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Created January 5, 2011 15:43
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script to cache twitter timeline (modified from
function twitterCapture($type) {
// Set your username and password here
$user = 'rsc_ne_scotland'; // Twitter Username
if ($type == "json") $type .= "?callback=twitterCallback2&count=8";
$tw = curl_init("{$user}.$type"); //grabs the JSON format of your timelines
curl_setopt($tw,CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // Timeout (for when Twitter is down)
curl_setopt($tw,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // returns
$json = curl_exec ($tw); // Executes the cURL and puts it into the varible
return $json; // returns what was grabbed
function checkandWrite($type){
$cachefile = 'cache/JISCRSCScotNE.'.$type; // the location to your cache file
$cachetime = 10 * 60; // set the cach time 10 * 60 (1 hour)
// if the file exists // if and the time it was created is less then cache time
if ( (file_exists($cachefile)) && ( time() - $cachetime < filemtime($cachefile) ) ) {
// script will not use the cached version
}else{ // the file didn't exist or is old
ob_start(); // turn on the output buffering
$fp = fopen($cachefile, 'w'); // opens for writing only or will creat it's not there
fwrite($fp, twitterCapture($type)); // writes to the file what was grabbed from the previouse function
fclose($fp); // closes
ob_end_flush(); // finishes and flushes the output buffer
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