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Created February 5, 2015 10:45
drdrang ( counting-heads done in ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# See
# Eight people are sitting around a circular table. Each has a coin. They all
# flip their coins. What is the probability that no two adjacent people will
# get heads?
rounds = []
(0..255).each { |i|
num = i.to_s(2).rjust(8, '0')
if num.include?('11') or (num.start_with?('1') and num.end_with?('1'))
rounds << num
puts "Total Rounds with adjacent Heads #{rounds.size}"
puts "Total Rounds with no adjacent Heads #{256 - rounds.size}"
puts "Probablity that no adjacent Heads is #{(256 - rounds.size)/256.0}"
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