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Last active June 12, 2024 12:41
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Create/Update Azure SQL Server firewall rules using public IP
Param([string] $subscription)
switch ($subscription)
'dev' {$subscriptionId = 'xxx'}
'stg' {$subscriptionId = 'yyy'}
'prd' {$subscriptionId = 'zzz'}
if (!$subscriptionId) {
write-error 'Subscription not found'
} else {
Write-Host "Subscription used $($subscription) with Id: $($subscriptionId)"
$ip = (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").Content
write-host "Public Ip: $($ip)"
$list = az sql server list --query "[].{name:name, rg:resourceGroup}" --subscription $subscriptionId | convertfrom-json
foreach($server in $list) {
$exists = az sql server firewall-rule list -g $server.rg -s $ --subscription $subscriptionId --query "[?name == 'Mohamad Dbouk']" | convertfrom-json
if ($exists.length -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Updated - $($"
$result = az sql server firewall-rule update -g $server.rg -s $ -n "Mohamad Dbouk" --start-ip-address $ip --end-ip-address $ip --subscription $subscriptionId
} else {
Write-Host "Created - $($"
$result = az sql server firewall-rule create -g $server.rg -s $ -n "Mohamad Dbouk" --start-ip-address $ip --end-ip-address $ip --subscription $subscriptionId
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