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Created November 18, 2017 13:23
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MFTM - AdminLoginCest.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<cest name="AdminLoginCest">
<features value="Admin Login"/>
<stories value="Login on the Admin Login page"/>
<test name="LoginAsAdmin">
<title value="You should be able to log into the Magento Admin backend."/>
<description value="You should be able to log into the Magento Admin backend."/>
<severity value="CRITICAL"/>
<testCaseId value="MAGETWO-71572"/>
<group value="example"/>
<group value="login"/>
<env value="chrome"/>
<env value="firefox"/>
<env value="phantomjs"/>
<env value="headless"/>
<!-- Navigate to login page -->
<amOnPage mergeKey="navigateToLoginPage" url="/{{_ENV.MAGENTO_BACKEND_NAME}}" />
<!-- fill username field -->
<fillField mergeKey="fillUsername" selector="{{AdminLoginFormSection.username}}" userInput="{{_ENV.MAGENTO_ADMIN_USERNAME}}" />
<!-- fill password field -->
<fillField mergeKey="fillPassword" selector="{{AdminLoginFormSection.password}}" userInput="{{_ENV.MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}" />
<!-- click submit button -->
<click mergeKey="clickSubmitButton" selector="{{AdminLoginFormSection.signIn}}" />
<!-- verify login success-->
<seeInCurrentUrl mergeKey="seeThatWeAreonTheDashboard" url="/{{_ENV.MAGENTO_BACKEND_NAME}}/dashboard" />
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