog test scripts

sudo mkdir /etc/watchdog.d

create a new script in the test scripts directory

sudo nano /etc/watchdog.d/

now paste the following contents into the file


readonly EUSERVALUE=246

ping -c3 -q $TARGET > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
    exit 0
    echo "failed to ping $TARGET";
    exit $EUSERVALUE

change the value of 'TARGET' to match your desired ping destination. Now make the script executable by root:

sudo chmod u+x /etc/watchdog.d/

Lastly, edit the watchdog config file and tune the values of 'interval' and 'retry-timeout' if desired. The 'interval' setting is how often (in seconds) to run the test script (suggestion: 120 or higher). The 'timeout' setting is how long (in second) to wait in a test-failing state before rebooting (suggestion: 1800).

sudo nano /etc/watchdog.conf

Once you're happy with the config settings, stop and start the service to activate the changes.

sudo systemctl stop watchdog
sudo systemctl start watchdog

Now the watchdog is running. You can check the status of the watchdog service with this command:

systemctl status watchdog

If you see that the service fails with the following error

This interval length (59) might reboot the system while the process sleeps! Try 59 or less

then you can add '--force' to the command line in the service file (/lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service) like this:

Description=watchdog daemon

ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '[ -z "${watchdog_module}" ] || [ "${watchdog_module}" = "none" ] || /sbin/modprobe $watchdog_module'
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ $run_watchdog != 1 ] || exec /usr/sbin/watchdog $watchdog_options --force'
ExecStopPost=/bin/sh -c '[ $run_wd_keepalive != 1 ] || false'


After making the above change, you'll need to run:

sudo systemctl stop watchdog
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start watchdog

You can get the whole log history from the watchdog service with:

journalctl -u watchdog

or you can just watch the end of the log as it grows by adding the -f (follow) parameter:

journalctl -u watchdog -f

You should test that the watchdog script is working by disconnecting a network cable (or otherwise disabling network connectivity). In the log file, you should see output similar to this to indicate a watchdog-triggered reboot:

Dec 29 11:17:04 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: test binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:17:24 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: test binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:17:44 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: test binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:18:04 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: test binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:18:24 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: test binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:18:44 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: Retry timed-out at 80 seconds for /etc/watchdog.d/
Dec 29 11:18:44 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: repair binary /etc/watchdog.d/ returned 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:18:44 miketinkerpi watchdog[633]: shutting down the system because of error 246 = 'user-reserved code'
Dec 29 11:18:44 miketinkerpi watchdog[975]: /usr/lib/sendmail does not exist or is not executable (errno = 2)
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